So I got a phone call on Wednesday night from my Dad telling me my Grandad had passed away...he'd been diagnosed with bowel cancer at the beginning of the year and at 82 years old had lived a good life. I'm absolutely devastated but at least I know he's not in any more pain, and he went in the best way pain, at home with my mum and dad by his side and he just fell asleep
It's so sad to know he's not going to see my get married...if only he could have lasted another few months. He was so looking forward to the wedding, it's all he would talk about when I'd go to see him, how excited he was. My brother gets married in 3 weeks in Cyprus and unfortunately he was too unwell to fly anyway but he was so looking forward to their reception back here and he was so close to actually making that one. It's just such a shame
I'd quite like to have some sort of memorial something at the wedding...nothing morbid or to make people upset but just something that could represent him being there...not really sure though and if I do that would it look bad not doing it for other family members who are no longer with us? Any ideas on something fairly discreet?
Thanks x