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Beginner May 2005

Lies you told (or were told by) your siblings as a child...

oldspeckledtam, 23 April, 2009 at 21:51 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 32

Following on from the stupid things thread, did you tell your younger siblings lies?

I told my brother he was adopted but it was a secret so he couldn't mention it. It was a year before he asked my parents if it was true.?

I also told him that things dropped on the floor became poisonous. I gained a lot of chocolate and some rather nice felt tip pens that way.?

After learning the definition of 'pervert' as 'someone who watches too much television' (playground discussion) I reported this to my brother... Who then announced my Dad was a pervert during Christmas dinner a week later.

32 replies

Latest activity by SAM83, 26 April, 2009 at 21:04
  • Wuzzle
    Wuzzle ·
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    I told my brother if he ate apple seeds that a tree would grow in his stomach. I never realised that he'd believed me until he had a stomach ache a week later and was near hysterical saying that he thought the tree was going to burst his stomach ?

    It was my dad that used to tell me I was adopted. Or his prefered story that he found me at a bus stop and took pity on me and gave me a place to stay and he hadn't managed to get rid of me since ?

    He was even more cruel to my younger cousins when he told them that Santa had alzheimers and the reindeer had distemper and wouldn't be making christmas that year ?

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  • DebbieD
    DebbieD ·
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    A friend of mine told his daughter that a baby monkey was a minkey. She never questioned it and recently, 25 years later, used the word minkey when referring to a baby monkey! She was soooo embarrassed when she found out it wasn't true!! ?

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  • Puss
    Beginner September 2004
    Puss ·
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    My Dad had my cousin convinced for about 2 years that he was secretly Giant Haystacks ?. He had an excuse for every argument against it my cousin had. What is really funny is Dad was a skinny whippet and Giant Haystacks, well... wasn't ?.

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  • Lumpy Golightly
    Expert February 2003
    Lumpy Golightly ·
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    Not in my childhood, but my nieces' - my brother (their dad) has told them that a face cloth or flannel is called.... a bunion.

    He's says it's his experiment in the field of linguistics.

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  • PhoebeBuffay
    Beginner December 2008
    PhoebeBuffay ·
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    My brother told me I was adopted.

    Him, my Mum and I were walking around a garden centre one weekend when I was about 15 when he pulled me aside and told me he'd found my adoption certificate in my Mums room, at 15 I believed him!! He was very convincing though.

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  • Voldemort
    Voldemort ·
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    I used to tell my little brother all sorts of lies but he never believed me ? My mum on the otherhand was so gullible I even got her with the 'the word "gullible" has been taken out of the dictionary' line. Bless her.

    Our parents used to pretend they lived in the gas storage tanks at Armley Gyratory when they were first married. I used to ask them stuff like how did they turn the lights on without a fire as if that would be the only sticking point in living in a non-breathable atmosphere ?

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  • memedoaky
    Beginner September 2008
    memedoaky ·
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    I once told my sister who is 2 years older than me that Graham Norton and Edward Norton were identical twins. She had just watched Fight Club at the time so you'd think it would be obvious that I was joking!!

    I do remember being told that if you ate apple seeds then apple tree's would grow in your stomache!

    My sister also asked my mum one day what semen was and was told a man at sea!?

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  • Gone With The Whinge
    Beginner July 2011
    Gone With The Whinge ·
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    In a simillar vein, I convinced my sisters that the real term for a squirrel was a squizzel. They used it for years and everyone just thought they were being cute.

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  • Knownowt
    Knownowt ·
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    My brother told me that the head of a penis is an empty bubble and that, if a boy gets hit on the willy, his bubble can burst and he'll die. So if I ever hit him or did anything violent to him at all, I might kill him. So I never did.

    He obviously beat the hell out me on a daily basis ?

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  • Scottishterrier
    Scottishterrier ·
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    We told our youngest brother that he was born in a cabbage patch and that his real dad was king of the elfs! everytime his hair stuck up we would chant elf hair lol he was so paranoid he wore a hood all summer

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  • MrsMcB2B
    Beginner November 2009
    MrsMcB2B ·
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    Can't think of any from my Sis, but I'm sure there are some lurking.

    My dad used to tell us that tomato soup was monkey's blood.

    There is a range of greetings cards called 'great lies to tell kids' that are illustrated. My favourite one is that in Denmark they use bacon as money instead of coin/note currency. My school teacher pal is already going to use that one in the primary school he works in....on top of farting as he walks about the class and blaming the nearest kid.

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  • J
    Beginner September 2005
    juliehf ·
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    They told me that I was adopted, and my sister told me that mince was made from people (and after having seen 5 mins of a horror film where a man was tipped into a giant grinder, I was more than happy tp believe her)

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  • S
    Beginner September 2007
    Sparklywug ·
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    I found some bells in the house and asked my mum where they'd come from, she told me it was because my dad was a morris dancer.... 15 years later I discovered it wasn't true, I'd thought that he'd been a morris dancer all that time!

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  • janeyh
    janeyh ·
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    I cant really remember any major ones from my sis and me

    my daughter however told her little brother that shepherd's pie was made from shepherds - we couldnt understand why he wouldnt eat something he had previously loved

    in the same vein she told the other brother that goat cheese was made of goats while on holiday in france which slightly frustrated our efforts on the broadening of tastes endeavour

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  • Dove
    Dove ·
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    A fib my Mum used to tell my brother when he was naughty was that when he was born she had really wanted a bulldog and that if he didn't behave she would take him back and swap for a bulldog. He used to get quite upset andd really believed her.

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  • Jam Sponge
    Beginner August 2005
    Jam Sponge ·
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    I think the worst one my three older brothers told me was that 'constipation' meant 'goodbye'. So, there I was, aged 5 or 6, shouting 'Constipation' and waving madly out the car window at some elderly relatives!

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  • S
    Beginner November 2005
    Skittalie ·
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    Yes I also told my little sister she was adopted, also that she's named after a labrador

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  • Hungry Caterpillar
    Hungry Caterpillar ·
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    I told my brother that if he ate apple pips a tree would grow out of his ear.

    Also, we once went out for a family meal and my cousin (4 years younger than me) came to the toilet with me and asked what the bags were for (sanitary towel disposal bags) so I kinda made something up about posh ladies weeing in them - I was only about 11 and I honestly didn't know what to say! Bet she was really confused!

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  • The Sock Chicken
    Beginner August 2010
    The Sock Chicken ·
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    As a child we went on a lot of long journeys. We would stop at least twice each way for my Dad to get out and 'inspect the tyres'. I was never allowed to get out, and was quite concerned about our tyres.

    It took me years to work out that he was going for a pee! ?

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  • Iris
    Iris ·
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    My dad very occasionally went out to the pub. For some reason my mum told me he was going out flower arranging.

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  • annie
    Beginner April 2006
    annie ·
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    When I was about 6 or 7 ish my older brother asked me if I had grown my bum teeth yet. My blank look obviously told him I hadn't and he went on to explian that you grow bum teeth to cut your poo off for you when you have fininshed.

    I worried for quite a few years before finally confiding in my Mum the fact that I hadn't grown any bum teeth.

    I have never forgiven him for that!

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  • W
    Wicket ·
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    I am crying with laughter at this thread!


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  • Daisy78
    Beginner July 2007
    Daisy78 ·
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    My sister & I are 9 & 7 years older than our brother. One day we were in our bedroom and my sister swore and he repeated it. We didn't want to get told off so told him that we knew a naughtier word to use instead. We told him the word "biology" was really naughty. For ages and ages he would go round saying it and we had to pretend it was so bad.

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  • ebee
    Beginner January 2008
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    Brilliant ? Is it wrong that I'm going to try this on the boys when they're older? ?

    My brother once told me to eat vaseline if I had a sore throat, which I duly did, and he then told me I was going to die because it was made out of petrol ? I spent about an hour in bed scared to sleep in case I didn't wake up .... I eventually ran downstairs in hysterics screaming that I was going to DIIIIIEEEEEEE into my parents' dinner party ?

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  • Kat1
    Beginner March 2006
    Kat1 ·
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    When I started secondary school (and should have been old enough to know better!), my dad told me that we would have these things called Insect Days, where we'd all go out into the countryside and collect insects. Cue the announcement, a few weeks later, of our first Inset Day, where my friends all started chatting about how they were planning to go shopping etc. In bemusement, I vividly remember asking "but won't you get into trouble? You know, aren't we all meant to be going out and looking at insects ..."

    I was never the cool kid, but I think that pretty much clinched it for me! ? My dad still laughs about it now ...

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  • Rosencrantz
    Rosencrantz ·
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    Not a lie that I told my siblings but when he was about 9 my husbands brother, Iain, told my husband, who was about 7 at the time, to jump up and swing off the edge of the bathroom sink 'because it would be fun'. My husband duly did and the sink broke away from the wall. Their parents were livid as you can imagine and Iain told them it was entirely my husbands fault.

    It was only a few years ago when Iain was well into his 30's that he came clean and told my husband that it was actually him who'd broken the sink first by swinging on it. Turns out, he'd propped it back up on the stand and then decided to get my husband to swing on it so it looked like it was him that broke it.

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  • cherry pie
    Beginner July 2007
    cherry pie ·
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    You know hte adverts where they ask you to 'sponser a child' from a third world country, well i told my sister that my mum and dad arranged to sponser her and sent money for a while and then they were asked if she could come and live with them ? i got into so much trouble for that!!!

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  • flailing wildly
    flailing wildly ·
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    As I was the youngest, I don't remember ever getting one over on my older brothers and sister, sadly.

    I do remember my dad telling a friend of mine that the Eccles cake he had just given her to eat was filled with rabbit droppings, from our own rabbit, as per the traditional recipe. I don't think she's ever been able to look at an Eccles cake again ?

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  • teenybash
    Beginner February 2008
    teenybash ·
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    My dad told my sister that the only way to open his pocket watch was by blowing on it. every time he brought out the pocket watch, he would get my sister to blow on it while he squeezed the opening mechanism on the side. crafty, no?

    it was only a few years ago, when she was in her late 20s, that the penny dropped and she realised she'd been fooled all this time. ? ?

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  • lollyxx
    lollyxx ·
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    I 'may' have told the boys the other week that when the ice cream van comes round with its chimes on, it means its run out of ice cream.... oopps!!!

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  • S
    Beginner October 2005
    SAM83 ·
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    My sister told me I was adopted from the milk man (he had dark hair whereas my brother/sister and dad had blonde hair) and that I couldnt ask my dad about it (mum had died) because he would be upset.

    I thought it was the truth for 6 months before l plucked up the courage to ask my dad. Got my sister grounded for 2 weeks though and I got to have her pocket money for a month.

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