Hi All
So been to give Notice of marriage today and should be exciting and a time to celebrate however its not im sat here in floods of tears instead...
Met with Registra did all the obligatories, Name, Occupation, Address, Fathers Name, Occupation etc get around to the Wedding Venue and Time and she asks where we are having it i quite happily say Summer House http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/1697d028#/1697d028/8 to which she reply's dont get me wrong its lovely but have you thought of logistics etc To which i replied yes as i have had many a discussion with Venue as to arrangements for Golf buggies to enable guests to get around and down to the summer house, range rovers for wedding party and a couple of spare golf buggies for guests to use if they need to go to the toilet, to which she annouces she has done many a weddding and the summer house just doesnt work as there arent enough golf buggies etc, we only need 10.
I feel shocked and hurt and like all my plans ie 12:30 Guest arrive and start to be ferried down by Golf buggies 1pm Wedding Ceremony 1:30pm Champagne Reception on Croquet Lawn 2:45 Guests start to be ferried to terrace for second drinks reception etc has gone completely to pot
Dont get me wrong im glad shes told me as i will be speaking to our venue to ensure logistics are correct and get something in writing, however i was meant to be a happy day and now its ended up with me crying and my OH going back to work as he can see im upset and we were meant to be going up his mums for a glass of Champagne to celebrate instead im sat here writing this feeling crap.
Sorry to rant
K xx