Hi All,
Its taken me a while to finally write something up, but here it is!
Friday 28th October
It was my last day at work before the big day, my colleagues had decorated my desk with lots of good luck balloons and banners, and they had a collection for me and gave us some spending money :-)
I headed over to the wedding shop for my final fitting - Had a bit of a panic when I put it on as the dress was quite low on the back, so a bra wasnt an option, and the dress was a little too big! I went panic shopping and eventually found a corset to fit under the dress, panic over!
We drove down to London to have dinner with my mum and sister before going off to stay in the hotel by the airport so that we were all ready to go! I didnt sleep at all due to my fear of flying
so the next morning, we got up at 5AM, as I still needed to pack my dress into my carry on luggage without my H2B seeing it, had to literally squash it into the bag! We walked through to the airport at 6:30 am, and went to get breakfast, mine was a bacon sandwich, and a double vodka to calm my nerves! When it was time to board the plane I was shaking like a leaf.Take off was a nightmare for me, and I was balling my eyes out like a baby! Once we were up in the air, I felt much better. After watching a few films, we finally landed in St lucia!
It was raining as we got off the plane, but thankfully it was just a quick shower.On arrival at our resort, we were greeted by a beautiful rainbow from our room. The room looked amazing, as we have been given champagne on arrival, with fresh flowers in our room, and we felt really special
Our wedding was scheduled for the following Monday the 7th, so we spent the week going on a few trips around the island, and just relaxing.
Monday 7th
Our wedding day was finally here, We woke up at 6am, and we had breakfast bought up to our room, which was lovely. We then stayed separate for the rest of the morning whilst we got ready, My H2B then went off at 11:30 to meet with the marriage officiant, while the dressing assistant came up to the room to help me get my dress on. Id done my hair and makeup myself, and wasnt too happy with how it had come out, so I was starting to panic. We had picked a gazebo overlooking the beach to marry in, so the wedding co-ordinator escorting me down there just before 12, when we then had some music playing while #i began my little walk up the path to the gazebo while my husband waited! It was a very surreal moment.
The ceremony was beautiful, but was over so quickly! before I knew it, we were on the beach having some photos taken. We had also arranged for an external photographer to meet us at the hotel, and take us off site for photos around the island. By the time we returned to our resort, it was 6pm, and we just had time to get changed for our candlelit dinner by the beach,Or room had also been decorated by the resort, it was an amazing day!
We enjoyed the next week mainly relaxing, and topping up the tan, as we had a UK evening reception arranged for the 12th, the evening of the day we landed back in the UK
After having about 4 hours sleep in 3 days, the reception seemed like it was going to be impossible, but somehow we managed to stay awake for it, and had an amazing evening with our friends and family!
Heres a few pics of our ceremony, and photos around the island
Id definitely recommend getting married abroad, it was a very relaxing day, and was very intimate just the two of us, but we were still able to celebrate with everyone on our return
Reception photos: