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Rockstar September 2014

MrsKHbutterfly Wedding report - Warning, may be slightly over long.... :-D

MrsKHbutterfly, 11 October, 2014 at 01:36 Posted on Planning 0 26

Finally here is my report, as some of you may know from previous posts, I have a tendency to waffle and over detail, so you if you do wish to carry on reading, I suggest you get yourself a large coffee/wine/vodka/beverage of choice and get comfy…..

In the Beginning……

Twas the night before mother’s day 2002 when all through the town, 2 sisters were drinking and acting the clown……. We came across a very lost, sorry looking man and started taking the rip chatting to him. The rest of his crowd came along and I got talking to my future husband. My sister since bumped into her ex and left and I ended up going for a curry (That I ate 2 mouthfuls of!!) before W put me in a taxi and rang me on the way home to make sure I was safe.

A week later and we went on our 1st “date” which began with W asking me what my name was!! I’m not sure why I stayed, but I’m glad I did.

Fast forward through 9 years of ups and downs, lots of growing up, growing apart and growing back together and we finally got back together in 2011. This time we both knew who we were and what we wanted and for what seemed the 1st time it was the same thing.

I still had my ER from years previously when he had proposed on one knee with a heart shaped firework and I wore it on my right hand. After casually chatting one afternoon in the sunshine about holidays, weddings etc it was just kind of “decided” we should get married, in fact neither of us can remember who mentioned it 1st :-D

The run up…..

About 12 months before the wedding I became really poorly with depression and anxiety, we spoke in depth about cancelling or postponing as I didn’t know what would happen with work. W was adamant that it should go ahead as long as I could cope and that we would just cut back else where. Wedding planning really kept me going through that tough time.

Everything went fab, except for the dress makers sending my dress in the wrong colour and not sending the correct one until 4 weeks before the day, by which time I had put on weight since the 8 months previous that I had been measured so there was stress about getting it to fit around my boobs! (The seamstress even pointed out that I had big boobs – like I didn’t notice! Lol)

The Day/Night before….

Around lunch time some dear friends arrived over from Sheffield and I met up with them for a coffee. At this point I got a call from the step-daughters to be mum to ask me what colour plaster would go with their bm dresses! My heart stopped for a second before I realised she was winding me up – well almost, the eldest had fallen over playing rounders and scraped all the skin off her knee and elbow!!

I left my friends to get settled in and jumped into my loaded up car and followed my best girl up to the venue with all boxes of table accessories, signs, cases, dresses, fans and the list goes on….

We handed over to the manager, found our rooms and traveled back to pick my step-daughters up. After getting them settled in the hotel, we met up with my mum and the 5 of us went out to a local pub for a beautiful meal. Still feeling calm we headed back to the hotel and piled into my room where my niece and her boyfriend turned up and joined us for a few drinks (he didn't feel uncomfortable being the only boy AT all Honest!! :-D)

(Mum and step daughters :-) )

At about 11pm everyone drifted off to their rooms, eldest step-daughter dispatched to keep my mum awake sleep in mums room and I was left with the youngest. We settled down for the night and SIL text me such a beautiful message welcoming me to the family and saying it was about time etc! – 1st tears of the whole build up!!!

Step Daughter drifted off and I got a message from a really close friend saying she was in hospital and thought they were going to operate on her and she was gutted she’d miss my day! Queue 2nd lot of tears! After chatting to her at 1.20am it seemed certain she was staying in and I gave her all my love and made her swear to let me know how she got on! I was still wide awake so pulled up my hitched good luck thread which cheered me up no end and I finally drifted off.

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Latest activity by MrsKHbutterfly, 16 October, 2014 at 13:46
  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    The Day

    6am and step daughter was jumping into bed with me (with a cup of tea for me cos she’s been trained so well hehehe) and we were on facetime to mum and her sister in their room. I had received a text from my poorly friend at 4.30am saying she was on her way home with lots of pain meds and would be at my wedding come hell or high water! I was over the moon, although obviously worried about her.

    We went down for breakfast at 7.30am with me still feeling calm as anything and K presented me with a present and card from W…. and tears #3 arrived.

    The night previous I had finally had my 1st wedding dream. We were getting wed in some kind of huge shopping mall and my hairdresser was running late and didn’t turn up until 1.15pm (Getting married at 1.30pm) as she started putting my hair up it all kicked off in the mall and there was windows smashing and machine guns and looting and grenades going off everywhere. It didn't calm down until 8.30pm and W went and stood outside the registrars office demanding they still marry us but we ended up coming home not married. So when, in real life the hairdresser called to say she was running late I half felt sick and half laughed. Luckily she was only 10 minutes late and we got cracking.

    (My Niece doing my mums hair while she was sat on the Togs suitcase thing!!)

    Before I knew it the tog had turned up and chaos was upon us with my step-daughters & niece (BM’s) mum and best friend all running between my room and theirs trying to get ready at the right time to be there for pics and hair. I was doing my own make-up and the tog took loads of pics but when I popped into the bathroom just to double check my face I got shouted at for doing it in private! (by mum - not tog lol!) Thank god my room had access to a private garden so I could go out and breathe for a while!

    Everyone kept asking me if I was nervous yet – NOPE still calm, then mum walked in and said “hey, your OH scrubs up alright doesn’t he” and my stomach turned and I felt the 1st nerves!

    K’s mum turned up then with her 2 girls (my FG’s) and we started getting them ready and I gave them their necklaces and cards, I had to read their cards to them but choked up on the 1st one (tears #4 and final ones of the day!) and K had to take over.

    K’s mum had bought masses of sandwiches and snacks and I half heartedly managed half a sandwich before I gave up trying.

    Then Tog was back and it was into my dress time,

    I started grinning like a Cheshire cat at this point so cheeks were hurting by the time the registrar came to the room to do the necessary.

    At that point the tog went off to capture the boys and I was under strict instructions not to go outside in the garden “just in case”

    (I wasn't peeking - HONEST!!!)

    Once we all trekked over to the ceremony room one of my step-daughters came running round saying to hide cos Aunty G was only just arriving. I just had a fit of the giggles at this point.

    The entrance music started and off went my beautiful flower girls, and I could hear the guests chiming out aaawwwwwssssss, my step-daughters followed with my niece in place behind and I suddenly had the WORST attack of nerves ever, even turning to Mum (who was giving me away) saying I couldn’t do it. It wasn’t the getting married bit, it was the walking into a room full of people looking at me!! Mum just gripped me tighter and off we went. By the time I reached OH I had mum shaking with nerves one side of me and OH shaking the other and the calm had come over me again.

    Step daughter did a beautiful reading for us

    The rest was a blur, I vaguely remember eldest step daughter pressing a tissue into my hand and being confused cos I wasn’t crying, and then I saw it was actually for her Dad!!

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    Next thing I know we were pronounced Mr & Mrs H

    and whisked out into the garden for more pics, I managed one sip of my prosecco before it was taken away and what felt like hours of posing ensued! The guests all sneaked out of the wrong door and completely missed their welcome drinks!

    It was at this point that I saw a friend I used to work with, that was only coming to the ceremony due to other plans who had at the last minute asked if she could bring a plus one – I had assumed her OH was coming with her anyway and thought that was who she meant so was bowled over when I realised it was my old boss who had said he would feel awkward coming because of difficulties at home! I was so chuffed but I didn’t get chance to speak properly before I was called for the pics.

    My feet were KILLING me from trying to stand up right in heels on the grass! My friend ran over between pics and let me have a quick poof on her cigarette – LIFE SAVER!! (And yes I know – I need to quit!)

    Photos over and I managed a quick 5 minutes with my guests that were leaving before we were called to the breakfast. We had opted for guests to be seated and us announced into the room and my nerves started again – why can’t I walk into a room full of people!?

    The youngest step daughter had begged to do a speech at the meal and had really tried hard to write it and added in some advice for her dad – it was so cute. But she stood up to do it and just froze – felt so bad for her because I wouldn’t have done it and I knew she’d be gutted with herself but big sister stood up to the rescue

    and the rest of the speeches went seamlessly, well if you count the husband (eeeekkkk) losing his place and shaking his notes really badly!

    His 2nd best mans speech was touching and funny and basically told H he was an idiot for waiting so long lol!

    Then it was cutting of the cake, and downstairs to the lobby bar while they turned the room around for the evening. Our Caricaturist arrived at this point and introduced himself to H – except I’d forgotten to tell him he was coming!! Oooppssss “surprise” lol he thought it was great though and we struggled to get our turn as a queue of guests kept him busy.

    We tried to take 10 minutes out in our room to take stock, but were followed by the youngest but we didn’t mind and went back down to continue socialising.

    We were called back up to the room and the evening guests started to steadily arrive and everyone of them seemed to make a direct beeline for the sweet buffet that my sister had well and truly gone over the top on! I didn’t expect it to go down quite so well.

    Mind you I also didn’t expect my flip flop basket to go down so well either and the end of the night brought a few ladies moaning they hadn’t got a pair haha!!!

    The rest of the evening was spent balancing my time between trying to make sure I spoke to everyone, dancing and going outside to cool off – It was sooooooo warm that night, I even caught one sister drying her hair under the hand dryer in the ladies – Attractive!! Lol!!

    Guests started to dwindle as the night went on, as it was a 1am bar and at about 12.15am I began thinking I would ask the DJ to play our last song as I was flagging, but I didn’t stop and so glad I didn’t, there was about 10-15 of us left at the end and we danced till the last second. A couple of guests tried to convince us to go for one more drink in the hotel bar but at that point every single muscle and bone in my body was hating me and me and my new husband hobbled off to our room and were asleep as our heads hit the pillows.

    (Just a few more flashes of our day....)

    (Our beautiful cake by Dolly Train event and celebration cakes)

    (Our Card box)

    If you have reached this far, well done and you all deserve a stiff drink on me! :-D thank you for reading! I was worried about leaving writing after the wedding as I thought I would forget, but as you can see I remember every detail of out wonderful day!! :-D

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  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    Massive congratulations on an amazing report, and the wedding of course. It sounds truly wonderful and also an inspiration to those other lovely b2bs who share your anxieties. With the right person beside you and waiting for you, you can do it. So glad you had such a fantastic day. You have a lovely lovely family. The pics are all brilliant, you all looked fab and so so happy Xx

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  • alyj66
    VIP August 2014
    alyj66 ·
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    Lovely report and beautiful photos. You make a lovely family and it's wonderful that you're both together now. Congratulations!

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Congratulations again!! Lovely photos and a great happy ending ?

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
    Chucklevision ·
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    Looks lovely glad you had a fab day. X

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  • charliejack
    Beginner October 2014
    charliejack ·
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    Cngrats! you looked amazing!! xx

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  • H
    Beginner May 2015
    Heathy2b ·
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    Congratulations! A lovely report and photos, looks like you had an amazing day.

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    Thank you so much lovelies :-) xx

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  • S
    Beginner September 2014
    Sarah_88 ·
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    A lovely report, I read every word! Beautiful pictures too. Congratulations

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  • Mrs.K2b
    Beginner August 2015
    Mrs.K2b ·
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    Lovely report and gorgeous photos! Love your card box

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  • Mrs.K2b
    Beginner August 2015
    Mrs.K2b ·
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    Lovely report and gorgeous photos! Love your card box

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  • kimiu
    Beginner June 2015
    kimiu ·
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    Congratulations. A lovely report to read and some beautiful pictures. Did your poorly friend make it to the wedding?

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  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
    Hoddy ·
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    Looks like a lovely day. Congratulations x

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  • laurafish
    Beginner July 2016
    laurafish ·
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    Great report, looks like a lovely day! Congratulations Smiley smile

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  • Lorns
    Rockstar May 2015
    Lorns ·
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    Congratulations - lovely report! Looks like a lovely day Smiley smile xxx

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  • Shamy
    Beginner September 2014
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    Congratulations! Such a beautiful day x

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  • M
    Beginner May 2015
    missgeebee ·
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    Aww you brought tears to my eyes! lovely pictures, congratulations.

    think you need a warning about the grazed knee pic though, some of us are a little squeamish lol?

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Yay! Congratulations Smiley laugh

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    Such a lovely report! Thank you for sharing and congratulations on getting to the OM bench!


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  • InWineTheresTruth
    Beginner July 2015
    InWineTheresTruth ·
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    Congratulations. Xxx fab report. Xx

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  • NorthSouthGirl
    Beginner November 2014
    NorthSouthGirl ·
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    Do you know what.... i;ve read loads of wedding reports on here and i have NO idea why but yours is the only one that has made me well up and get emotional!

    Huge Congratulations, you looked amazing

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  • cymruangel
    Beginner December 2014
    cymruangel ·
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    Yayness! Congratulations and what a beautiful day.

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    Ooohhh Northsouthgirl! i didn't mean to make you emotional!!

    Thank you so much for all your kind words - and yes apologies for the lack of warning on the grazed knee!! :-D

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  • NorthSouthGirl
    Beginner November 2014
    NorthSouthGirl ·
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    Ahhhh i meant in a nice way though lol! ???

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    I did hope that was the case! :-D x

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