Its our first wedding anniversary on Monday.
i dont really know where to start to be honest. My H is 6 years younger than me, i am 30. he moved to live with me about an hour and a half away from his family about 3 years ago and obviously we got married last year. All of a sudden he has said he doesnt know what he wants anymore. He is currently out of work, so has been sat at home all day bored, while i have been working. He is saying he feels he has missed out on going out with his mates and having lads holidays etc. He was in the army when i met him so had a more rigid lifestyle obviously, but used to come back to our house at weekends.
he left me a week ago to stay with his parents for a few days. i was gutted and totally inconsolable. I cried for days. he came back after 4 days saying he really wanted to make a go of things and said he would take me out for a 'date' and we would have a laugh etc. we didnt. it was awkward and totally uncomfortable. i felt like i didnt know what to say to him. he said he felt the same. we rushed through the food and came home. we had a long chat about us. we talked about the fact we rarely get intimate. we have sex, but... well you know what i mean. i admitted i feel uncomfortable as i am overweight and i dont feel attraxctive and so that doesnt help with the intimacy. Sorry if TMI!!
he stayed for a few days, but things were strained. He had arranged to go to his parents last weekend, as it was his birthday last week, and he had arranged to go out with old mates all weekend. he was meant to come back today. He called me to say he didnt feel ready and will come back tomorrow instead.
all he has done when he is at his mums, is go out with his mates. He doesnt drink, so he isnt getting drunk, but he is effectively living a singles lifestyle while i am sitting here feeling my whole life is falling apart.
i dont know what to do. i want us both to be happy, i have offered to move house nearer to his family, but he just keeps saying he doesnt know what he wants.
sorry to go on, this has turned out a lot longer than i expected, i just needed to offload.