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Beginner November 2015

My wedding report!!

jesikab4u, 12 December, 2015 at 12:56 Posted on Planning 0 14

Sorry guys this won't be the full whack... Just yet!

I will be doing it in drives and drabs.

our wedding photos won't be here until January, so will post photos at a later date.

so I thought I would make a start for you ?

How we met

So back in December 2011, a year after a 6 year awful abusive relationship I was in had ended, I thought maybe it was time to get back on the saddle. So I thought, right I'm going to join a dating site. What's the worst that could happen, right? Wow, I was surprised by the response. There was this one guy who kept sending me messages. I wasn't to keen at first, but he was persistent so I replied. Hey this chatting thing wasn't so bad. He was a nice guy, his age put me off a bit. I was 23 he 29, not that the is anything wrong with age gaps we got on really well. He kept asking to meet. EEak!! Am I ready for this? What if he's a serial killer?? Ok breathe! I gave in and said yes. I kept thinking to myself is this the right thing to do so soon? Who was I kidding, a year! too soon? I think not! Oh no, I couldn't do it. I had to cancel meeting up. He was pretty cool with it and we continued to chat through text.

I hope I'm not boring you with what probably sounds like everyone's story (not that there is anything wrong with this story) but, I promise there is a little twist ! anyway going off subject here!

So the texting kind of fizzled out romantically but we still spoke, he got back with his ex sort of ( I don't really know what happened there). One day I needed a knight in shining armour! He was the man for the job. I had some crazy drama with a long term friend who kept lying to me or was pretending to be a lesbian I don't know what was going on, her girlfriend/friend went crazy and they had my door key. Anyway going off subject again! To the point, I needed my locks changed and thankfully he was a locksmith.

He was away working but said he could do it when he got back or he would give my number to a work mate and he could do it. I said I could wait, I get awkward around people and as I didn't know his friend said no to that idea. But he still gave my number just incase. I got a text from his mate that evening asking if I wanted them done. I said that it was ok I could wait and that I didn't want to bother him. (See the twist starting here?) He said that it wasn't a problem, just sort him out a cup of coffe for doing it. (The coffe thing used to always bug me. It's coffee! Lol) I thought hang on, is he getting flirty here? We actually continued to text for a few weeks. He was so sweet. He asked me out on a date. I didn't hesitate, I said yes right away. I was in Newcastle at the time for xmas and wasn't back down South until New Year's Eve. That's when we will go on a date then he text. I'll pick you up at six. I almost cancelled but my mum made me go! He picked me up, hmmm in this really low noisy flashy sports car. Oh dear how was I going to get in this stupid thing?? It was seriously like sitting on the floor. Off we roared! I was so scared. I had never been on a date before!! I know crazy right? He took me out in the country. Oh no, he's a killer (I'm so dramatic) we pulled up to this lovely country pub. It was so lovely. We were both really shy. He had never been on a date either. After the date we were pretty much inseparable. Turned out we went to the same school as each other knew some of the same people. Oh and that guy I was talking to online was his cousin!! Awkward!! He is now married and has children with someone else. I still find the situation awkward lol!!

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Latest activity by jesikab4u, 18 December, 2015 at 00:57
  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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    The proposal

    I know we hadn't been together that long, but I knew he was the one. I kept pestering him that I wanted to get married. He said the more I go on about the less likely it was going to happen. Christmas came.... Nothing. New Year's Eve came... Nothing. I thought ok maybe it's not going to really happen for a long time. (He's said ten years) in the January it was my nan and grandads 60th wedding anniversary. It was lovely and it just are it more apparent that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It came to Valentine's Day, I was working in the morning, after that we had to go to an appointment we was in the process of buying our first home together. The appointment went great we found out we could buy the property we was in and it would take around four months. I was so excited I got on the phone to my mum straight away. We then went home, I was told to go have a bath and take my time getting ready. So that what I done, after I was ready I say on the bed waiting for him to come get me. I was waiting for about half hour when he called me, I came out to find him standing there with a single red rose. He led me into the front room, where there was candles everywhere, table was laid with red table cloth and more candles. It was so romantic. We sat down, he poured my favourite wine and we started our yummy food. The starter and main had been, he went to the kitchen to sort out our dessert. Whilst he was doing that I though to myself I'm so selfish why do I need to keep on at him about marriage, this is good enough for me. Out he walked with no dessert. He stood in front of me, I thought he was either going in for a kiss it to tell me he's messed up our pud (something usualy goes wrong when he cooks bless him) But nope he got down on one knee. Said my name followed by will you do the honour of marrying me. I was like are you F joking me?? And started crying my eyes out. He put the ring on and i cried it doesn't fit. It did he was to nervous to put it on properly. I phoned up my mum and told her. Turned out she already knew that he was going to, (hence being quite on the phone earlier) he'd actually asked her permission which was so sweet!! Unfortunately he couldn't ask my dad he sadly passed away xmas eve when I was 14 so he never got the chance to meet him. I was over the moon it was such a shock! I know I was going on at him but I never thought he would actually do It!!

    I don't think I ever actualy said yes.

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  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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  • R
    Beginner December 2015
    RomanticEmeralds ·
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    Congratulations, looking forward to the rest of your report ?

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  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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    The run up before the wedding.

    We had to load the van with all our wedding bits, clean the flat and pack for our honeymoon. We were totally unprepared for our honeymoon the wedding was at the forefront. On the day before we had to go get some last min bits and bobs before we headed to the venue to decorate. First stop was to go get some doughnuts, darn! There were no fresh ones at all, last minute change of plan! we bought some mini batternberg cakes instead. Next stop was to go and blow our large gold love balloons up and buy a balloon so people know where we are getting ready, as my nans house is a little cottage set Back amongst other larger houses. The shop was manic, we were standing there for 15 mins before we even got seen. The assistant attempted to blow the balloons up all going so well then this loud bang! The first balloon exploded in the shop! They said this was because we bought cheap balloons. They asked if we wanted to buy some more of the love balloons but it would be £40 + the gas. No thanks! We will leave it and just get a single balloon with ribbon please. Another 20 mins we waited for a single balloon. Went to pay and they charged us for the one they popped!! After this we were running behind but still harp go and buy some disco lights, the band only days before told us they didn't have any lights ? so to maplins we went. We faffed around there for 30 mins bought cheap disco light, whilst we were in there I had a text from my Moh that she was going to be late I was worried everything was gonna go tits up but we finally made our way to our venue.

    We got to the venue half hour later then we wanted not as bad as I was expecting. Most people helping were already there. We started getting things out of the van. I asked David if he could start doing the ceiling decorations. Of course he totally ignored that and headed straight for the gadgets!! Then all of a sudden the chairs were being delivered, flowers too and nothing had been done. All day I was surprisingly clam. The caterer didn't give us enough table cloths David was trying to get hold of him he turned up with a load more but they were all odd. I thought things like this would stress me out but I didn't care and I knew I wouldn't on the day. It was getting there and thought we were done... Nope i still had to ice all my cupcakes I made and sort out the hot chocolate bar.

    My Moh was rushing me saying that we should just go anything that is not done is not done. I wish I didn't listen to her cause there was a few things that were forgotten and were not how I wanted.

    We left the venue about 8pm didn't really have that much of an emotional goodbye because there were a few people around us so had a little peck said I love you and went on our way.

    Got home in pjs, had a bottle of fizz, some pie and chips from the chippy and a natter with my Moh. She was asking how I was feeling, at this point It kind of felt unreal like it wasn't my wedding that we were waiting for. She then went off and said she had a little something for me. It was a lovely hen party photo book she had put together it was lovely! It's not finished yet as she kept asking me for some pictures from my camera and I never managed to get those off in time. (They are still in there) i didn't really get a chance to text David at all that night as we left the chargers at the venue and my phone had sided! It's was probably a blessing in disguise really as I think we would have worked ourselves up. I then had a shower and we went off to sleep.

    a few pictures of the book a little insight of what me hen do was like too ?

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  • laurafish
    Beginner July 2016
    laurafish ·
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    Everything looks gorgeous so far, can't wait to read the rest!!

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  • M
    Beginner March 2016
    MrsMtobe2016 ·
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    Great report. Can't wait to read more


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  • Mrslh2b
    Beginner August 2016
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    Eeeeek! Can't wait for the rest! x

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  • Karen84
    Beginner July 2016
    Karen84 ·
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    Looking forward to the rest! Keep it coming.

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  • T
    Beginner May 2016
    Tidal Wave ·
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    This is such a sweet report - can't wait to read more.

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  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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    Our wedding day!!!

    The morning
    I don't really remember much from when I woke up. The first thing I remember is heading down stairs (I live in a top floor flat) as my mum had arrived at 8am to collect me and my Moh, to go to my nans. I got down stairs it was a very cold windy morning. My other bridesmaid was already in my mums car mum put her in the front seat because she's expecting ???. All I remember thinking was that it was someone else's wedding we was attending and getting ready for. Not mine and David's! We got to my nans first thing I done was get out the ballon we bought and tucked it into a bush in their drive way. It was getting blown everywhere it was so windy.
    We then went and put all the bridesmaids dresses out nicely I thought I would leave mine till a bit later on. Not long after being there my other bridesmaid arrived (my now sister in law) we were all there I was finally getting the realisation our day was here! My nan bless her, set out a table of a continental breakfast. I could only manage a croissant and a glass of orange juice. I started to drink the orange juice and my belly was going a bit bubbly. I said to everyone that I'd better stop drinking the orange juice as you know it can make you go loo. One of my bridesmaids said politely "for a runny poo" and at the same time my mum said "yeah make you have the s^*ts" which made us all laugh as it wasn't the place to be saying that at the breakfast table ?
    My grandad then put the fire on and we opened up the fizz. As soon as the cork was popped people kept knocking on the door. First the make up artist, she started setting up in the conservatory then started on mum as she had to get hair hair done at the hair dressers over the road. Then the hair dresser who made a start on my sister in law.
    To be continued......

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  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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    The morning continued.....
    Then there was another knock at the door. The make up artist assistant had turned up and started on another bridesmaid. Whilst most of them were busy getting their hair and make up done I was sitting there it was pissing down! Oh great i thought, I got my Moh to ask about the special brollies (they have been handed around for weddings and have never been used, it has never rained for the couple) she got a reply saying that they had been forgotten! Then a quick only kid den text! Bloody best man!! Lol. He dropped the brollies round along with a load of packets of tissues. As I sat there and to my surprise it stopped raining and started snowing for a brief moment, I couldn't believe it! The house was so joyful when this was happening it was lovely!
    I then decided to go up stairs get my dress, shoes, veil, perfume and accessories out. I felt so calm and I was very quite. I did have a point where I felt a bit emotional and wanted to cry but I held it in. My Moh got h2bs gift for me to open (he had already bought me a Nikon camera as a gift) he had a personalised box with loads of gold fake petals covering a personalised champagne glass and champagne bottle. I did not drink this on the day even though I was ordered to ( we are now saving it for our 1 year wedding anniversary) my mum was now done with her make up and rushed off to her hair dressers. Oh crap! It was my turn to get all done up ? as soon as I sat down, I heard new voices. It was our videographer, tog and my little page boy my MOHs little boy.
    The tog came straight into the conservatory and started snapping away. I guess I still didn't feel like it was our wedding day even when I was having my hair and make up done.
    The morning started off so slow then all of a sudden time was running away from us. The tog wanted to go and get some pictures of the church and the men at the pub (everything was all on one road, pub,church,castle and where I was getting ready) before she went I gave some gifts to everyone. Then my mum pulled out a gift for me. It was a bracelet that my dad had given her when she was about 15. It was so emotional because my dad past away when I was 15. Everyone one was in tears! She had added another charm to the bracelet which read always with you dad. It was beautiful!
    Before I knew it it was time to get into my dress. I got myself in my dress my mum buttoned me up. I started getting a bit ratty. I was so hot and I hate being hot. My nan and grandad had the fire on, the heating on and with all those bodies in a tiny cottage was just getting too much for me.
    I walked down stairs and everyone was just smiling at me telling me how beautiful I looked it was strange. I just couldn't believe our day was here!!
    The house started to empty, the car arrived to pick up the bridesmaids and page boy.
    It was a nice bit of quite time for me and my mum. I struggled putting my veil in I had forgotten to get the hair stylist to put it in. I messed up my hair a bit but I didn't worry too much. I had also forgotten to read David's card so quickly read it it was beautiful, it was funny how we pretty much wrote the same thing to each other. It also turned out that he had mad the personalised box himself. I was amazed he's such a talented men.
    IThe car returned to pick me and my mum up.
    Omg it was so windy I stepped outside and there was very few clouds and a blue sky. It had been such a grey morning I wasn't exapecting sun! The brollies stayed in the living room with the tags and packaging on! They are still the lucky brollies!
    It was a struggle to get in the car, my dress filled up most of the back seat.
    We headed off for the church, being that it's on the same road it only took two seconds to get there. When we arrived there were still guests rushing to get into the church, so we continued round the block to waist a bit more time.

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  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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    Just a few pictures from the morning that I have.

    i will upload when we get our tog pictures back in Jan.


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  • Stephisaur
    Beginner April 2017
    Stephisaur ·
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    Loving this so far - you look beautiful! Can't wait to read the rest!! Xxx

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  • J
    Beginner November 2015
    jesikab4u ·
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    ( please excuse spelling and grammar I'm doing all these early in the morning ?)

    The ceremony
    We arrived at the church where the tog my bridesmaids and page boy were waiting. I struggled getting out of the car, started to make my way down the church path, it was blowing a gale! When I got close to the large church doors my veil blew off of my head! I managed to catch it. I got in the porch and shoved it into my hair, messing it up! I can't remember if I had some pictures with the bridesmaids I got a feeling we didn't. The vicar came out and spoke to us. We joked that I was an early bride! The vicar, bridesmaids and page boy made their way into church to start their walk down the aisle. We had can't help falling in love, ingrid Michelsons version. I got my mum to try and sort out my veil and dress so that it was a bit neater. I said I wanted to wait till they had got half way down the aisle. I wanted my limelight ? We started to walk into the church there was a board up so I couldn't really see people and they me. I started crying I said to my mum. I'm not going to stop crying! That was until I walked round the corner first I saw everyone turn round to watch us but hang in a minute, I though, where is everyone?! I couldn't beleive it, everyone was pretty much sat on one side of the church. I guess they didn't get the memo! Choose a seat not a side! Not sit all on the same side lol. I guess the usher and best man didn't do their job properly.Then I started laughing as I got further down the aisle! I whispered to my mum, David's mum has the same outfit on as you! I couldn't believe that either! What are the chances. It wasn't the exact same, you will see when I get our pictures. I got closer to the end of the aisle and David looked at me and said I look beautiful ?. Usually when I got to church weddings I find it so boring and slow, but being the one getting married it goes so fast! My mum gave me away which was so lovely, being as my dad couldn't. I handed my bouquet to my maid of honor and we started the service first was the readings. Yvette my sister in law went first she read

    The One

    When the one whose hand you're holding
    Is the one one who holds your heart
    When the one whose eyes you gaze into
    Gives your hopes and dreams their start,
    When the one you think of first and last
    Is the one who holds you tight,
    And the things you plan together
    Make the whole world seem just right,
    When the one whom you believe in
    puts their faith and trust in you,
    You've found the one and only love
    You'll share your whole life through.

    Then David's dad done a reading.

    He is now to be among you the wedding song

    At the calling of your hearts

    rest assured this trubador is acting on his part

    Well, the union of your spirits here has caused him to remain

    For whenever two or more you are gathered in his name.

    There is love

    There is love

    Well,a man shall leave his mother

    and a woman leave her home

    and they shall travel on to where the two shall be one

    As it was in the beginning

    it is now to the end

    Woman draws her life from man

    Then gives it back again

    There is love

    There is love

    Well,then whats to be the reason

    For becoming man and wife ?

    Is it the love that brings you life ?

    Oh if loving is the answer

    then who,s the giving force ?

    Do you believe in something you,ve never seen before

    There is love

    There is love

    Then my nan read a biblical reading

    One: Mark 10 v 6-9

    But from the beginning of creation, “God made them male and female.”

    “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’

    After every reading our guests found it funny to clap, I'm not sure the vicar was too keen on this. He said he had never heard people clap after a reading before. David's dad made a jokey remark about reading a reading called the wedding song. I'm so glad he kept his joking quite tame as I was worried about his jokey remarks lol.
    The vicar then made us do this very strange string plaiting whilst he spoke about our readings. He then took the rope off of us asking if it would stay together. It's didn't and he spoke about if things don't work then you need to work at it. He gave us another bit of string , making us do it again. We managed to plait it so it didn't come apart. It was strange and random getting us to do it but I understood what he meant whilst he was explaining it lol, the two pieces represent David and I and the 3rd is meant to represent God. We then Went on to our vows. I'm surprised David we a lot calmer then I had thought he would be. He didn't cry, I did on the other hand. I think I spent most of the morning crying! We managed to say everything with no slip ups... I think! Get the rings on the right fingers as when we had our rehearsal David had tried putting it on my actual right hand! We then done the signing whilst Beatles all you need is love played.Then we walked out to Jackie Wilson higher and higher. Half way back down the aisle we were told to stop so guests could take photos of us. Guess no one wanted to and took our unplugged ceremony seriously as we stood there like lemons lol.

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