Ive just sat and wrote a list of things to arrange over the next few months and OMG i didnt realise how much was left to do! I thought i was really organised with the planning and I have booked pretty much everything but still with second appointments and payments dates to reach I still have loads!
Alot of it are things i need to leave closer to time anyway like order of service once ive confirmed readings etc and table plans...
I wont give you a long list but here are the things i need to do first on my list!
1. Arrange make up.
2. get lingerie and jewellery
3.Decide on centre pieces (prooving a hard task for me!!)
4. Write the invites and send
5. BM shoes and hair accesories
6. Find supplier for rest of stationary
7. Sort transport for hen weekend!
So whats next on your list?? x