Ugh, I am so having the PMT rage this morning. The first week back at work has been hard, particularly as I was either ill or post-viral exhausted all of Christmas so don't feel rested at all. Not only that but every evening this week has been spent working on my assignment (which was submitted last night, and my tutor has already marked and it's good, so that helps a bit!). So I'm knackered, emotionally drained from ER last night, and PMT-ing.
So my first rage at MrSC was because he forgot to make me a cup of tea before he went to work - and then didn't have time to make one because he was going to the post office before work. Then (thankfully after he'd left) I went downstairs and had another rage that he had used the french bread I wanted for my sandwich for his breakfast (not that he knew I wanted it!). Then I had another rage about the state of the kitchen as when I'm working on my assignments we agreed I would just concentrate on them and he'd do all the housework (there is 3 days worth of washing up to go in the dishwasher just to give one example). Then I had a rage at nothing particular because I couldn't find my door key.
Now I'm at work and just feel tired and emotional. I need help (or possibly chocolate) ?