My daughters grandfather (Fathers, father) called yesterday asking if I would be ok to let M go to Lapland with him and her cousin who are the same age (7). This is his xmas present to both of them!
Amazing gift and so generous, it's a once in a lifetime trip for her as over the next year or 2 she will realise Santa isn't real and will lose the magic slightly. So of course I said yes....
But I have niggling doubts, the trip is booked for 19 December until 24th Deember (xmas eve) the flights are from Birmingham and we live in Scotland....5 hour journey as long as there isn't any traffic issues/weather etc....The flight arrives in at 2pm on the 24th (as long as there are no delays and baggage is prompt they should be on their way back to Scotland about 3-3.30pm) which means the earliest she will be home is 10pm on xmas eve.
WHAT IF THE FLIGHT IS DELAYED or THERE IS A STUPID AMOUNT OF SNOW/RAIN/WIND AND THEY CAN'T DRIVE UP TO SCOTLAND??? I might not see my little girl on Christmas morning!!!! [:'(]
In hindsight even now thinking about these problems I think I would still let her go as it is once in a lifetime and she will absolutely love it! And I would hate to be the one to stop that from happening....but I can't help worrying that she won't be home in her bed all tucked up for Christmas