My oh was admitted to hosp last night following a massive headache which has lasted for 5 days, im a nurse and to begin with i just thought it must of been a migraine brought on by his drinking sesh with the boys on fri night, but migraine medication hasnt worked and its been going on too long now.
They are sending him for a ct scan later today. to make matters worse his parents abroad on holiday, they are total panic merchants and would be home in a flash if they knew what was going on. they are due to phone tonight, i dont know what to do, do i answer the phone and just pretend he's out, tell them but say not to worry or just not answer the phone, but what happens if i dont and its the hospital.
some get well soon vibes would be much appreciated too
this probably doesnt make much sense, i've only had 2hrs sleep in the last 27hrs but just had to have a bit of a vent because no one else knows hes in hospital
it always astounds me how supportive everybody is on here when someone needs it, so thank you everyone!
well, thats me just back from the hospital the ct was done this afternoon and thank god was ok. they have done a lumbar puncture so just have to wait for the results of that. he seemed alot more comfortable as well.
inlaws haven't phoned yet, kinda hoping they dont. going to go for a quick shower and then into bed, feel like i could sleep for a week. feel much better now that the ct was clear fingers crossed everythings all good with the csf.
thanks again
He's home, still sore but it was nothing serious so im one very happy camper!
thanks again ladies!