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Beginner September 2004

Lost finale (lots of spoilers)

barongreenback, 17 May, 2009 at 19:13 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 13

Anyone seen it yet? WTF was all that about?


What or who is on the face of the statue?

Is Jacob dead?

Who is Locke?

Who are the second group of plane crash survivors?

Why didn't Sun go back in time like the others?

Is Juliet really dead? (let's hope not)

How does the nuke change things next season? ARG! I can't wait until 2010!

13 replies

Latest activity by ooh la la, 18 May, 2009 at 20:13
  • em-ster
    Beginner July 2008
    em-ster ·
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    Ok so here my H's 'who is John Locke' theory after watching this episode...

    Remember the guy sat with Jacob on the beach when the galleon is spotted in the distance? He says he would like to kill Jacob, to which Jacob replies something about finding a loop hole which will let him? Well H reckons the spirit of this guy is somehow in Locke, hence his quest to kill Jacob and that this has something to do with the broken line of ash surrounding Jacob's house

    H also read something about the Richard being an incarnation of a spirit sent to protect the dead or dying whilst journeying to their final resting place, hence him never ageing and his ability to be in more than 1 place at a time

    The sun thing is just too confusing isn't it? And Bernard and Rose - that really freaked me out, especially their acceptance of the island now being in the 70's

    I hate it when the season ends - it's January before it comes back I think. I'll have forgotten everything by then

    It's so addictive though....

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  • AllyDrew
    Beginner May 2007
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    What or who is on the face of the statue? :it's an egyptian God, i think, but not Anubis as was widely believed

    Is Jacob dead? I think so, yes

    Who is Locke? I think Fake Locke is the black-shirted chap from the opening - Jacob's rival. Same guy that appeared as Christian eariler. For some reason he can't kill Jacob himself (the "loophole" as mentioned in the opening sequence) so he's using someone else's body to do so

    Who are the second group of plane crash survivors? Ilana, Bram and the other Ajira people? Something to do with Jacob. People that he's been grooming, so to speak, off-island.

    Why didn't Sun go back in time like the others? Because she's so mind-bogglingly dull?

    Is Juliet really dead? (let's hope not) I think so, they've not killed a key player for a while (I don't count Faraday!)

    How does the nuke change things next season? ARG! I can't wait until 2010! I don't think the flash was the nuke. I think it was another time-shift. I could be entirely wrong, of course.

    Mental, wasn't it? My mind is still boggling!

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  • Ladelley
    Beginner August 2008
    Ladelley ·
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    What or who is on the face of the statue? Not sure, but Sobek and Ammit are possibilities.

    Is Jacob dead? I think so. What's that going to mean for the island?

    Who is Locke? The bloke at the start who came to see the boat. The boat was the Black Rock I assume. I also think Richard was on that boat and that's when he came to the island. I think he's the embodiment of the smoke monster, as well.

    Who are the second group of plane crash survivors? Jacob's people.

    Why didn't Sun go back in time like the others? She's the only who wasn't asked by Locke to go back, she was asked by Ben.

    Is Juliet really dead? (let's hope not) I think so. I think Sayid is dead too.

    How does the nuke change things next season? ARG! I can't wait until 2010! As someone has already said, I'm not sure it was the nuke, maybe it was another temporal shift.

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  • ooh la la
    Beginner August 2013
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    I thought EXACTLY the same!!!

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  • ooh la la
    Beginner August 2013
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    Ahhhh, of course!

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  • Ladelley
    Beginner August 2008
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    Whoever it is (I've seen Esau being floated about as a theory) hasn't possessed or inhabited Locke, he's just taken on his likeness. Locke's body was outside at the same time that he was inside with Ben and Jacob.

    The answer to "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" is "He who will save us (all?)". I assume that refers to Jacob.

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  • Buggins
    Beginner August 2007
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    Yes agreed that the person taking on Locke's form is the other guy from the beach. Freaky stuff!

    I really hope Juliette is dead because shes my most hated character on the show... I just find her intensly irritating!

    Looking forward to finding out the answers though, Lost really has got good again!

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  • KJX
    Beginner August 2005
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    Is it cruel of me to tell MrKJX I know what is in the box and then refuse to tell him what it is?

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  • Ladelley
    Beginner August 2008
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    Yes, but I think it's also necessary. ?

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  • Nichola80
    Nichola80 ·
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    I watched this on Friday so I'm so pleased to be able to talk about it now!

    Other Locke was absolutely the guy in the black top from the first scene with Jacob, finding his loophole that he said he would find in the end.

    I don't know if Jacob is dead, but I think he is.

    I'm curious as to how Allana etc fit in as she clearly knew Jacob when he visited her in the hospital and had their little chat in Russian.

    I think that Juliet is dead but I'd like to be proved wrong. I found the scene where Sawyer was holding on to her so moving. Talking of Juliette but did anyone else notice that in her flash back it looked too modern? It looked current day instead of it being in the late 70s/ early 80s like it should have been.

    There have been lots of theories about who/what god the statue is, most of them based around Egyptian gods.

    Now we know how Dr Chang got his mangled arm and how sweet that Miles yelled out 'Dad' and went to help him.

    I can't believe it's an 8 month wait till the new and final series but I think it's going to be fantastic!

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  • L
    Beginner March 2010
    Lou0408 ·
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    Do we really think Sayid is properly dead. If this is the case i may boycott next season!!!

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  • AllyDrew
    Beginner May 2007
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    I also thought the boat was the Black Rock and Richard was on it, that'd explain why he was making a ship-in-a-bottle that looked an awful lot like it in the previous episode. agreee that Black Shirt Man is the smoke monster. The bit where Jacob offered him some fish and he declined, saying "I just ate" made me think he'd been rampaging round the jungle as Smokey, eating any luckless souls he found

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  • S
    Beginner June 2008
    shooting star ·
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    We wondered if the black-shirt-guy / bad Locke was also the black smoke monster. Also if he had been doing all the whispering in the forest too creating disruption as part of his long plan. He also said 'You don't know what I've been through to do this.'

    We wondered if the Oceanic plan crash survivors were unwitting pawns in his bad plans, and when Ben had said originally 'we're the good guys' it was true and the reason they seemed hostile to the survivors is that they were protecting Jacob (who btw is very sexy!)

    Is the loophole something to do with Ben killing Locke, which somehow enables him to kill Jacob?

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  • ooh la la
    Beginner August 2013
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    Ditto! I can't stand the woman. Odd, wonky, sly smile and irritatingly bad acting......argh!

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