Will try to keep this brief!
I have had my current o2 contract for about 6/7 years. (O2 customer for 10+ years)
I bought it as a sim only deal with Genie. I pay £10 line rental, get unlimited free texts (I send a lot of texts, so this is vital!) and some free minutes. My bill is rarely above £25 a month.
After the first year or so, I asked if I could upgrade my handset in store and it wasn't a problem, so I did. I have upgraded my handset each year since then. My last contract was 18months (for a better phone) but that expired recently. I've upgraded in several different shops, all over the country. (My phones seem to die on holiday!)
I popped into 02 as usual to upgrade and the very nice man explained that due to a change in protocal, online customers now had to upgrade online, or by phone.
Yesterday I rang 02 to enquire about upgrading. Apparently I am no longer eligible to upgrade. In fact, I was never eligible to upgrade in the first place and I should look upon all of the upgrades I have been given as a 'bonus'. (Their words, not mine.) However, should I choose to change tarrif, I can have all manner of lovely phones. They tried to sell me a few tarriffs, none of which would work out as cheaply as the one I currently have. I have been rung several times by customer services over the years asking me to change tarrif, but they've always admitted, whien questioned, that they can't better the one I have.
I do not want to change to a more expensive tarrif. I do want a new phone. Is there anything I can do, that you can think of? I spoke to a manager yesterday who said that the next step was to speak with the retainment department, but only if I threaten to leave o2. She made a point of saying that they wouldn't upgrade me either.
What do you think? Do I have to accept it and realise that all good things come to an end... WWYD?