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Beginner September 2014

Lost my Grandad :(

beckimas, 30 May, 2014 at 09:44 Posted on Planning 0 11

So I got a phone call on Wednesday night from my Dad telling me my Grandad had passed away...he'd been diagnosed with bowel cancer at the beginning of the year and at 82 years old had lived a good life. I'm absolutely devastated but at least I know he's not in any more pain, and he went in the best way pain, at home with my mum and dad by his side and he just fell asleep Smiley sad

It's so sad to know he's not going to see my get married...if only he could have lasted another few months. He was so looking forward to the wedding, it's all he would talk about when I'd go to see him, how excited he was. My brother gets married in 3 weeks in Cyprus and unfortunately he was too unwell to fly anyway but he was so looking forward to their reception back here and he was so close to actually making that one. It's just such a shame Smiley sad

I'd quite like to have some sort of memorial something at the wedding...nothing morbid or to make people upset but just something that could represent him being there...not really sure though and if I do that would it look bad not doing it for other family members who are no longer with us? Any ideas on something fairly discreet?

Thanks x

11 replies

Latest activity by EdenNI, 30 May, 2014 at 20:03
  • millielovesroses
    Beginner March 2014
    millielovesroses ·
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    My dad died a couple of years ago, and so I could feel he was with me at the wedding I had a bouquet charm with his picture in it. It was discreet and only close family knew it was on my flowers. Was a lovely touch and made me feel he was with me every step of the way x

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  • L
    Beginner August 2014
    LRsoontobeLH ·
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    Oh no this is such sad news! I'm so sorry beckimas!

    There are loads of nice discreet memorials you could have, Ive seen bouquet charms which you can put pictures into a bit like a locket. Is there an item of his you could carry with you or incorporate into your outfit?

    We are having a photo frame filled with pictures of people who could not be with us on the day, also my Dad will be wearing my Grandad's shoes and I find it quite comforting to know that my Grandad will in some way be walking down the aisle with me.

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    Such sad news, sorry to read that Smiley sad

    Like you say though he's pain free now and went peacefully with his loved ones.

    I'm a big fan of the little locket pictures in the bouquets I think that's what i'd go for in that situation, i'm sure you'll find something fitting for him and he'd be very proud of you. Glad he got to see the build up though and feel excited about it Smiley smile

    Sending big hugs and sympathy x

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  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    So sorry to see this. You must feel so very sad at the moment. You've already been given ideas for how to include your Grandad on your day, hopefully your brother can do the same too.

    I lost my mum just over 6 months ago, and it was her birthday yesterday so another sad day, but while she won't be with us on our day, I do at least have the memory that she was overjoyed about our engagement and that we were getting married. We're having photo's, lockets, and candles and she will be very much in our thoughts. Your Grandad was also clearly happy about yours and your brother's weddings, so hold that memory too over the coming weeks etc as you lead up to and enjoy your wedding day..

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  • donnyette
    Beginner December 2016
    donnyette ·
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    No new advice from me, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am about your grandad and send love and hugs x x

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  • H
    Beginner August 2014
    H3LEN ·
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    So sorry about your grandad. Sure he will be with you in spirit. Xx

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
    cymruangel ·
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    Sorry to hear that.

    In addition to earlier suggestions, did he have a favourite song that you could incorporate into the day somewhere? Or a favourite flower or colour?

    I'm sure whatever you do, he would be pleased and proud of you.

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  • mustard_mitt
    Beginner September 2015
    mustard_mitt ·
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    I'm very sorry for your loss beckimas. At least he's at peace now. I think a locket or something you could wear containing his photo would be a lovely, subtle way of him being with you all day.

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  • B
    Beginner September 2014
    beckimas ·
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    Thanks so much everyone for your kind comments and lovely suggestions...i love the support we get on this site (most of the time) Smiley smile

    I absolutely love the idea of the photo locket thing on the bouquet and will definitely incorporate it was my dads dad I think he would feel some comfort whilst he's walking me down the aisle too. Also, my bouquet is going into a vase on our top table when we arrive at our reception venue so it will be as though he is with us there too Smiley smile

    I also like the thought of trying to incorporate his favourite song in somewhere. we are yet to decide on our music for signing the register etc so may be able to do that there.

    Thank you's such a difficult but I know I just need to keep thinking he's at peace now and will be with me one way or another Smiley smile


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  • H
    Beginner July 2016
    HeavyMetalMaiden ·
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    Like the other's have said, a bouquet charm is a great way to have him with you on your big day Smiley smile I will be doing that for both my grandads.

    I am sorry that your Grandad has passed away, and I send you and your family well wishes, and all the best x

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  • EdenNI
    Beginner December 2014
    EdenNI ·
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    So sorry for your loss. I am sure your grandad was so pleased to know that you were happy and getting married to the person you love xx

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