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Beginner June 2015

June 2015 Brides

MrsHD2015, 13 December, 2013 at 15:08

Posted on Planning 748

Hi all My OH and I are getting married on 20th June 2015. We are having a church ceremony at 1.30pm followed by our reception at a golf club with a sit down 3 course meal and evening buffet later! we have 50 daytime and 100 evening guests roughly and will be having a DJ for evening entertainment!...

Hi all

My OH and I are getting married on 20th June 2015. We are having a church ceremony at 1.30pm followed by our reception at a golf club with a sit down 3 course meal and evening buffet later! we have 50 daytime and 100 evening guests roughly and will be having a DJ for evening entertainment! Our colour scheme is shades of coral and peach! For centre pieces we are having square vases with pebbles and floating candles!

I think I will probably have an A line gown with veil, tiara and my hair down and wavy! I am hoping to have coral roses for my bouquet and other flowers. I have 5 bridesmaids and hopefully they will be wearing knee length summer dresses in coral or peach!

Not sure about cars yet, might just borrow a friend's or hire a posh taxi lol

Sorry for the information overload but I love hearing about peoples wedding details!

Any other 2015 brides want to share their plans?? ?


748 replies

  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    Wow Rusticbride, you've got loads done, I wish I was that organized! :-) I'm interested to know your timescale for your day as we are thinking of getting married at 12:30pm and I keep saying it's too early as I can't work out the rest of the day

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    Wow that's organised Rustic bride!

    Not been up to much recently - just plodding along with bits and bobs - still collecting plates, teapots, cups and saucers! Managed to get two cute heart tealight holders, a wicker basket and 3 teapots last weekend for £3 ?

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
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    I've posted a flash of the dress here

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    I've just seen it - it really is a beautiful dress, so I hope you manage to get it, or something very similar.

    Tomorrow it is OCTOBER - properly Autumn, and therefore a whole lot closer to JUNE! Not that I am wishing the time away, or anything, but it really does seem to be heading in the right direction! For me, it is 249 days to go.....eek!!

    So, the focus now is definitely on getting/staying in shape. I am determined not to regret the time that I have got, so I am sitting here supping my detox tea and looking at the picture of my wedding dress to keep me on track. After a few crappy weeks of no exercise and too much CAKE (I was ill, in my defence), I have re-taken control of my body and no one is going to get in my way! (well, not until at least lunchtime, anyway!).

    Today's little thing to report is that my Usher's gift bag has arrived. I've got all the bridal party personalised gift bags from ebay, but we hadn't seen our usher until last week to ask him, so I am playing catch up with him. I bought my son's gift for giving me away, at the weekend, so they are all starting to come together nicely.

    Oh, and we have chosen favours - we are having personalised wrappers made for kitkats (very us), which will include guests names on so will double up as place cards as well. We obviously can't order them yet, but at least we have made a decision, and it won't break the bank - costing about 50p each all in.

    Happy days - now, best get on and do some work I suppose, in order that I can pay for all this!!!

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Oooo i sense a theme here Smiley smile am i right, i love the whole, cups, teapots, frames, books and plants centre pieces, these are some pictures i came across Smiley smile aren't they beautiful!!

    EEEEKKKK!! Its soooo exciting.. i keep having moments where im like i have loads still to do and then moments where im like i have nothing to do and completely lost my wedding mojo, im currently back on track and feeling good at the moment...

    Do we have any June date twins yet?


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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Ladies of June 2015.....Can I please ask when are you all thinking of sending out your invites?

    (I've not sent save the dates, so don't want to leave it too late)

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Mine are going out mid to end of January as our venue needs numbers quite early

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  • E
    Beginner June 2015
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    I am looking to send ours out Jan/Feb time. want numbers as early as I can so less stress nearer the wedding Smiley smile

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Looking at sending mine the first week of January for the Day guest, get a feel for who can and cant, as potentially we may need to shuffle some evening guest to all day guests if some day guest cant make it, then to send the evening guests there's a month or so later.

    We sent our save the dates a year to the date, hope this helps


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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Hmm, thanks - I have got to have got to give the venue final numbers by the end of April, so have asked for RSVPs by the beginning of March, which basically gives me 7 or 8 weeks to chase up.

    Both my daytime list and my evening list are over the numbers I need, so I am actually hoping that a few drop out, rather than looking to bump people up to day guests, so both lots of invites will be going out together.

    I'm sending out the overseas ones this week, to give those people the best chance of booking cheap flights to the UK if they are able to come. and was thinking of sending the others out between Christmas and New Year to give people some nice post to offset the post-festive blues!

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    I'm sending mine out in January and I haven't sent save the dates either (expense I thought I could do without) :-)

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  • G
    Beginner June 2015
    GCL2015 ·
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    My RSVP date is 01/04/15 so am thinking will send out in February/ early March. I cant figure out if its better to send them early so people have lots of time to reply, or send them later so they don't put it off and then forget to RSVP. Although its probably inevitable that some wont reply in time.

    We also didn't send save the dates - didn't think we would need them as the wedding is on a Saturday and we don't have huge numbers. The most important people already know the wedding date and as long as they can make it I'm not that fussed about anyone else!

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    Wow that's organised - we are planning on sending out end of January/February with RSVP by 1st of May as have to sort final catering numbers 4 weeks in advance. We don't have to confirm numbers with venue however.

    Our teapots and china cups etc aren't for centre pieces they are for homemade blackcurrent gin and lemonade on the tables. We are also buying mismatched china/vintage plates for people as it's cheaper then hiring ? so far up to about 90 of everything and half way with teapots.

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    I have to admit, I thought our venue wouldn't need final numbers until closer to the day itself, but if that's what they want, I guess we will run with it! I suppose it gives them chance to chase us as well if needed, and to allow for things like holidays etc. They say that they want final numbers early, then will invoice us for payment to be made 3 weeks before the event. I would expect that if there are any extras to be added between those dates, they can easily accommodate them, but that if people change their mind and cancel their place, I would be committed to paying for them.

    Most of our guests have already said they will be there, but I really want them to get proper invites and reply properly. I want to get excited when the post comes, or when an email notification of someone RSVPing on the website pings on my phone!


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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Oooh, oooh, just had a call to say that my veil is in.....

    Shame my dress doesn't arrive until 2nd Feb, and my hair trial isn't until 12th April!

    I've told them I will leave it at the shop for now.....but I may be tempted to nip in and have a little try of it one lunchtime when I am bored!!!

    Gah - still 4 months until my dress arrives! I am going to pop with excitement before then!!!

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    Finally spoken to our vicar and has said YES, he will marry is in his church Smiley laugh Smiley laugh Smiley laugh I'm so excited!

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    Wohooooo Mrs B! I think some churches are trying to move away from some of the old rules so more people come to church. Glad its sorted now all you have to sort is order of service hymns etc. A tip from a ministers daughter (my mum is doing our service) do not ask for all things bright a beautiful as a hymn!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    That is such good news!!! What a relief for you Smiley smile

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    Oh my goodness June Brides! You've all been a very busy lot!

    We've not been doing much wedding related for the past few weeks due to lots going on with other things - friends birthdays and golf weekends, broken down car taking a chunk of money that couldn't go into the wedding fund and then OH's dad being ill! Thankfully he's on the mend, the car is fixed and we have no more expensive things to contend with until the end of November.

    I've been trying to find invitations that I like and having trouble with that. I wish I'd paid more attention when I'd ordered my STD cards from vista print and looked to see the matching invites as that would have been the easiest route but when I finally checked them out they're not pretty at all! So it's back to the drawing board and I think I may try and make some. I'm not planning on sending them out till the end of January so plenty of time (or so I keep telling myself - and then I have a little panic as I see today's date! October already - eeeeek!!). I'm also making the little flower holders for our table centrepieces but I think I'm about halfway there with those so I can put them off for a bit and put my limited creative talent to use elsewhere.

    I posted a while ago about using my mums engagement ring stones in my wedding band. Thanks to you lovely girls for replying and making me see that I'm not being selfish! I've spoken with my dad and brother and they both agree it's a lovely idea and are happy for me to go ahead with it so I'm going to speak to a jeweller I know in the next couple of weeks and see what he can do.

    H2B wants to have a suit made and I think he's finally found a tailor who's style he likes! And last night he showed me the fabric he's chosen and I love it. It's grey with a very subtle blue check and I think it'll look great on him. I can't wait to see it made.

    So even though I don't feel remotely organised there are little things happening which will all help. And reading how organised you girls are is giving me a kick up the bottom to get more done.

    Hope you're all having a great day!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
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    Sorry to read that you've had a lot on - real life getting in the way of wedding planning, how very dare it!!! ?

    You do seem to be storming ahead, though, despite your reservations - suits and wedding bands are all pretty big decisions to have made, even if not everything is actually ordered. Sometimes, sorting things out in your mind is the hardest part of it!

    Re invitations, we had found some lovely ones, but when we costed them out, we realised that we could spend the money somewhere else happily, so we went to Vistaprint, and got everything done there. They are nothing fancy, but they are a design that suits us as a couple, so I still feel that sufficient thought has gone into them.....whether I take advantage of one of their many offers to do Orders of the Day or Thank you cards is yet to be decided.....

    Anyway...OCTOBER.....!!! That's one month closer to JUNE!!!!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Happy Friday, lovely ladies - I hope you have all had a good week so far and are looking forward to the weekend!?

    Not much happening in wedding-planning land for me over these last few days....although does focusing on food and exercise count? Yes, I think so! My profile picture on myfitnesspal has been changed to the picture of my there is a constant reminder of what I am aiming for whenever I think about sneaking in a quick packet of Minstrels or two!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
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    8 months today!!!!! *does a little happy dance around the office*

    We had some progress at the weekend - having thought we had it all sussed. My daughter had chosen her bridesmaids dress - duck egg blue. She looked lovely in it but it was quite "little girl" (she is a young 20). Still, she liked it, and I have said all along that people can have what they want so that they feel comfortable.

    H2B had chosen a navy suit, with a coral coloured tie and pocket square. And he wants yellow roses for his buttonhole to remind him of his mum -fair enough, no problem.

    So we really didn't have a colour scheme - just going along with what everyone wanted, with me opting for pinks and creams in my flowers....

    Then on Saturday, I stumbled across the Coast sale, where they had a beautiful coral dress (<<click here) in the right size (size 6, so unfair), so having checked that I could get a refund if she didn't like it, I bought it and took it home for her and she loves it - it is so much more grown up and sophisticated than the other one, and she looks beautiful. She couldn't stop smiling, so that was a relief! And, it is the exact same shade as H2B's tie -I couldn't have gotten more similar if I'd tried!

    So, it seems we now have a colour scheme after all!!! I've been on pinterest and can find plenty of flowers that will incorporate the peaches and yellows rather than the pink I had looked at before, so that's all quite easy to accommodate. Our invites etc are neutral, so nothing to worry about on that score.

    It all seems to be happening like a *proper* wedding......haha!

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    Kimiu it all sounds lovely and is coming together nicely for you, exciting stuff!

    I'm no further forward in my planning apart from I received 2 sample wedding invitations today and I'm very pleased with them so I'll show H2B later and hopefully he'll like them too! Also looking at Madeira for our honeymoon but there's so many places I'd like to see I'll probably change my mind again lol

    How's everyone else getting on?

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
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    Kimiu I did a little happy dance yesterday too!

    The dress you have picked for your daughter is GORGEOUS and I'm so pleased she liked it too. The colour is beautiful! I love it when a plan comes together.

    I picked up my dress on Friday and it's currently being stored at my brothers house. I love it just as much as when I bought it (and thankfully there were no holes in this one!!). I've also ordered my shoes. My friends son works for Ted Baker and I just happened to be in there chatting to him when I spotted shoes that I think will go perfectly with my dress. They didn't have my size and I when I tried to get them online they were sold out. Thankfully when I went back to speak to my friend he said he'd ordered them and they 'should' be here within the week. Here's hoping! And because he's ordered them from his shop he can get me a discount. Yippee! What do you girls think?

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Pipsybus your dress and shoes are stunning!!! I love those shoes!!! off to swwwooonnn over shoes online [Smiley winking

    Kimiu your daughters dress is beautiful, so glad it matches Smiley smile love it when a plan comes together

    Didn't really do much over the weekend, I managed to book my make up artist during the day on Friday so that's another thing ticked off the shrinking list Smiley smile Went to the wedding fayre at our venue with SIL and MIL on Sunday morning. Wasnt very much going on to be honest, but loved seeing "our room", it still gives me tingles when I go in there Smiley smile Sunday afternoon me and H2B went to the 2 antique shops near us and brought some of the old apple crates which will be being used on the sweet table to display the jars on/in, another added extra but I just couldn't resist (I couldn't resist a crate Smiley atonished ok that sounds odd!!)

    How is everything coming along ladies?


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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    Thanks Rustic Bride. I hope they come soon so I can try them together!glad you've booked your MUA - that's one thing I'm struggling to find!

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Where are you based pipsybus?


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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Thanks for your comments about the bridesmaids dress - I am really really pleased with it all. And, although I didn't think I was fussed about not having a colour scheme, I'm quite surprised at how much I like the fact it is now pulling itself together!!

    I didn't tell H2B that my first wedding had "peach" as its colourscheme, because as soon as he saw his tie/suit combo he said "that's the one"....perhaps that's why I veared towards the mismatch of colours initially. But then on Saturday when I saw this new dress I remembered that the two weddings are so much more in difference than just the colour of a dress! Plus, there will only be a small handful of people at my wedding this time who were there last time - no one else will know or feel the need to compare.

    Anyway, there is no comparison - everything about this wedding/marriage feels so much different :-)

    I went to a wedding fayre at our venue a couple of weeks ago - for no reason other than it was "our venue", and I am the same - looking at it, thinking this is where we are getting married!! But I found that the spa at the hotel are happy to come to my room to do my makeup on the morning of the wedding - £30 including a trial. For that, I was more than happy to book up! I was going to do my own, but now I am really rather pleased that I am allowing myself to have a bit more of an "experience" if that makes sense!

    Pipsybus - is it wrong to be thinking that this time NEXT month, our tickers will have 6 months on them.....? ok, so 6 months, and some weeks and some days, but 6 months sounds SO FRICKIN' CLOSE!!!!!!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
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    PS, love the dress and shoes!!

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  • G
    Beginner June 2015
    GCL2015 ·
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    I love your shoes Pipsybus, I have seen them online before and thought how lovely they are. If the heel was a bit smaller I would have them for myself!

    I've not got much to update on, ordered some favour samples (chocolate hearts) so waiting for them to arrive to make a decision. I was thinking the white chocolate with pink for the ladies and milk chocolate for the men! We were originally going down the charity route but it works out a bit too expensive if you give the recommended donation per person.

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
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    Ooh, those favours look yummy. We've got a load of kitkats that will have wrappers made for them (found someone excellent on ebay) that will be personalised with our wedding date and names, but will also have the names of the guests, so they can double up as place cards. It works out about 50p each, all in, so I didn't think that was bad - like you, we had looked at more expensive things and wondered if it was just a bit too much.

    The only thing is - I bought 64 kitkats in Tesco last week as they were on offer, and I checked that the sell by date is AFTER the wedding, which it, how many of the original 64 will actually get used on the date of the wedding, and how many will have been eaten and replaced....once or twice!!?? It is going to be a real test of my determination to get in my dress!!! I shall keep you all informed!!

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Kimui and Pipsybus iv just realised you ladies are the day after me Smiley smile



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