Hi all! I'm new to this particular part of the site but have been over in Wedding Planning for a little while.
I'm after some moral guidance really; I ordered my H2B a tshirt for Christmas off the internet. After AGES it hadn't arrived so I got in touch with the website yesterday and they said they'd send a replacement out using express delivery and it arrived this morning. Great, problem solved I thought!
However have now just come to start wrapping some presents and I came across an unopened parcel; Hmm must be one of the DVDs I ordered thought I but no it's another tshirt! Now I have NO idea how this parcel came to be in my little pile of 'presents to wrap' which did include some parcels all opened but with items replaced into boxes so no-one would get a peek; whether I put it there in an end-of-term, pre-Christmas mind fog or if my FMIL was here when it arrived (she was letting the plumber in) and put it there for me, I really haven't the foggiest!
But what should I do now? If I let the website know will I be liable for the cost of posting it back do you think? What if I fibbed a little and say my neighbour has just brought it round not realising they'd had it all this time? Or I could be very un-Christmas like and just keep both and sell one on?
Any advice please?