So last Friday I went to meet an old friend of mine for a drink. This friend and I met online (on a music forum) in 2005, many years before my H2B and I were a thing. We live at opposite ends of the country, but met up in person maybe a few months after getting in contact online, and had a pretty passionate affair. This went on intermittently for a few years, and ended in I think 2010 when he met his girlfriend, who is now his wife. We've seen each other one more time since, in 2012, when we spent an afternoon having coffee and chatting and nothing more. My H2B knows all this and I've never tried to keep any of it from him.
Last Fri he was here for a gig and was with two other guys from the same forum. We met in a bar next-door-but-one from my flat and were there for about an hour and a half before they went to the gig. I then went home. My H2B knew we were meeting and had been invited along but declined. I asked him seriously if he trusts me and he said yes, and I emphasised many times that me and the guy are just good mates now.
When I got back H2B was in a massive sulk. I reported back on the events, which were partly the guys asking me about H2B and about the wedding plans, and partly talking about music. (A serious debate on how Appetite For Destruction didn't fit on one side of a 90min tape and which track you would miss off if forced. Yes we are all old.) Then when we were in bed the guy texted me and said they were in a club that they'd been discussing going to (it's a terrible club). Because H2B was in a horrible mood and I didn't want to upset him further, I lied and said it was a notification not a text.
Obviously he could see it was a text, all hell broke loose and he was in a massive strop all the rest of the night and the next morning. He went into the lounge and only came back when I had a panic attack in the bathroom. I do realise lying was a stupid thing to do and I was at fault, but I couldn't help feeling his childish sulking had goaded me into it somewhat. He's better now, but he went into another sulk this morning when a new assistant in Starbucks was trying to flirt with me. (I was having none of it; I'm monosyllabic before coffee.)
Anyway. The upshot of all this: jealousy. Does it occur in your relationship? How do you handle it? Does it come between you?