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Beginner June 2015

June 2015 Brides

MrsHD2015, 13 December, 2013 at 15:08 Posted on Planning 0 748

Hi all

My OH and I are getting married on 20th June 2015. We are having a church ceremony at 1.30pm followed by our reception at a golf club with a sit down 3 course meal and evening buffet later! we have 50 daytime and 100 evening guests roughly and will be having a DJ for evening entertainment! Our colour scheme is shades of coral and peach! For centre pieces we are having square vases with pebbles and floating candles!

I think I will probably have an A line gown with veil, tiara and my hair down and wavy! I am hoping to have coral roses for my bouquet and other flowers. I have 5 bridesmaids and hopefully they will be wearing knee length summer dresses in coral or peach!

Not sure about cars yet, might just borrow a friend's or hire a posh taxi lol

Sorry for the information overload but I love hearing about peoples wedding details!

Any other 2015 brides want to share their plans?? ?


748 replies

Latest activity by Victoria83x, 6 July, 2015 at 09:37
  • M
    Beginner June 2015
    mummylislis ·
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    Congratulations on your engagement!

    Wow! You've been busy. Me and my H2B are getting married on Saturday 6th June 2015 at a Hotel. The ceremony and reception are at the hotel.

    We have 130 guests for the day as we are having the ceremony at 4pm and a buffet in the evening.

    We are going for a cream and champagne wedding and we are having 4 bridesmaids and 2 flowergirls.

    My brother is driving me to the venue in his Jag.


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  • Sam&Louise
    Beginner September 2015
    Sam&Louise ·
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    Welcome to hitched & congratulations on your engagement!

    Feel free to give us all a flash of what you have planned so far ?

    I'm a 2015 b2b too, although i'm starting to get sick of hearing about our plans myself let alone anyone else, ha!

    Have you found your way to the 2015 group yet, or the thread for 2015 brides?

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  • MrsHD2015
    Beginner June 2015
    MrsHD2015 ·
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    Ooh where's the thread for 2015 brides? Smiley smile xxx

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  • M
    Beginner June 2015
    Magic182 ·
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    Hi everyone

    We are getting married on 6 June 2015. I have booked the church so far and currently still trying to find a reception venue that I like, hope to get that sorted by end of January. As for everything else we are still at the throwing ideas around stage with it all but have a rough idea of what we both want for the day. I have my first dress appointment at the end of January. I am doing that as early as possible because I have no idea what I want and think it will take me a while to find the one!


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  • L
    Beginner June 2015
    laurathebride2b ·
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    We are getting married on 20 June 2015 as well!

    Also a church ceremony (not sure on timings yet) then at lovely village hall! Think about 80/90 day time guests and 140ish evening. We aren't sure what to do about food. The village hall only has a domestic oven and we were thinking of possibly soup to start and having a hog roast with hot veg as the main followed by wedding cake and cupcakes for desserts. Any suggestions what we can do for food?

    Think the two bridesmaids will be bright royal blue with yellow flowers - hall will be decorated yellow and blue as well.

    Not sure about cars yet??

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  • MrsHD2015
    Beginner June 2015
    MrsHD2015 ·
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    We really wanted to use our village hall as it's gorgeous but they are so strict with footwear and end timings it just didn't work out Smiley sad
    We were planning to hire a company to do a bbq for us, we found some really good packages online!

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Im getting married on 19th June 2015, we will have 60 for the full day with probably anthor 30-40 joining us in the evening.

    we have booked a fair already






    Friend is making the cakes

    Chair covers/bows booked

    flowers have been choosen

    Invites are designed and ready to print next january

    wedding website is 'under construction' at the moment.

    engagement party booked for mid may.

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    How's everyone's plans going?

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    SoontoBeHallamx ·
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    Hi TheFutureMrsB,

    TBH i feel like ive hit a brick wall, everything is either already booked or its too soon to sort it !

    How about you ?


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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    although i have sorted my shoes and a little clutch bag for the eveinng.

    Looking at suits in september, and will hopefully be ordering bridesmaid dresses at the end of August when i get paid.

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    Venue for reception is booked, put a deposit on my dress and got my shoes, that's about it!! I can't decide on a colour scheme so I feel I've hit a brick wall too

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    SoontoBeHallamx ·
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    Our Colour theme is Cadbury Purple & Silver ... But tbh i dont even no how we come up with that Colour Scheme Smiley atonished

    Im Currently Trying to find some Cheap (But Decent looking) Disposable Cameras to have on the tables but some of the prices are just Ridiculous !!


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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    You've got much further than me lol. I've not looked at disposable cameras yet but I'm not sure I want them? Everyone seems to have camera phones these days so they may be wasted at my wedding?

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    SoontoBeHallamx ·
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    Were mostly doing it for the Kiddies to Play around with & then when the adults have had a bit to much to drink & are not trusted with any electronics ! Hahaha lol

    The more i look into buying them them more im becoming against the idea .. an extra cost that i could use else where in my budget !


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  • E
    Beginner June 2015
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    Same date as us!! sooo excitinggggg!!! 325 days too goooo! Smiley tongue

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    I think I might give them a miss and use the money else where :-)

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  • V
    Beginner June 2015
    Victoria83x ·
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    Hi Ladies,

    We are getting married on the 20th June 2015 in Hertfordshire!!!

    Anyone feeling like they've hit a brick wall?

    Venue, church, photographer, cars, dj booked, I have a meeting with a florist tomorrow and we have a cake maker in the pipeline.

    My dress is on order, bridesmaids have theirs too but now i'm in limbo...

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Yup, I alternate between thinking there is nothing I can be doing at the moment - everything is booked, deposits paid for, but we can't make final decisions until after Christmas, when suddenly things will go having a panic because I keep realising that there are loads of "little" things to be done - invites address lists, favours, confetti, table decorations, memory table, card box, blah blah blah, that all need doing in my not so ample spare time!!

    Some days I think I am really organised, other days I think there is no way it will all come together!! (of course, it will.....!).

    We've only got 9 months to go now, ladies - time to get this particular thread a little bit more active don't you think!

    Come on - share your progress, lack of it, frustrations and ideas for us all!!

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    I'm not really getting anywhere with planning my wedding at the moment, I've hit a brick wall due to the money being spent on other things that keep cropping up! ☹️

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    I feel like I'm not quite sure what I should be doing! But I think it's mostly because people keep saying to me how busy I must be, planning a wedding and all it entails! I keep thinking I must be missing some major stuff because I actually can't say it's taken over my life or made me feel like time is running out (yet!). Although in my head it's all I can think about and I'm constantly looking at my ticker on here and getting more excited by the day!!!

    Things we've done so far......

    We've booked the ceremony and reception venues, paid deposits on both and booked the registrar.

    I've bought my dress and MOHs dress. Shoes and jewelry still to get and flower girl dress closer to the time.

    Band is booked, florist booked, room decoration (chair covers, table runners) booked and deposits paid.

    TOG is a friend of OH and he's sorted.

    My friend is making cupcakes for us.

    I've spoken to a MUA and she's recommended a hairdresser so I need to get on the case with those.

    Save the dates were sent a few months ago so I made an address list then. We haven't picked invitations yet, not sure I'm capable of DIY-ing for 120 people!

    We need to sort out transport for guests, block book hotel rooms for family traveling from Scotland, and finalise catering but these things don't need to be done for a few months.

    I'm making table decorations as I go along, will make our table plan and place names over the next couple of months.

    I'm not sure we're having favours yet - depends on budget closer to the time!

    Is there anything glaringly obvious that we've forgotten?

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    You sound as though you are in about the same place as me!

    I have booked and paid deposits on the venue (ceremony and reception all in one place) but can't do food tasting and choose the menu until Jan/Feb.

    Registrar booked and deposit paid - giving formal notice next week!

    Ditto - band has been seen/met and deposit paid, but need another meeting to decide on playlists after Christmas.

    Florist - my bouquet & BMs bouquets chosen and deposit paid, but H2B wants to help choose venue flowers.

    My dress etc, on order. H2B's suit has been made and is awaiting final fitting nearer the time. Shoes etc have been bought.

    BMs dresses - tentatively bought, but one is trying for a baby, so we may need a re-think. Shoes and accessories not yet covered.

    Hair and Make up - pencilled in with a MUA who will come to the hotel on the day, although yet to decide for sure until I have a trial, which will be in the spring. If not, will do myself. Cut and Colour already booked in with my regular hairdresser for the week before.

    Guest list drawn up - more than we thought so now looking for cheaper invitations than those originally picked! I too cannot imagine making them all to the standard I would like. I have a half baked idea of trying to do the order of service/order of the day sheets myself though.

    Rings are on order and fully paid - prototype has been made so hoping the finished article will be ready soon!

    Photographer - friend of mine, although a professional Tog. No deposit paid, but definite booking and will go and meet with them both to discuss it properly next month.

    Stag and Hen do are being organised by the MoH and Best Man.....I have reluctantly relinquished control although have provided contact details for those I want to invite.

    No transport needed as staying at the venue the night before.

    Cake - deposit paid and design chosen. Have decided on one layer's flavour, but need more tasting sessions (as you do) to decide on the other two!

    Honeymoon, pretty much booked - just last few odds and ends to arrange eg hotel at the airport/parking etc.

    Gifts - groom's box of gifts, bridal party gift bags - all on order and starting to think of ideas of what to go in them.

    Other odds and ends I am picking them up as I see them on ebay as being the latest "must have" that I don't really need to have!! Wedding advice cards are on their way from Vistaprint.

    Writing it down, it does seem like I am fairly well on top of things. We're not doing stress for this wedding. I refuse!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    I keep jotting things down when I think of them. Questions for the venue, things to ask the registar, jobs to do etc.

    I really want to do a speech, and keep thinking of things to put in it, but don't know if it is too early to write a first draft. Perhaps I will do it, and then tweak it later....I know what I want to say, and who I want to thank, and am worried that if I don't write it down in some sort of sensible format, I will get close to the day, panic, and end up rambling.....which would neither be entertaining, nor as sincere as I intend!!

    Similarly, we want to write our own vows - after we see the registrar next week to give notice, perhaps I can legitimately start on that one!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Another little thing done today - I have ordered our confetti! I was reading a thread on here earlier in the week and hadn't really given it much though until then, blindly assuming that people would bring their own confetti on the day.

    So, another thing added to the budget as I really didn't want to have a confetti shot with only two handful of confetti between all the guests! I also wasn't sure about filling cones, and found some beautiful biodegradable confetti envelopes on ebay.....but at almost £60 for 48, I really couldn't justify them, when I knew that there were cheaper packets available. I want to put one on each chair at the ceremony.

    So today, when looking for invitations today, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the same seller was selling the same confetti envelopes for £27.99.....! Needless to say, I had my debit card out of my purse before the price had chance to change again! I'm not sure why there was such a difference to earlier in the week, but I don't care - its another thing I don't have to fret about on the day, without causing me too much additional budget stress!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    And today I made huge strides.....I didn't feel great at lunchtime, so instead of eating, or going out, I stayed at my desk and put together our wedding website!

    Much easier than I expected, and although there is still some stuff that can be added to it, I am pleased with how it all came together.

    I used if anyone is interested, and didn't pay for the premium service - just used the bog standard freebie, which is good enough for the things we wanted to say.

    I'm rather chuffed with myself.....and after earlier wobbles this week about not being organised, I am starting to feel a bit more back in control again!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    And I am on a roll (although I do hope other June brides are going to join in the party at some point!!)

    Today I ordered our invites. After much umming and ahhing, I have gone with Vistaprint as I managed to find a design that was perfect and could play around with the wording to my heart's content. Very good price too, and having used them for many things in the past, I know the quality will be good too.

    So, that really does bring me pretty much up to speed. I even started jotting down ideas for my speech this week. haha!!

    I've brought my Groom's Journal into work with me, so in my lunchbreaks I shall be adding bits to that quite happily.

    Come on ladies, let us know how you are getting on!!


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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    My planning is coming along nicely.

    My invites are currently at the printers, and ive got all the envelopes at home which im lining with pretty patterned wrapping paper i found in Ikea. Im doing a few each weekend as my invites dont need to be posted until mid January.

    Going to look at suits at the end of September, we have a style/colour in mind so hopefully we can get something that we like.

    We are doing a few bits here and there. We will probably throw ourselves into it more after Christmas as it will only be 6months to go then!!

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    Ladies you're doing much better than I am! I still haven't decided/found what colour bridesmaid dresses/colour theme I want yet so I can't even look at what invitations I want because I'm stuck with the colour theme. I'm waiting to hear back from the vicar to decide if he will marry us at his church but he's on holiday until 23rd September (we've both been married before) so I'm in limbo at the moment!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    We don't really have a colour scheme - everything will just "go" with everything else, simply because it looks good, rather than because it matches, if that makes sense!

    We are having quite a classic, traditional, formal wedding (albeit a civil ceremony because I too have been married before), but we wanted everyone to be relaxed about things and to have a say in what they have so that they would feel comfortable in it, rather than have me stressing over whether things are the right shade or not!

    So, my bridesmaids are in duck egg blue, although one has just announced she is expecting a baba in May, so who knows what she will end up wearing - as long as she feels good in it, I could have her walk down the aisle with me in a sack!

    My flowers are dusky pinks and creams, as are the BMs.

    H2B has chosen aNavy suit and peach tie and pocket square. And wants yellow roses for his buttonhole because they remind him of his mum. My son who is giving me away wants a dark grey suit with silver grey/blue tie and pocket square!

    And so on. And you know what - it is all looking amazing. Because we will look and feel fantastic, relaxed, and happy!

    I think if we were trying to decide on a colour scheme, we wouldn't have even started getting anything together!!

    I hope you manage to get the church sorted, you have a Plan B just in case?

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    This my planning thread where all my current flashes are if you want to take a peek

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Nammy, your dress is beautiful!!

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Thank you ? it was a bargain too as it had £750 off which made in my budget range otherwise i would never of tried it on!!

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    That all sounds lovely! ? Plan B is to get married at our reception venue if the church falls through

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