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Bridget Gump

Introductions Thread

Bridget Gump, 17 April, 2009 at 15:48

Posted on Planning 62

There seems to be a lot of new users in the last week or so (Easter holidays?) so it’s probably about time we had an introductions thread.. I’ll start Name – Sarah-Kay Age - 25 Live/From – Essex/Essex Job – Claims adjuster, insurance Wedding date – 05/09/09 How met h2b – first met him when he was...

There seems to be a lot of new users in the last week or so (Easter holidays?) so it’s probably about time we had an introductions thread.. I’ll start

Name – Sarah-Kay

Age - 25

Live/From – Essex/Essex

Job – Claims adjuster, insurance

Wedding date – 05/09/09

How met h2b – first met him when he was introduced to me as my best friend’s boyfriend (best friend has since emigrated but is my MOH!) over 6 years ago

Proposal – On new years 08/09 which is also my birthday and our anniversary on a boat on the Thames.. I thought we were going out for a dinner/sance with his uni friends.

Hobbies – horse-riding (eventing when I have a horse)

Something interesting about yourself – I once got to the final auditions of blind date.

62 replies

  • bethanw
    Beginner May 2010
    bethanw ·
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    Name - Bethan

    Age - 30

    Live/From - Cheshunt/Enfield

    Job - Property Manager for a managing agent

    Wedding date - 28th May 2010

    How we met - He played football with my ex

    Proposal - In our kitchen on Christmas Eve

    Hobbies - Surfing the net and baking

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  • kelly29
    Beginner May 2009
    kelly29 ·
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    My name's Kelly and I'm an alcoholic...

    Not that kind of introduction? - OK...

    Name: Kelly

    Age: 30 (31 on the day before the wedding though)

    Live/From: Ipswich / Ilford

    Job: IT Project Management

    Wedding date: 2nd May 2009

    How we met: Introduced by mutual friend (who we have thanked / punished by getting them to do a reading)

    Proposal: In the kitchen on 29th Feb 08 (4 years since our first date) while I was cooking a chilli. (He asked, not me)

    Hobbies: Nope, can't think of one.

    Interesting fact: I can get my fist in my mouth.

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  • W
    Wicket ·
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    Name - Marie

    Age - 26

    Live/From - Colchester, Essex

    Job - Teacher

    Wedding date - 6th April 2010

    How we met - Down the beach in our teens

    Proposal - In the middle of the street whilst raining - Oct 2003

    Hobbies - Gardening, reading, surfing the net, playing computer games, making things.

    Interesting Fact - I was interviewed on Newsround when I was 13

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  • Mrs G x
    Beginner September 2009
    Mrs G x ·
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    Name - Hannah

    Age - 25

    Live/From - Sheffield

    Job - Hairdresser

    Wedding date - 26th september 09

    How we met - in the pub through friends

    Proposal - i found my ring in a kinder egg

    Hobbies - shopping,cooking, surfing the net.

    Interesting Fact - erm i cant think of owt!!!!

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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    Name - Teehee/Nona

    Age - 34

    Live/From - scotland

    Job - Teacher of Drama in the Primary school

    Wedding date - 18 july 09

    How we met - Yahoo dating - after a week.

    Proposal - Christmas day 2007

    Hobbies - Singing, the internet, reading

    Interesting Fact - ive used them all up on these sort of threads....

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  • cheska
    Beginner May 2009
    cheska ·
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    Hi to all the newbs, there is loads today

    Here is me

    Name – cheska

    Age - 31

    Live/From – Cheshire/North Scotland

    Job – IT geek

    Wedding date – 16/05/09 - 4 weeks tomorrow!!!

    How met h2b – we met at work he is also an IT geek. We knew each other for about a year before getting together - we met in town one night and my friend said to him she fancies you. the rest is history

    Proposal – outside starbucks at Navy Pier in Chicago. He had bought the ring in NY when we were there for my b'day and had kept it hidden for a month before giving up on getting me on my own (we were working away with 10 others) and handed it to me over coffee.

    Hobbies – eating, drinking, being merry,

    Something interesting about yourself – couldn't think of anything so asked OH what he thought 'you have nice boobs' was the reply!

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    Name – Dani

    Age - 23

    Live/From – Tamworth

    Job – Full time mum

    Wedding date – 8th May 2010

    How met h2b – Dating direct. Had recently split with fiance, and the lovely ladies on hitched suggested a few dating sites they had found their partners on. Met H2B on the last day of my free trial. Turned out he only lived a 5 min walk away, and his best friend is the son of my old babysitter. Small world!!!

    Proposal – Had a HUGE talk about out relationship, what we both wanted etc, then came a proposal. Totally not expected, wasn't even thinking about getting hitched. (btw, i proposed to him, after a bottle of wine, he had to ask me the next day to see if i remembered) So, not romantic. But when we got my ring, he didn't tell me it had arrived, and suprised me by getting down on one knee. Think i stole his thunder by asking him, so he wanted to regain a bit of his masculinity, lol

    Hobbies – I don't really have hobbies, apart from the odd bit of drawing/painting.

    Something interesting about yourself - i have 8mm flesh tunnels, which i often put biros through when im bored, and then usually forget so end up going out with a pen sticking through my ear lobe ?. OK, so not really interesting, but odd.

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  • Tina Teaspoon
    Beginner May 2011
    Tina Teaspoon ·
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    Name - Tina Teaspoon/ Mel

    Age - 26

    Live/From - Live in Newcastle upon Tyne but originally from Leeds

    Job - Museum education officer

    Wedding date - No date yet but hopefully May 2011-ish

    How we met - At uni in 2001, he was a friend of a friend. We were introduced but hardly ever saw each other, until after about 8 months, when we were in the same club one night, chatted, then the next day he asked me out for a drink.

    Proposal - February this year, he surprised me by booking a night in a hotel, and then surprised me even further by proposing!

    Hobbies - Reading, shopping, attempting to do craft-type things, with varying degrees of success.

    Interesting Fact - Hmm difficult one! I used to work at Thormtons on Sundays when I was at school and got to try all the new chocolates, I still miss that job now ha ha!

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  • Cheekyleeky
    Beginner August 2009
    Cheekyleeky ·
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    Name - rhian

    Age - 30

    Live/from - live in blyth, northumberland but originally from south wales.

    Job - work in a bank

    Wedding date 15th Aug 09

    How we met - through an internet dating agency that i signed up to for a giggle. 3 and a half years and moving 400 miles later, here I am.

    Proposal - we went shopping for a ER then he surprised me one evening by getting down on one knee in our lounge. Not the most romantic but nice.

    Hobbies - Shopping, films, listening to music and meeting up with friends

    Interesting fact - hhhmmm this is a hard one, I've done a flying bungee jump, which was really scary!!

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  • futuremrspurewal
    Beginner April 2010
    futuremrspurewal ·
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    Name - Emma Louise

    Age - 23

    Live - Norwich

    Job - norfolk constabulary central ticket office (admin)

    wedding date - 24th april 2010

    How met h2b - uni! lived in the same dorm - handy!

    proposal - very romantic, at home over dinner, candles, flowers, champagne, music - the works!

    hobbies - dancing, activities with our 2 yr old son

    something interesting about yourself - i kissed simon from blue when he did djing at my uni after i was in a dance competition he judged - we won!!

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  • babyw
    babyw ·
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    Another Old Married joining in.

    Name – Louise

    Age - 31

    Live/From – Paisley Scotland

    Job – Design & Technology Secondary school teacher ( Got a degree in Product Design - ohh la la look where I ended up?)

    Wedding date – 12/07/03

    How met h2b – Nightclub

    Proposal – 11/11/00 at the Hilton Hotel

    Hobbies – Dancing and all my crafts

    Something interesting about yourself – I was still tap dancing at 8 months pregnant.

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  • twf
    Beginner August 2009
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    Name - Sian

    Age - 28

    Live/From - Kent, Also just round the corner from Bluewater,

    Job - Certification Assistant

    Wedding - 22/08/2009 - panicking a LOT now!

    Met H2B - In hotel lobby, was meant to be going away with my ex, got dumped, dragged a friend along and met H2B on the first night, was quite indifferent to him and according to him looked moody and interesting so he decided to pursue lol

    Proposal - hmm well he did say christmas day 2007 o i never got what you really wanted for christmas, but I will buy you an engagement ring soon, v romantic, then on 1st Feb 2008 he got down on one knee in our hallway. Was romantic in our own way I guess!

    Hobbies - Have got 2 horses, I do share them with my sis but she has not long had a baby so Im taking full animal control at the mo

    Something interesting - pah, nothing, am dullity dull I am afraid

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  • B
    Beginner January 2007
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    Name - Bambibride

    Age - 26

    Live - currently in NZ

    Wedding date - late 2010 (really should get round to setting a date...)

    How we met - uni

    Proposal - at sunset on a beach in Fiji

    Hobbies - pretty much anything which involves being outside

    Something interesting - I can cross my toes (not hugely exciting I know, but the best I can think of!)

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  • nicky167
    Beginner September 2009
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    Hi futuremrspurewal. I'm a Norwich gal too!!!

    Name - Nicola

    Age - 26

    Live - Norwich

    Job - Dental Surgery Assistant

    wedding date - 5th Sept 2009

    How met h2b - Went out for about a month with one of OH's colleagues, we split. Bumped into OH in town & went for a coffee. The rest as they say is history!!!

    proposal - Trevi Fountain in Rome

    hobbies - Reading, hitching, watching films

    something interesting about yourself - If I think of anything I'll add it in.

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  • ooh la la
    Beginner August 2013
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    I shall probably do the same thing! I don't think I could handle the competitiveness, working in design. I'd let other people go first! Also, I want babies and I've been told it's a difficult career for family orientated women!

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  • ashmegdj
    Beginner August 2009
    ashmegdj ·
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    Hello ?

    Name - Jo

    Age - 28

    Live - St Ives, Cambridgeshire

    Job - Retail/nursery/mum

    Wedding date - 8th August 2009 (ages yet......!!)

    How met h2b - outside a pub in 1997

    Proposal - more of a discussion

    Hobbies - seeing my friends, laughing lots and spending time with my kids......when they're being good

    Something interesting about myself - I always hate this question!! Ummm.....I can get the bottom of a pint glass in my mouth?! Is that interesting? Not really.


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  • Weather Girl
    Beginner October 2009
    Weather Girl ·
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    Name - December1984

    Age - 24

    Live/From - Peterborough

    Job - Payroll Manager

    Wedding Date - 2nd October 2009

    How we met - at work in 2003. He asked me out so many times but I always said no. To cut a long story short we eventually went on a date and we've pretty much been inseparable ever since!

    Proposal - in our living room the day after my birthday last year. He'd cooked me a birthday meal and had spent the afternoon pampering me and then surprised me at the table after we'd eaten. I was so shocked I couldn't speak.

    Hobbies - I like to read but don't seem to have the time to switch off enough to concentrate.

    Something interesting - I was once hypnotised to help a food phobia I have, which has actually worked to some extent!

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  • Sandysounds
    Sandysounds ·
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    I moved from Peterborough to Northern Ireland in February this year. Where are you getting married?

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  • delvesje
    Super November 2010
    delvesje ·
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    Name . Jeanette

    Age. 50+

    Job . Healthcare Assistant

    Wedding Date . 7th May 2010

    How we met . Dating Direct, went on one date, haven't been apart since.

    Proposal . Took me out for dinner to our favorite pub, got down on one knee and produced the ring and a magnum of champagne.

    Hobbies . Reading, Gardening, spending time with friends and family, especially my 3 soon to be 4 grandchildren.

    Something Interesting. I have walked 100 miles of the Great Wall of China for Age Concern

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    Name: Rachel

    Age: 24

    Job: Accountant

    Wedding Date: 08/08/10

    How We Met: my H2B was my IT teacher in sixth form... The day I met him I told my mum I'd met the man I was going to marry. 3 years later we got together! (Can I just make it clear, although I had a really embarrassing school girl crush on him, nothing happened whilst he still worked there!! ? I know what you're all thinking!)

    Proposal: At a hotel on Valentine's Day 09. He didn't actually asked me (he said "I'd like to ask you to marry me" to which I replied "of course!" soI made him ask me again properly!)

    Hobbies: Reading, looking after my animals

    Something Interesting: I was once on the Saturday morning TV show "live and Kicking" dressed as a monkey nut. It was 14 years ago and I volunteered to do it as part of a competition thing they had on

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    Name: Rachel

    Age: 24

    Job: Accountant

    Wedding Date: 08/08/10

    How We Met: my H2B was my IT teacher in sixth form... The day I met him I told my mum I'd met the man I was going to marry. 3 years later we got together and 4 years after that he proposed! (Can I just make it clear, although I had a really embarrassing school girl crush on him, nothing happened whilst he still worked there!! ? I know what you're all thinking!)

    Proposal: At a hotel on Valentine's Day 09. He didn't actually ask me (he said "I'd like to ask you to marry me" to which I replied "of course!" so I made him ask me again properly!). The whole story of the proposal is actually quite funny. It involves having our hotel evacuated and coming back to the room to find 3 firemen there. unfortunately, they weren't strippers... Nor were the policemen we had turn up at the engagement party... Am dreading the wedding for fear of there being an ambulance to complete the set.

    Hobbies: Reading, looking after my animals

    Something Interesting: I was once on the Saturday morning TV show "live and Kicking" dressed as a monkey nut. It was 14 years ago and I volunteered to do it as part of a competition thing they had on

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  • bec84
    bec84 ·
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    Name – Bec

    Age - 24

    Live/From – Warrington / Teesside

    Job – Risk Manager

    Wedding date – 10/09/2009

    How met h2b – Used to work together

    Proposal – 1/3/2008 - No big suprise, we'd discussed it loads beforehand. Was not quite on one knee, but in Bed and with my ring presented in a little radley bag!

    Hobbies – Shopping, Playing Wii and Hitched/Facebook!

    Something interesting about yourself – I once sang at the Royal Albert Hall!

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  • Weather Girl
    Beginner October 2009
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    Orton Hall - I'm sure you've heard of it lol.

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  • S
    Beginner September 2010
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    Name - Leanne

    Age - 29

    Live/From - Wirral

    Job - Passenger Supervisor

    Wedding Date - 02/09/2010

    How we met - At Work

    Proposal - Christmas day at a cottage in the Lake District

    Hobbies - Internet, shopping, going out

    Something interesting about myself - I can't think of anything, is that bad?


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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
    MrsMcB2B ·
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    Glad to see there are a few 30+ brides on here aswell as me!

    Name - Liz

    Age - 31 (turn 32 the day after our wedding)

    Live/From - Live in Glasgow, brought up in Essex but born in Glasgow

    Job - Sales Manager for Childrenswear and Fashion Accessories for a department store

    Wedding date - 01/11/2009

    How met H2B - he is a friend of an ex-boyfriend ?

    Proposal - he said at my step-brother's wedding "what if that was us at the top table?" I said "fancy it?" He danced about the place singing "you jsut asked me to marry you!" Proper proposal - in bed (blush!) about 7 months later, got my ring in February and prompty joined here!

    Hobbies - not been out running for a while but done 4 10ks and one half marathon, reading, movies, dancing and drinking too much wine!

    Something interesting about me - used to work in Harrods and regularly served 'Geoffrey the butler' from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

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  • MrsShepherdtobe
    Beginner April 2010
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    Name - Leanne

    Age - 29

    Live/From - Glasgow

    Job - Benefits Administrator

    Wedding date - After a nightmare of trying to keep everyone happy 17.04.10

    How met H2B - seen a photo of him in a friends house who was also friend of his sister when i was 13 totally fancied him and ended up getting together with him 4 years later.

    Proposal - 21.01.00 after birth of our first child not really romantic joint decision lol x

    Hobbies - Spending time with H2B and 3 gorg boys Callum 9, Kyle 5 and Cameron 21 months. Going dancing and drinking too much wine with my friends.

    Something interesting about me - ? Hard one need to ask one of my friends that ?

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  • Saracroft251
    Beginner August 2010
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    Name SaraCroft = Sara ( Sounds like Cara or Tara NOT Sarah!)

    Age - 22

    Live/From Hayling Island /Wallington Surrey

    Job If I told you that I would have to kill you! ( I work for the military communication sector)

    Wedding date 14th August 2010

    How we met - At work, he is an IT bod and he came to my desk to fix my Computer (Nov 06) and he literally took my breath away, we were both in relationships but finally got together in Apr 07

    Proposal - I accidentally discovered he was going to propose and freaked out and told him not to do it (what a silly cow) then a week or so later we talked about it again and decided to get married. I told him it couldnt be official till he had asked my dad , poor guy. So we finally made it official this time last year at my Nans after he had been interrogated by my father!

    Hobbies- Hitching, going to the gym and eating chocolate!

    Something interesting about me - er cant think of anything exciting for this thread - just asked H2B and he says "your sense of humour"


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  • wardy2b
    Beginner July 2010
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    Name - Carla

    Age- 22

    Live/From - Dagenham(essex) /Plaistow(london)

    Job- Care Support Worker

    Wedding Date - (hopefully) 24.07.2010

    How I met h2b- at school

    Proposal- Had a romantic dinner, then went to the beach he got on bended knee and there was fireworks ? I wish he said: "we getting married nxt yr?" i said "yh ok" and started plannng.

    Hobbies - trying things- cake making, knitting etc

    Something interseting about me- Im a cub scout leader

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  • L
    Beginner April 2010
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    Name: Megan

    Age: 27

    Live/From: Norfolk born in Hong Kong

    Job: Stay at home Mum of 2

    Wedding date - 3/4/2010

    How I met H2B: Down the local pub we both new other people but not each other

    Proposal: On christmas day 2009 in front of my parents. He waited till 11:30am so was a bag of nerves by the time he came to do it so forgot to get down on one knee

    Hobbies: Scrap book making, cooking, gardening

    Something interseting about me: Was born in Hong Kong and lived there for 12 years but can't speak the lanuage

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  • Blackkat
    Beginner July 2008
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    Name: Kat

    Age: 30 (31 tomorrow!!)

    Live/From: Currently live in Bristol but was born in Norwich which is where we're getting married.

    Job: Infant Teacher

    Wedding date: 31/07/2010

    How I met H2B: Our friends set us up on a blind date. Thought he was nice but too quiet & shy for me. Saw him a couple of times with my friends then 6 months later bumped into him with my friends & sparks were flying!

    Proposal: 16/3/09 We'd had a really nice weekend with family & he asked me whilst we were in bed. Apparently he'll get down on one knee when we get th ering.

    Hobbies: Going the cinema

    Something interesting about me: I've run 2 marathons but am probably at my most unfit right now. Least I've got awhile now to get back into shape.

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  • A
    Beginner July 2010
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    Name: Ally

    Age: 24

    Live/From: Live in Nottingham now, from Manchester originally

    Job: Secondary school teacher

    Wedding date: 24/07/10

    How I met H2B: At school. Didn't actually know him that well at school, got to know him a bit in the last year, and somehow we ended up going out just after we left sixth form, shortly before going away to uni at opposite end of the country. Never thought after going out for 2 months that we'd survive 4 years long distance, but we did, and here we are 6 years later!

    Proposal: We'd talked about it a bit, so I knew it was't far off. Kept expecting him to do it on 'special' dates, trips away etc but he wanted it to be as much of a surprise as possible so did it one random evening and sprung it on me when I got home from work one night in January, having cooked a lovely meal, put candles everywhere etc.

    Hobbies: Cooking, going to the gym, random days out with H2B etc

    Something interesting about me: Struggling to think of something for this one, maybe that I can speak 3 languages

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