Finally here is my report, as some of you may know from previous posts, I have a tendency to waffle and over detail, so you if you do wish to carry on reading, I suggest you get yourself a large coffee/wine/vodka/beverage of choice and get comfy…..
In the Beginning……
Twas the night before mother’s day 2002 when all through the town, 2 sisters were drinking and acting the clown……. We came across a very lost, sorry looking man and started taking the rip chatting to him. The rest of his crowd came along and I got talking to my future husband. My sister since bumped into her ex and left and I ended up going for a curry (That I ate 2 mouthfuls of!!) before W put me in a taxi and rang me on the way home to make sure I was safe.
A week later and we went on our 1st “date” which began with W asking me what my name was!! I’m not sure why I stayed, but I’m glad I did.
Fast forward through 9 years of ups and downs, lots of growing up, growing apart and growing back together and we finally got back together in 2011. This time we both knew who we were and what we wanted and for what seemed the 1st time it was the same thing.
I still had my ER from years previously when he had proposed on one knee with a heart shaped firework and I wore it on my right hand. After casually chatting one afternoon in the sunshine about holidays, weddings etc it was just kind of “decided” we should get married, in fact neither of us can remember who mentioned it 1st :-D
The run up…..
About 12 months before the wedding I became really poorly with depression and anxiety, we spoke in depth about cancelling or postponing as I didn’t know what would happen with work. W was adamant that it should go ahead as long as I could cope and that we would just cut back else where. Wedding planning really kept me going through that tough time.
Everything went fab, except for the dress makers sending my dress in the wrong colour and not sending the correct one until 4 weeks before the day, by which time I had put on weight since the 8 months previous that I had been measured so there was stress about getting it to fit around my boobs! (The seamstress even pointed out that I had big boobs – like I didn’t notice! Lol)
The Day/Night before….
Around lunch time some dear friends arrived over from Sheffield and I met up with them for a coffee. At this point I got a call from the step-daughters to be mum to ask me what colour plaster would go with their bm dresses! My heart stopped for a second before I realised she was winding me up – well almost, the eldest had fallen over playing rounders and scraped all the skin off her knee and elbow!!
I left my friends to get settled in and jumped into my loaded up car and followed my best girl up to the venue with all boxes of table accessories, signs, cases, dresses, fans and the list goes on….
We handed over to the manager, found our rooms and traveled back to pick my step-daughters up. After getting them settled in the hotel, we met up with my mum and the 5 of us went out to a local pub for a beautiful meal. Still feeling calm we headed back to the hotel and piled into my room where my niece and her boyfriend turned up and joined us for a few drinks (he didn't feel uncomfortable being the only boy AT all Honest!! :-D)
(Mum and step daughters :-) )
At about 11pm everyone drifted off to their rooms, eldest step-daughter dispatched to keep my mum awake sleep in mums room and I was left with the youngest. We settled down for the night and SIL text me such a beautiful message welcoming me to the family and saying it was about time etc! – 1st tears of the whole build up!!!
Step Daughter drifted off and I got a message from a really close friend saying she was in hospital and thought they were going to operate on her and she was gutted she’d miss my day! Queue 2nd lot of tears! After chatting to her at 1.20am it seemed certain she was staying in and I gave her all my love and made her swear to let me know how she got on! I was still wide awake so pulled up my hitched good luck thread which cheered me up no end and I finally drifted off.