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Beginner October 2011

Issues with invitations. What would you do?

SoontobeMrsB, 9 June, 2011 at 17:41 Posted on Planning 0 16

I've received my invitations (squeeeee) but there are a few issues with them and would just like your opinions on what I should do.

I told the invitation lady what I'd like and the sample she sent me was great. I gave her the final wording and a copy of our guest list and got a proof. There were a couple of minor tweaks (text size, font etc) and she said she'd send me another proof. I never got the final proof.

This morning I got my invitations and whilst I love them, the postcode for our RSVP address has been missed off. I emailed the lady to thank her and pointed out the postcode problem and she replied that she thought it was more important to have the RSVP text slightly larger so it was easier to read.

I thought this should really have been my decision to make and I would have asked her to keep the postcode in if she'd sent me the final proof as promised. However, conscious of not wanting to turn into a Bridezilla (there's still a long way to go for that), I though "Well, I'll just include it in the extra information somehow."

I'm back home now and have just looked through the invitations with OH:

All of the top right corners on the evening invitations are bent as the packaging obviously can't have been that great.

The placing of the ribbon on the invitations is different on most of them which means that it's almost covering some of the text on some (although people are only going to have one invitation so obviously won't be comparing)

One of the diamantes is missing off the first invitation.

Some of the cards are different sizes (again, people won't be able to compare so probably not a major issue).

I'd probably just try and flatten the corners out and hope for the best but OH is fuming and he NEVER gets worked up about this sort of thing.

What would you do??

16 replies

Latest activity by (Claire), 10 June, 2011 at 13:29
  • fizzypop
    Beginner July 2011
    fizzypop ·
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    Contact her and politely tell her of your concerns, you are paying for her service after all. And maybe suggest that you'd like the postcode where it was in the first place?

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  • SoontobeMrsB
    Beginner October 2011
    SoontobeMrsB ·
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    Forgot to mention that the lady is actually getting married herself at the weekend and so won't be around for a while so I doubt there'll be time to re-make before we plan to send them out.

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  • fizzypop
    Beginner July 2011
    fizzypop ·
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    Oh, in that case, you may have to just accept them as they are? Sorry, it's a shame they're not exactly right.

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  • 3d jewellery
    3d jewellery ·
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    I would have thought the post code was an important part of the return address and not an option to be left off. All the other things will obviously niggle at you too.I would let your OH contact her as he is also unhappy and say I know that you have spoken to my partner but I really not happy that we didn't get a final proof yet you have sent out invitations that we aren't happy with. can they be remade in the timescale or is she prepared to offer a reduction in price.

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  • S
    Beginner June 2012
    soon-to-be-Mrs-King ·
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    How I see it is you paid for a service and you are not fully happy with it therefore you have the right to request that she corrects the things that are wrong. I

    would not be happy that my post code was missing or the fact that all of my evening invitiations were bent in the corner. If you were purchasing them from a shop you would return them if you found them to be faulty, so whats the difference?

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    If you have paid for these and not received what you signed of then you should tell her and see what options she comes up with for fixing the problems. As you said, some of them are differences between the invites that when seen singularly would not notice but I think cutting off the postcode without asking is a pretty big deal!!

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  • H
    Beginner October 2011
    Hayse-08/10/11 ·
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    That's a real shame. I would contact her and explain your concerns. I think the postcode on a RSVP address is fundamental myself so you're not being bridezilla. Ask her to either do them again or offer a refund- that way you are leaving it to her to decide whether she has the time. If she offers a refund, do you have enough time to get them done else where? Remember you are paying for a service and what she delivered isn't to your satisfaction. Good luck

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  • Inspire Me Designs
    Inspire Me Designs ·
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    That's not good news. I would certainly approach her and say thaty ou arent happy with the quality. You paid for a service you never got and that you expect a discount so that you can go somewhere else so that you can get the issue rectified. Especially if you asked her to make changes and she thought better of it!!!

    I hope you get it sorted.


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  • millie&me
    Beginner October 2016
    millie&me ·
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    Can I ask if you signed off proofs - when I say that, I mean wither PHYSICALLY signed them off or emailed to say 'yes I'm happy with the changes...please proceed?'

    Without wishing to create issues for you, it sounds pretty poor service to me.

    If they are damaged (because of inadequate packaging) they should be refunded/replaced.

    If they are NOT as shown in your original proofs - eg: ribbon is not placed the same, things missing, different sizes - then they should be refunded/replaced.

    Have you read the stationery companies terms and conditions?

    If she didn't supply a final proof once you had specifically requested on (on email or in writing) then she had no right to proceed with your order without you first being 100% happy with the product.

    Have you paid in full?

    Nicky x

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  • SoontobeMrsB
    Beginner October 2011
    SoontobeMrsB ·
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    I booked in writing and signed for amount and price etc. but everything else was done via. email. I emailed to say that I was happy with the wording and layout subject to certain things being in a certain font and certain text a point or 2 bigger. She then said that was fine & would send me another proof just to make sure I was happy before she went ahead but I never got that final proof.

    The thing is it's a one lady company who's business is relatively new and so she did them for a good price for us. And she's a really lovely lady and is getting married herself this weekend. I've worked in complaints for the last 5 years and I hate complaining :-(. I think I'll have to get OH to do it as I'm probably a bit of a soft touch and would just put up & shut up.

    Yes, we've already paid in full.

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  • millie&me
    Beginner October 2016
    millie&me ·
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    Sorry, she's COMPLETELY in the wrong and you can and should demand a refund or replacement. The fact that she is very nice and getting married is completely irrelevant. You accepted the original proof subject to seeing another set prior to production, which you did not get.

    You are not being the least bit bridezilla-ish, you have ordered and paid for something you haven't received! It sounds like she has rushed to get them done and you have ended up with sub-standard work.

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    I work in a university, and the mail room don't even send out post unless it has a postcode, so you need to have one or you run the risk of your invites going missing.

    I hope you get it sorted.


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  • SoontobeMrsB
    Beginner October 2011
    SoontobeMrsB ·
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    Well OH emailed yesterday evening and received a hugely apologetic email back and she accepted complete responsibility. She offered to made a complete new batch of invitations as soon as she's back from honeymoon.

    We felt pretty awful and replied to say that if she could re-make the damaged evening ones and include the postcode, that would be great. The day invites though aren't damaged and we can work around the postcode issue by including it in our additional information (and hope that people read it). We're leaving 8 weeks between RSVP deadline and the actual day so should be plenty time to chase up any potentially lost replies.

    Thanks for all of your replies ladies, nice to know that we weren't totally overreacting.

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  • Red Baroness
    Beginner July 2012
    Red Baroness ·
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    It just isn't good enough. She should redo the whole lot and make sure they are perfect. Sounds like she rushed it to me, what with her upcoming wedding and honeymoon. It is completely unprofessional. You've paid for a service and it hasn't been delivered.

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
    (Claire) ·
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    I know where you are coming from because I'm a soft touch myself but since planning my wedding I have developed quite a thick layer of skin, and you have to. If she is as lovely as you say she is then she should accept that you are not happy and offer to do them again to the standard you want and are paying for, a second proof should have been sent, I went back and forth between my supplier of invites I tweaked allot of stuff and every time a new proof was sent - It isn’t good enough and you are well within your rights to ask for her to do them again at no extra charge.

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