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Beginner August 2016

Just under 5 weeks to go... really don't know what to do :'(

TrixieSaurus, 18 July, 2016 at 00:39 Posted on Planning 0 16

Apologies in advance - this might be a long post...

Wedding is in less than 5 weeks, and OH is on the verge of falling out with his parents forever.

So... OH and his sister haven't gotten on for the last 10 years. She's unstable, unpredictable, has outbursts because the wind changes and never apologises for any of it. She lies to justify her actions and she can be vindictive and uses her kids to get what she wants. The only reason he's ever put up with any of it is for his niece and nephew. His parents continually justify it by saying it's because she's depressed.

They've been pretty civil the last couple of years following a MAJOR fall out where we weren't allowed to see the kids for a year, which was pretty hurtful for both of us. (She bullied my 8 year old niece, amongst other things, and lied to his parents about the whole situation, on OH's 30th birthday).

She was invited to the wedding, purely because we wanted the kids to be part of it.

A few weeks back we started to sort a dress for OH's niece. Just a while flower girl dress, which we will make a sash to match, and a pair of silver shoes. Didn't think it was worth getting anything sooner as she's only 8 and didn't want it to not fit by the time the wedding came round. We sent a few links and asked his mum to order a couple and see how they fit, send us some pictures. They live 2 hours away and there wasn't an appropriate time for us to go up and see the dresses for ourselves - due to them being on holiday, busy, and us sorting things for the wedding, my hen do last week and my birthday (today - yesterday now i've been writing so long!).

We received a couple of pictures of one of the dresses last week, but we weren't keen, so asked for some more pictures and to see the other dresses, which OH's parents agreed to do. OH gets a call out of the blue weds night from his sister shouting at him that he's out of order, she's picked the dress, it's her daughter, she'll wear what she wants her to wear and that's that. Being nasty as per usual, saying she does't have time to run around taking pictures 5 weeks before the wedding (we've literally asked nothing of her up till this point, and will be paying for the dress!)

He was calm and collected, but told his parents that of she didn't apologise this time she's not coming to the wedding, he doesn't want to be worrying about her causing a scene on the day (she did this at his cousin's wedding, in the middle of the dance floor, a couple of years ago).

Well.. his dad called up OH and said it was MY fault because I should have sorted my sh*t out sooner!! And this is where it all starts going wrong. OH stuck up for me and told his dad he was out of order, his dad hung up on him. He told his sister she's not welcome, and she obviously said the kids won't be there if she's not.

Some to-ing and fro-ing involving his parents hanging up when they don't get their way. His mum belittling him telling him to get over it.

OH sent a long text telling his parents how he feels that they always side with her using 'she's depressed' as an excuse, and it's hurtful that they constantly belittle him and have no respect for his decisions regarding the wedding - there was a huge fall out with his parents because he didn't invite some of his uncles that he doesn't ever see, and a bunch of his parents friends he hasn't seen for 2 decades. His dad was upset because his family only get together at weddings and funerals... sorry but not our problem. We didn't have the capacity, end of. They get an evening invite and that's that.

They replied, justifying their actions by laying into MY family.

I've had issues with my sister in the past, but never fall outs of monstrous proportions, and quite frankly, how I handle my relationships with my family is sod all to do with them! They said it's double standards if I'm still inviting my sister.

They also said it's inappropriate to allow my dad to come (who they've NEVER met!!) based on a comment I made about him having colourful language once upon a time - because there will be women and children there. How they fond it very strange that he's not wearing a morning suit like the rest of the bridal party... Again, my family relationships - nothing to do with them!!

Without making this EVEN longer and going into the emotional blackmail they're putting on OH, I can't even put into words how angry I am that they would drag my family into this to try and justify their actions when this is an issue between him, his sister, his mum and his dad.

They also said there's nothing we can do if they turn up at the wedding with her in tow!!! It's not a church wedding and it's not an open invite!

We've gone so far as to check the wedding insurance as this stress has made OH not want to go ahead with the whole thing. (Get married in a registry office and 2 fingers to everyone else). But obviously, this type of thing isn't covered.

Really don't know what to do :'( we haven't slept all week. Both OH and I are affected at work. They've literally tried to control every aspect of this wedding, despite the fact that we're paying for the entire thing ourselves.

OH ended the last call with his parents telling them if they don't hear from him in the next 5 weeks not to bother coming to the wedding Smiley sad I tried to calm him down, but he's so upset. I'm upset... I don't want him to regret not having his parents there. They just cannot be reasoned with. I tried to stay out of it right up until the point they started laying into my family.

Sorry, just needed to write it all down. I've gone round in circles (literally, we walked in circles round the estate talking it over) and just don't know what to do for the best. I can't believe they would create such a scene 5 weeks before the wedding...

16 replies

Latest activity by MetalBride, 12 August, 2016 at 09:20
  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    Ahh love. Big hugs. I don't know what to say really. What is it about weddings that turns families into raving lunatics? I think all you can do is support your oh in whatever decision he makes because I think inviting or not inviting his sister and parents has to be his decision. I don't think you have done anything wrong. I fully understand that 8 year olds sometimes grow quickly so sorting her dress out earlier isn't because "you haven't got your sh*t together"! I also think it's not unreasonable to ask to see a different dress before you make a decision and it's not a case of her child/her decision what she wears when you are paying.

    Maybe give it a bit of cooling down period? It sounds like his parents like to pussyfoot around his sister and are used to your oh giving in to her. However this is your wedding. Your choices. As for all the comments made about your family that's not on and his parents may realise that and apologise. I can't even believe they said well we will bring her anyway!

    My ex didn't have his parents at our wedding as they refused to come after a row. It took a long time to mend that rift and obviously it's something you never get the chance to undo. That said he was upset and angry when he knew they weren't coming but we still had a lovely wedding day.

    What ever you both decide all I can say is don't let other people's idiocy spoil things for you. They are making their choices and if your o h has to ban them from the wedding well better that than people creating and spoiling your day. Xx

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  • Chapples
    Beginner June 2017
    Chapples ·
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    Oh blimey, families eh?! Totally understand where you & your OH are coming from - and as someone who has some crazy parents I totally get how you're feeling right now.

    I agree with Jayne - your OH has a tough decision to make about whether they come or not, and either way it's not going to be any easy one. Why on earth would they want to bring her knowing it's totally against what you both want though, unbelievable!

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  • P
    Beginner April 2016
    Pooba ·
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    I think it's so desperately sad that some people can't just step back and see the bigger picture - this day isn't a chance to get back at so-and-so, or catch up with randoms they haven't seen in years, or to kick up a fuss and be the centre of attention. This special day - all of our special days - are to get married to our OH's. To celebrate. To share that time with YOUR close friends and family.

    Rant over, I just feel so upset on behalf of everyone who have pointless issues and arguments spring up from family members who just can't get a grip.

    Talking hasn't worked with them and face-to-face showdown may result in things being said that shouldn't be. My advice is to write them a letter. Spill everything out - how hurt you feel, but how you want them to be there. When it's written down, they can't get angry at a piece of paper and maybe, just maybe, it'll bring some sense into them.

    Sending you and your OH all the very best wishes x

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  • DreamsComeTrue2015
    Beginner July 2017
    DreamsComeTrue2015 ·
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    Oh hell that all sounds awful! The sister sounds like a brat and the parents sound like they're enabling her behaviour.

    Best thing to do is listen to everything your OH has to say about it and let him make a decision. You need to stay out of it a bit - it's his family and you don't want to be seen as the reason there's a falling out or they don't come. It's not easy to do - especially as they're dragging you in - but it's his family and if you get involved you might become the scapegoat.

    If they don't come then that's horribly sad but ultimately their decision. If they want to be that petty then try not to let that spoil your day. I know it's easier said than done though.

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  • kizzi10000
    Beginner August 2016
    kizzi10000 ·
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    Not sure I can add anything helpful, it sounds so awful and sad, for everyone, so just sending hugs. Sometimes situations get so bad no-one knows how to get out of them. I just hope you all manage to sort something out so you can have a lovely day

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  • TrixieSaurus
    Beginner August 2016
    TrixieSaurus ·
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    Thanks All. Really appreciate the support.

    OH has gone back into work today. He was in no state to drive or work due to sheer exhaustion from the whole situation.

    He was honest with his boss about everything and got a lovely message back saying his well-being comes first and that stress is nothing to be ashamed of. He gave him the company helpline for stress, anxiety and depression, so OH spent Monday afternoon talking with a counsellor. They gave him some really good advice - write them an email, keep it factual, suggest to leave the he said/she said out of it all and agree to disagree. Tell them he still wants them to be at the wedding, but they are going to have to respect ground rules (one of them being respect his decision that his sister is not welcome). He also suggested that at some point after the wedding, that they attend family counselling if they want to mend their relationship as he can't see a way forward for them without it. He agonized over the wording for hours and eventually sent it...

    Well his parents are yet to respond. Can't help but wonder why. The requests he made weren't unreasonable - stop moaning about the guest list, don't bring his sister, stop dragging my family into things when it's not relevant. I find it utterly incomprehensible that they can't see that this is not their wedding, and they can't have it their way. I feel for OH as he's gone from his dad being his hero, to seeing a nasty, manipulative side to his parents he never in a million years would have imagined existed. Some of the things they said to him there's not much coming back from...

    So here we are. One month to go. Waiting for them to make a decision - assume it will be today seeing as it's the last day for his mum to get the money back for the hotel....

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  • Stephisaur
    Beginner April 2017
    Stephisaur ·
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    Big hugs to hubby to be Trix.

    It sounds like his email was brilliantly worded and I hope his parents are able to see how silly they are being.

    Fingers crossed for you both and thinking of you Smiley heart

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  • Chapples
    Beginner June 2017
    Chapples ·
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    Sounds like he's done exactly the right thing Trixie. I hope somehow you're able to put it all behind you & enjoy these last few weeks before the wedding as much as possible - hopefully their lack of response so far is because they're utterly ashamed of their actions & are figuring out a way to apologise! xx

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    I hope that if they can't apologise they can at least agree to disagree and keep their mouths well and truly shut about everything. If they can't do either then you dnt need their hassles on what should be a happy day. Big hugs. Xx

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  • MetalBride
    Beginner April 2018
    MetalBride ·
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    Big hugs, I hope it all gets sorted out, don't let it spoil your and your OH's day x

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  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    Have only just seen this Trixie and have nothing useful or constructive to add to the advice the others have given. Just wanted to say I hope your future in laws are able to wind their fecking necks in and that they and your OH manage to at least come to a truce before the wedding... though sadly I suspect from the sounds of it, they will be too 'proud' (or stupid depending on your viewpoint!) to admit they are wrong or accept a compromise... such a terrible shame for all of you.

    Sounds like your OH's workplace have been very understanding and that their employee support has been amazing- that's a refreshing change- I'm glad he was able to get some advice from them and send that e-mail- at least in time to come he will know that he did everything he could to heal the rift, even if they choose not to accept the terms of the olive branch.... which frankly were entirely reasonable!

    Massive hugs to you both xx

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  • Justkeepswimming
    Beginner July 2016
    Justkeepswimming ·
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    Wow, it is so true what they say, weddings bring out the worst in people! We had some fallings out with friends and brother in law before the wedding and it was SO stressful so I can only imagine how stressed out you guys must be as this is even more extreme. I really hope everything sorts it's self out so you can at least get some sleep! I'm sure it will sort itself out, there is still time. Sounds like you've done the right thing so hang in there. No matter what happens it'll be a distant memory on the day. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    Have they been in touch or replied TS? I hope so and that it was favourable. Preferably with an apology. Big hugs xx

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  • TrixieSaurus
    Beginner August 2016
    TrixieSaurus ·
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    Thanks all, really appreciate the messages - sorry I've been off for a while. We've been trying to catch up on the DIY we had no motivation for...

    Well they replied after 4 days: We will be at your wedding, we'll let you know about niece and nephew.

    And that's pretty much it. No apology, nothing else, just that.

    OH had an NHS telephone appointment on Mon with the well-being service which resulted in him being given an initial analysis/diagnosis and follow up appointment, which will be in about 8 weeks' time. He text his parents to let them know. They replied later that evening, nothing of note - 'sorry to hear about your illness'.

    Then to top it off, with everything going on, I didn't realise that my cousin was leaving for NZ for a year out from uni last week. Because I didn't phone him and wish him good luck, or call my auntie to see how she's coping, she decided to come over and tell me I'm a selfish horrible person and she's not coming to the wedding. I should have known as it was all over Facebook? (I was hardly online last week) and Instagram (I rarely use my Instagram)...

    She's also upset that she wasn't invited to the Hen Do. She wasn't talking to me at the time it was arranged. She's fallen out with my mum (her sister in-law, her brother's EX-wife!) over not being invited to a surprise meal for my mum's 60th... So no, i didn't invite her to the sodding hen do.

    Oh well, good riddance I say there... I knew all along she'd find an excuse not to come. She did the same to my sister 2 years ago... decided she wasn't going a few weeks beforehand because they couldn't afford to go to California for 4 days, but a few weeks later went to her other niece's wedding in Chicago for a few weeks.

    And today one of my friends declined the invite 2 days before we have to give final numbers to the venue, just in case her daughter's dad kicks off about them going... ?☹️

    Seriously, how am I still sane? AM I still sane? I don't even know........

    3 and a half weeks and I can tell everyone to do one..... Really never thought I'd be wishing my wedding would just be over and done with!

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    One thing about weddings is for some reason you see everyone's true colours. I would email/text whatever the cousin wishing her well and apologising that due to a lot of personal problems her date of leaving was missed. She will get it whenever.

    As regards her mother stuff her! She had uninvited herself. keep it that way.

    At least the friend let you know before final numbers and not much you can do about her.

    Seems his parents are coming to the wedding and to be honest not sure that is a good or bad thing. Also seems they accept they are not to bring his sister.

    This day is about you and your oh and I think now at this stage I wouldn't take any ?from anyone.

    If people are giving you grief just remember the words "not my circus, not my monkeys". Let people take their grievances and go forth and deal with them far far away. Feel free to ban their circus from your wedding I say. By banning them from your wedding day.

    Sending you a big hug. And a wine. That's wine. Not whine! I hope you can get back on track wedding wise and that oh starts to pick up.

    Anytime you need a moan or some reinforcement that this is your and oh day and not a family party as such with automatic entitlements for other people we are all here to remind you xx

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  • L
    Beginner August 2016
    LuxuriousBlueConfetti327 ·
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    Aw Trixie you poor love I am sending you hugs! Sounds horrible for there to be family arguments in the lead up to what is meant to be the best day of your life.

    I know it's hard but just try to keep in mind and it's your and your hubby to be's day, and as long as you two aren't the ones arguing then everything will be just fine Smiley smile

    It's so unfiar for your future in laws to be acting the way they do. I'm glad to hear that your husbands work has been so supportive, and the advice of writing an email or letter is brilliant I think. Gives the chance to think about what you are going to say. It's a shame his parents weren't more responsive.

    Big hugs to you. Try to enjoy these last few weeks in the run up to the wedding. I'm sure on the day everything will fall into place and you will end up having the happiest day of your life Smiley smile


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  • MetalBride
    Beginner April 2018
    MetalBride ·
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    This all sounds awful, it's really selfish, on the other hand at least your OH will have his parents there as I know in the end he'd probably be gutted if they didn't attend. Take a deep breath and try and ignore the selfishness, take a day out of it all for you and H2b and try and have some non-wedding related time to relax x

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