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Beginner May 2005

Mobile phone query... Do I have a leg to stand on?

oldspeckledtam, 26 February, 2009 at 09:52 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 6

Will try to keep this brief!

I have had my current o2 contract for about 6/7 years. (O2 customer for 10+ years)

I bought it as a sim only deal with Genie. I pay £10 line rental, get unlimited free texts (I send a lot of texts, so this is vital!) and some free minutes. My bill is rarely above £25 a month.

After the first year or so, I asked if I could upgrade my handset in store and it wasn't a problem, so I did. I have upgraded my handset each year since then. My last contract was 18months (for a better phone) but that expired recently. I've upgraded in several different shops, all over the country. (My phones seem to die on holiday!)

I popped into 02 as usual to upgrade and the very nice man explained that due to a change in protocal, online customers now had to upgrade online, or by phone.

Yesterday I rang 02 to enquire about upgrading. Apparently I am no longer eligible to upgrade. In fact, I was never eligible to upgrade in the first place and I should look upon all of the upgrades I have been given as a 'bonus'. (Their words, not mine.) However, should I choose to change tarrif, I can have all manner of lovely phones. They tried to sell me a few tarriffs, none of which would work out as cheaply as the one I currently have. I have been rung several times by customer services over the years asking me to change tarrif, but they've always admitted, whien questioned, that they can't better the one I have.

I do not want to change to a more expensive tarrif. I do want a new phone. Is there anything I can do, that you can think of? I spoke to a manager yesterday who said that the next step was to speak with the retainment department, but only if I threaten to leave o2. She made a point of saying that they wouldn't upgrade me either.

What do you think? Do I have to accept it and realise that all good things come to an end... WWYD?

6 replies

Latest activity by November Bride, 26 February, 2009 at 10:57
  • WifeyLind
    Beginner April 2006
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    Yep, I think this is probably the way to go.

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  • Zooropa
    Super October 2007
    Zooropa ·
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    I don't think theres much you can do. You could try retentions but they wouldn't offer you another phone without having you change your contract mainly becuase theres no other company doing the contract you have so you would still have to go to a worse contract if you left.

    You could switch to pay as you go - most providers have free texts with a minimum top up but then i think you would have to pay for a phone.

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  • Tweek
    Tweek ·
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    I'd at least try the retentions department. I think the mobile phone companies are quite keen to keep your business these days. Last week I was on a £20 a month contract with O2. I looked on dialaphone and saw vodafone offering something which (with cashback) equated to £10 a month a new phone and a much better deal for me. I called O2, they tried to get me to switch to SIM only which I said wasn't any good. Got through to the retentions dept and within 5 mins had a £25 a month contract for £10 a month and a new phone which arrived the next day. The entire process took me about 10 mins looking on the internet and 11 mins on the phone to O2 (for free).

    If they won't do anything for you, even after you have asked for your PACS code to keep your number, have a look on dialaphone (there are other sites too, I think moneysavingexpert has links), you should be able to get what you're after without that much trouble. I'm not sure reliable the cashback things are though, I just used that in negotiation.

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  • AnnaBanana
    Beginner July 2007
    AnnaBanana ·
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    Tweek - did you change your contract when it was ending or were you mid-contract?

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  • AnnaBanana
    Beginner July 2007
    AnnaBanana ·
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    Tweek - did you change your contract when it was ending or were you mid-contract?

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  • Tweek
    Tweek ·
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    I was out of contract. I think you can only do this successfully if you're already out of contract or in the last month of it as they know you have to keep paying until the end of the contract anyway.

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  • November Bride
    Beginner November 2008
    November Bride ·
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    I agree with Tweek that you should definitely try them with the 'i can get a better offer elsewhere, so what can you do for me'.

    Bargain with them, it will take some time and you need to sound like you know what you are talking about, even if you feel like you dont, and you will probably get what you want in the end!

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