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Beginner June 2015

June 2015 Brides

MrsHD2015, 13 December, 2013 at 15:08

Posted on Planning 748

Hi all My OH and I are getting married on 20th June 2015. We are having a church ceremony at 1.30pm followed by our reception at a golf club with a sit down 3 course meal and evening buffet later! we have 50 daytime and 100 evening guests roughly and will be having a DJ for evening entertainment!...

Hi all

My OH and I are getting married on 20th June 2015. We are having a church ceremony at 1.30pm followed by our reception at a golf club with a sit down 3 course meal and evening buffet later! we have 50 daytime and 100 evening guests roughly and will be having a DJ for evening entertainment! Our colour scheme is shades of coral and peach! For centre pieces we are having square vases with pebbles and floating candles!

I think I will probably have an A line gown with veil, tiara and my hair down and wavy! I am hoping to have coral roses for my bouquet and other flowers. I have 5 bridesmaids and hopefully they will be wearing knee length summer dresses in coral or peach!

Not sure about cars yet, might just borrow a friend's or hire a posh taxi lol

Sorry for the information overload but I love hearing about peoples wedding details!

Any other 2015 brides want to share their plans?? ?


748 replies

  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    I know!! Exciting isn't it. I remember when I joined and first put my ticker up and it had more than a year to we are racing away and it all seems so so real!

    I will burst by the time June gets here! I can't wait for Christmas to come because by the time everyone is back at work etc it will only be 5 months to go. Wishing my time away, or what!!!

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Gosh when we booked the venue it was January 2013!! scary how quickly time has flown.

    SIL keeps saying similar, Christmas is literally round the corner now get that out the way and then its major count down time, im starting to have mini moments of panic!!


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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    We only got engaged in March this year, although as you can see from the date I joined, I had been dreaming (and planning, and costing) for rather longer ?

    So, 14.5 months from engagement to wedding - I'm almost half way!!! I've not had moments of panic, but my moments of excitement are definitely with a capital E now!!!

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    Your all doing great on organising and planning, me on the otherhand will be examining the budget this evening to see what we can cut back on - my OH work has just gone into liquidation we currently have about half of wedding and honeymoon funds saved but if I have to pay all house costs then I can't save at the rate I was and he won't be saving anything. ☹️

    I think I can cut back on majority of things budget wise at least so if he doesn't get anything else quickly we won't have to change the wedding date. It feels aweful though second time he's been made redundant in the last year!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Oh no, that is pants! I know how you feel though - when I got married first time around, it was 1990, and my Ex-H was made redundant 3 weeks before the wedding!! He ended up being made redundant 3 times in as many years, so every time we thought we'd got through it, another one came along.

    Fingers well and truly crossed that he finds something very soon and that, if nothing else, the stress of it all doesn't cause you any problem as a couple.

    Remember, it is the getting married bit that is important - and there is no reason why that can't go ahead. The "extra" stuff is just that - "extra" and is not worth working yourself into an early grave if there are ways that you can cut back. You will be able to go ahead with the wedding, of that I am sure.


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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    I am definately at the stage of how many times - in the last two years it will be two redundancies and one unfair dismissal case (which he won and got compensation for). I think we have already been through so much stress last time it was the day after we got accepted on buying a house and in Scotland once you have formally accepted then you are legally responsible - anything compared to that isn't as bad!

    I think most things I can arrange differently without people noticing - e.g. no flowers (other then left over bouquet flowers) in the church, no tapas for welcoming drinks that should save me about £400....

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and all that jazz!

    It's amazing how resourceful one can be when needed! I am sure you will see many places to save a few £££ without compromising your day. Grab a pad of paper, some coloured pens and a glass of wine when you get home, and it will all come together.

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  • TheFutureMrsB
    Beginner June 2015
    TheFutureMrsB ·
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    Sorry to hear that Sarah. It's not a nice time but good to see you're not panicking and thinking sensibly.

    We've saved money by moving our ceremony from the venue to our church and cutting out the canapes on arrival and 2 course wedding breaksfast instead of 3 courses (serving the wedding cake as pudding!) We save about £900 doing in that way

    Lots of luck and I hope it all works out for you, keep us posted :-)

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    I'm in Kent! How about you?

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    Oh my goodness! That is insane and actually fills me with as much dread as excitement!!! I'm nowhere near organised enough to be getting married in six months (and a bit)! I shall be hoping from now till Christmas goes a little slowly and then it can speed up for the last few months when I'm organised!!! Eeeeek!

    RusticBride - I hadn't realised our weddings were so close!

    We've been engaged for 2.5 years but only started planning in May of this year. It's gone SO quickly!

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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    Scottish Sarah I'm so sorry to hear your news. That is so tough. I hope you guys manage to sort things out without having to change your day too much. What awful timing. Keep us posted as to how things are going xx

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Just a quick update from me. ... we booked our honeymoon flights yesterday and h2b made me listen to a song he picked as our first dance and it had me in floods of tears it was soo beautiful.

    Also picked a few other songs for the ceremony and today we are going to our venue to meet the coordinator and ask a few questions

    On the DIY side I've started to line all the envelopes with pretty patterned wrapping paper I found

    Hope everyone else had nice weekends :-)

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Sounds like a very productive, and lovely, weekend!

    I've not done badly either....we had a rare Saturday off so went to pick up my engagement ring which I have finally had sized. It feels soooo good to have it back, and not to worry about it falling off! We also bought the gifts for the bridal party which was a nice thing to tick off. And today I made contact with the lady who makes memory portraits for bouquets. Pipsybus, its the lady we were told about o the other thread, so thanks for starting the thread off!!

    Today, H2b is working so housework dominates for me. But I hope to finish writing the invites later. Tomorrow evening we meet our Togs which I am very excited about!! They are people we have known for years but this is the first time we will be doing "official" wedding talk. Eeeeek!!!!!

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    Been slowly plugging away this week - been donated more cups and saucers by a friend and went around our very small local car boot sale - picked up two lovely glass outdoor jars with live laugh love on one and do what makes you smile on the other bargin price of £1, some sweet paper bags for 20p and a teapot for £1 ?

    OH work situation may not be as bad as it seems - he has a redundancy meeting on Friday apparently the company is being generous with pay offs about 4 months pay - he's not actually intitled to it as he's not been there long enough but a collegue of his who started at the same time said he wouldn't be disappointed so fingers crossed! It would take the pressure off as still means I can save and if he get's another job before Christmas then it all goes into the wedding and honeymoon fund! Just a waiting game this week to see!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Fingers crossed! work to the worse case scenario and anything extra will be a real bonus!

    Well done on fhe bargains!!

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Hello ladies! having a bit of a "meh" day today - got another puncture on my way in to work today on my bike....never a good start in the rain! H2B is off work today and I would much rather be spending the day with him, right now! I'm sure you can all relate!

    Anyhoo....we had a successful meeting with our Togs last night - very relaxed. I already know them, but we'd not previously sat down and sorted out all the wedding details, types of photos we want, special people, any politics they need to be aware of etc. So, although they've been booked for ages for us, it was quite a big thing to go through things properly, and we came away feeling quite happy. We will do a pre-wedding shoot nearer the time and I am looking forward to the whole thing.

    I've also heard back from the bouquet-charm lady - her work looks stunning. I will be looking through my photos of my Dad to pick my favourite one and get that off to her over the next few days.

    Finally....I made a CD of "wedding songs" for H2B to go in his groom's gift box, with MixPixie. I've used them before and they are excellent. Ordered it on Friday, it arrived yesterday. Another thing ticked off the list, and one less thing to think about nearer the time.

    Even just typing that, I feel a bit less "meh"! Hope you're all fine and dandy

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Booked my hair and make up artist yesterday, so thats another item ticked off the list. Ive booked my trial for H2B's birthday weekend next year so we can go out for dinner afterwards and ill look all pretty and it wont be wasted by staying indoors!

    Im also having serious dress wobbles at the moment, I bought Ronald Joyce Lola from a shop that was closing down so it had 60% knocked off the price, so it been sat at my inlaws house since i bought it, but everytime i go to look at it, i find something i hadnt seen before theres a couple of stains, a zip is broken, the stitching on the modesty panel is coming undone, some of the lace up holes are broken, some of the beading is coming off . I have my first fitting booked for 27th March with a seamstress who was recommneded my by FSIL but should ask to see her earlier to see what she thinks of the dress and whether it could be rescued? What do you girls think i should do?

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Ooh, sorry you are having dress wobbles. I've just googled the dress and it is stunning.

    So, are you having wobbles about whether it is the right dress for you, or whether it is just needing too much doing to it? If it is a wobble about the dress being "the one" then don't panic - it is a stunning dress and you will look amazing in it.

    I would take it to the seamstress sooner rather than later and have a chat with her. If she is any good, then things like the replacing the zip, fixing stitching, repairing lace up eyelets, beading etc will be a piece of cake for her, and you will instantly feel better. The stains will need to be considered separately, and depending on what they are and where they are, you may need to go to a specialist cleaner for them, but I am guessing that most things, when done properly, can be sorted.

    If it were me, I wouldn't wait until the end of March, for two reasons - one is that if it is all easy to fix, you will feel much happier knowing that now, so you can stop worrying and enjoy the rest of your wedding planning and two, that if it really isn't fixable, you have a chance of looking for a replacement without it being a last minute dash. At this stage, there is still time to order something in if you need to, or to hunt the sale rails as they start to bring in next season's (or Spring 2016) stock for display - if you end up doing this, you will know what to look for in terms of inperfections next time, so have time to be more particular.

    So, give the seamstress a call and put your mind at rest. I am sure it can be sorted.

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Thank you Kimiu, i love the dress its what i dreamed of, but its all the imperfections that are making me doubt it, and whether the money i saved i will now spend on getting it fixed.

    I think i will call the seamstress later today and make another appointment for the next couple of weeks and then i will know where i stand.

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    If you end up spending a bit on getting the imperfections sorted, it will be money well spent (even if not intentionally spent) to make you feel amazing on the day. Let us know how you get on!

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  • N
    Beginner June 2015
    nammy502 ·
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    Im seeing the seamstress next wednesday after work. Fingers crossed everything will be ok.

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Excellent - once you know the score you can deal with whatever you need to deal with. I am sure it will be fine, but I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Hey ladies,

    Sorry i haven't been around much..

    Pipsybus: Im in Manchester so unfortunately i cant help with locating a make up artist for you, however i would suggest putting it out there on social media and me with any suggestion.. Fingers crossed for you and keep us posted

    Nammy502: Im feeling a little the same about my dress of late, she absolutely stunning and when i bought her she fit like a glove, (I bought her from an outlet store in Bolton) i have since up'd my game at the gym and well my figure has changed quite alot and the dress now practically falls off me Smiley sadI like yourself contacted my seamstress and she said that i would be ok to leave seeing her till the end of January, iv since tried my dress on a few more times and panic struck me that what if it alterations cant be done. I called my seamstress back and shes arranged to see me this weekend, so fingers crossed she tells me its going to be ok, if not at least i have a couple of extra months to either put back on all the weight iv lost or find an alternative dress < worst case scenario..

    As for the wedding plans haven't really done much, went to the national wedding fair in Manchester on Sunday with my friend who gets married a month before us. Nothing really jumped out at me to be honest.. But i was ridiculously excited as my friends asked me to be Bridesmaid for her Smiley smile My final time being a bridesmaid as a Miss!!! Hows everyone else?


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  • Pipsybus
    Beginner June 2015
    Pipsybus ·
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    Morning all!

    Scottish Sarah I have everything crossed for good news for you guys tomorrow. Hope things work out in your favour!

    Kimiu - sorry you were having a bad start to the week. Hopefully things are better and no more punctures! I've just replied on your shoe thread - deffo go for RED! I picked my shoes up last night and LOVE them. I'm going to take them to 'meet' my dress tomorrow and hope they look good together. That'll be one more thing ticked off my list.

    nammy 502 - I love your dress, it's absolutely stunning! I'm really glad you managed to get an appointment with your seamstress for next week. Hopefully everything is fixable. Having it done now spreads out the cost a little so when it's time for alterations it won't seem so bad. She might even be able to recommend a good cleaner who can try and get out the little stains and it'll be good as new again.

    rusticbride I really hope your seamstress can take in your dress as much as needed and you don't have to resort to trying to put weight on just for it to fit. That would be TOO sad! I have to admit that my exercise and weight loss mission has stalled over the last 10 days and I've lost all my mojo... I really need a kick up the bum to get back to it! I guess I'd really like to lose about 20lbs and have joined slimming world to help me along but for some reason all I can think about at the moment is chocolate and wine! ? My friend said to me that I'll kick myself if I don't get back on plan and will regret not putting the work in on the day which should be a great motivator but it's not helped at all this week!

    Any tips or motivational virtual kicks welcome!!

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  • RusticBride15
    Beginner June 2015
    RusticBride15 ·
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    Hey Pipsybus!! Hey Everyone!!

    You and me both, I don't know if its the dark mornings or the fact im crazy busy at work at the moment, but iv also slipped off, I need to get back on track because im feeling poop being off track, it really does make a difference when you eat right!!

    Anyway, hows everything coming along for everyone? We have ticked favours and the additional photo booth off our list..

    Me and H2B went out for dinner last night and got talking again about our honeymoon we still haven't settled on anything and it got me thinking, where are you ladies going? Are you going straight after the wedding?


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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Helloooo! Pipsy, thank you for your reply on the other thread about my red shoe dilemma! it's funny how, just as I am convinced that everything is sorted, I (and the wedding in general) start to evolve into something slightly different. Becoming a "bride" has started to affect me a little, I think!! Although thankfully not in a Bridezilla sort of way!! I am trying to make sure I don't look back and wish I had done things differently. Thankfully it is only little things like shoes, and not great big issues like venues, bridesmaids, or my dress....there is NO WAY any of those are going to change as I love love love them all!

    Rusticbride - hurrah for ticking things off the list! I have got a date pencilled in the diary for January for food tasting. Can't confirm until H2B does his rotas, but it is a small step closer, and I will take that right now!!

    I know what you mean about exercise and diet - my size is ok at the mo, so its a case of maintaining it. A bit more toning wouldn't go amiss, but with Christmas and a holiday over the next 3 months, I am just trying to maintain the status quo at the minute, and then when I come home from hols the last week of January, I know I have 4 months to kick ass. I don't really want to slip too much, as that then puts pressure on later, but even just trying to keep the balance right is hard sometimes. As mentioned above, I've had a "meh" time, nothing big, just a few little things, but I am a big comfort eater, so I have had to really work hard at not scoffing to get through the tough times. I am logging everything on myfitnesspal which does help to keep me more or less right, and I would certainly recommend it to anyone else.

    On a more fun note, we're off to John Lewis for their "wedding gift list event" tonight after work - we've arranged to have a list with them, but it doesn't go live until much nearer the wedding. But tonight will be a glass of fizz and oohing and aahing at glasswear and napkin rings, or some such stuff! It's a night out.....haha!

    We're going on honeymoon on the Monday after the wedding - early flight, so travelling to the airport and staying over on the Sunday night. We're doing Venice, Sorrento and Rome, and I cannot wait!!!

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  • G
    Beginner June 2015
    GCL2015 ·
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    Hi all,

    We have also ticked favours off! I ordered some samples which arrived and are happy with.

    RusticBride15 - we are going to Mexico for our honeymoon for 10 nights (staying at Secrets Maroma Beach). We went to Mexico in 2009 and loved it so much we decided to go back, although staying in a different area/ hotel. We get married on Saturday 20th June and fly on Wednesday 24th. We decided we wanted a few days in between the wedding and going away as I have been told by several brides that going away the following day was too much, as they were so tired and hungover! So I will use the few days to catch up with family and friends following the wedding and finish packing. We will go to the airport the day before and stay overnight so we don't have an early start.

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    For our honeymoon we have booked to go to Bali and neighbouring Island Lombok - going on the Monday so day and a bit after. We have one stop in jungle/rice paddies in Bali, then fly to Lombok to a marine nature reserve and finish with a spa hotel in the volcanic north.

    Thanks for the support - OH got some paperwork through before his meeting tomorrow which we are both happy with if they stick to what they are saying. Still leaves him jobless but with money in the bank which means I can keep saving for the wedding and his can sit there and if he gets another job before Christmas then most of it goes in the pot. That would be good as my yearly bonus has been pushed back from end of Jan to end of March when I'm actually in Vietnam getting dresses made.

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    So glad that it looks more positive now. Hope the meeting confirms everything in your favour.

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  • R
    Beginner June 2015
    RomanticOrangeFlowers230 ·
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    Hello fellow june 2015 brides! im having major anxiety dreams already (stuff like my dress is awful, didnt try it on, late to wedding and groom doing a runner!)

    im also panicking about the weather as i am getting married at south farm with the ceromony being held outside!! im just PRAYING for sunshine!!

    got 3 wedding dress appointments tommorow and can fast see me turning into bridezilla...x

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Welcome aboard - what date in June are you getting married?

    I've not had any anxiety dreams yet, although I did have some horrid ones before we had even gotten engaged! I'm hoping I got them all out of my system already, on that basis haha!!

    The thing with the UK is that you can have good weather or bad weather at any time of the year. Just embrace the day, and run with whatever it brings. Get some white wellies and umbrellas just in case, and think of the amazing photos you will get! In fact, have a look at Pinterest etc for rainy wedding day photos and you will see people having loads of fun.

    Good luck with the dress appointments tomorrow!

    I went to my wedding dress shop today as I am still in a dilemma about shoes. I took my existing wedding shoes in, to see just how well they match my dress. Perfect. Then we tried the coloured shoes, as I am starting to think I really want Red shoes. The red doesn't go as well as I had envisaged.

    BUT, a French Navy that looked beautiful. And if my daughter has the same colour for her shoes, and we have already decided to incorporate that colour into the bouquets with the ribbon etc, then we will actually all co-ordinate. Which is something I really didn't have in mind when we started planning this whole shebang!!!

    So, now I am 95% sure on the colour shoes I want....I just have to tell my daughter that she's got to find a pair she likes, otherwise I will choose them for her, and I've got to find a pair I like and get a swatch of fabric from H2B's suit to match all the colours together.

    And breathe........

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  • S
    Beginner June 2015
    Scottish_Sarah ·
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    I've had a fantastic day ?

    H2B meeting went beyond expectations - he finishes his job on Monday but plus side he does get a payout - not allowed to discuss amounts due to HR but it equates to being fine until March so if he finds another job before Christmas thats the wedding paid and most of the honeymoon without touching the savings pot ?

    For me its just good that I will be able to keep saving at the rate I am (half my wages) each month as he can also pay his half of the bills and the house so even if he doesn't get work in that time we will still be fine for wedding and honeymoon. To say it's a massive relief is an understatement - I always stress about money side of things last two weeks haven't been fun!

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