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Beginner April 2012

Natjay Wedding report 21st April 2012 ********FLASH*********

Natjay, 11 May, 2012 at 17:09 Posted on Planning 0 15

Sorry this has taken so long to do but hopefully I will not disappoint ……. So here goes.

After finishing work on the Friday we spent Saturday collecting the suits for the men in which some had to be changed as wrongly sized. We spent the evening with one of the ushers and his fiancée which was great to relax. But as we had everything complete it was just a matter of putting things together on the day……………… or so I thought.

Monday 16th April

I was meeting up with my MOH/sister to go through hair and make up but things didn’t quite turn out that way, she had just recently moved in to a new house and so things were still in boxes and she had miss placed a bump it for my hair. And my 3 week old niece at the time had become poorly with a mouth infection and so had to take to the doctors in my car, so never got to do make up but just managed to do a quick hair trial. We knew how it was going to be it was just a matter of doing it fully to see what the timings will be but this never happened.

Tuesday 17th April – 4 days to go

OH and my self decided to go and get a few last bits and bobs for the day but not exactly sure what we needed was just a matter of looking.

And so Hobby craft we went, we were going to get some more organza rolls for the table decorations as didn’t think we would have had enough. But when we got there we decided we DID have enough and so never got any, was just nice to be out of the house even if it was a wasted journey but we didn’t mind.

We called in to the FPIL’s just to say hello and to collect my dress as was been stored here and to discuss all the final arrangements for the day and for OH to go through his speech with his dad.

Cue the Phone ringing, it was the lady who was doing the table centre piece decorations, we chose them she was just putting them together, (She is a golfing friend of FIL) the centre pieces were ready and she wanted to bring them over as easier to transport on the day if closer to the venue.

They arrived and they are lovely, nothing like I was expecting but better, sadly my mouth says things in the wrong manner and so I said they were better than expected to the surprise of the maker who though I meant it in a bad way, no matter how much I tried to correct myself things got worse.

While we were having a final coffee before going home to pack for the mini-moon she asked about the table decorations and how we wanted them, I started to explain this and suddenly I was told it wouldn’t work or wouldn’t look right, Well this was it I saw red and tried to stop myself from getting upset by keeping quiet completely. All the decisions were made well in advance so to be told it wouldn’t work with 4 days to go was getting to me, after all it was supposed to be mine and OH day not this woman who I don’t even know.

We decided to go home and let me chill out a bit but things got even worse on the car ride home, my mum called wanting to know if my uncle could bring his girlfriend to the wedding? After already amending the seating plan the day before I was furious as again I didn’t know her and the venue had already been given final numbers.

I agreed she could come but for the breakfast meal she would have to sit in the bar area and this was ok with my uncle.

So later that evening I decided to do an engine search for the design I wanted for the organza on the top table to prove it could be done and would look okay.

Well after what felt like hours of searching I was not having much look, had this woman beaten me to my plans when I came across a new design in the exact colours we were having. Well I fell in love with it and showed it to OH he at first wasn’t so sure as couldn’t see how it would work, but once I explained it to him he really liked it too. That was it we were having it this way no matter what people said our mind was made up.

Wednesday 18th – 3 days to go

After all the events of yesterday we decided to have a chill out day. However first we had to go collect the adjusted suits for the men. I wasn’t allowed to see these so I was summoned outside while they were tried on for size. I didn’t mind as fair is fair he can’t see mine so why should I see his.

In the evening one of the ushers and my cake maker and flower girl all came round to retry the suits on as his was one that didn’t fit too.

I explained all about the events of the day before to my friend and she said that I should just ignore everybody who is trying to change things as after all it our day not theirs. She liked the new idea for the top table and had agreed she would set it up for us on the day when she has finished setting up the cake.

As this was only discussed this evening I never go chance to tell FMIL the new plans, cue the phone ringing yes it was her wanting to know the length of the organza and to say we needed more. I explained the new plan and that I will be going out on the Friday to buy more, this did not go down well and got the impression I had said something wrong.

Thursday 19th – 2 days to go

As today was supposed to be our last full day together before the wedding we planned to spend it together but that never happened as I had agreed to go to my sisters again to do my nails, and so oh had agreed to go to his parents to go through his speech once again, but we did spend the evening together boxing everything up ready to take to the venue tomorrow.

Friday 20th – the day before eeeeeekkkkkkk

Woke up earlyish today as I think excitement and nerves were kicking in, went to hobby craft again to get the new organza for the top table design, and took everything to venue. We then said our good byes to each other, I wanted to cry but felt I couldn’t.

I went back to collect my sister and niece as hey were staying with me and oh went to his parents house. Spent the evening chilling, had a shower and went to bed just after midnight.

Sounds a doddle ……………… not quite I couldn’t sleep but it wasn’t nerves, I started to feel ill, I was backwards and forwards to the bathroom, eventually at god knows what time I managed to fall asleep.

15 replies

Latest activity by Natjay, 12 May, 2012 at 20:47
  • K
    Beginner June 2012
    kfair ·
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    More please. ?

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  • greenbean
    Beginner July 2012
    greenbean ·
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    You've got me hooked!! can't wait to see a piccy of the happy couple!

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  • N
    Beginner April 2012
    Natjay ·
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    Saturday 21st – D Day

    Alarm set for 630am as was expecting best man calling in to collect oh gifts however I woke at 5am with a sickly feeling and rushed to the bathroom well that was it I was awake.

    Got to about 630 and so tried to have breakfast but couldn’t face it and so did without.

    A few trips to bathroom later it had reached 930 at this point and realised had to start to get ready as was getting picked up at 11. So with rollers in hair I grabbed a quick wash and started to pack my overnight bag. Things were going well, but as time was against us we chose to do my hair at home and touch up at the venue, By about 10am the best man arrived to collect the grooms gifts, I took this opportunity to try grab a few juicy details on then setting up of the venue and how oh was feeling. Nothing was given away to me other than that h2b was getting nervous as was acting strangely quiet (he’s never quiet). I took this with glee as I knew this was he first sign of any emotion he had shown in the run up to the day at all.

    Make up going on hair getting finished, knock at door, was my parents to take us to the venue where I was to finish getting ready.

    We all climbed into the car bags on our knees boot full of clothes and baby things, including my dress.

    Got to hotel to be told bridal suite wasn’t quite ready but that was ok but as running out of time we kind of needed them to hurry up, my mum and dad drove off to pick my MOH’s husband and nephew up as they stayed at their home.

    At this point the TOGS arrived and told me all about the gifts going down well and that H2b was very pleased and shocked.

    The room was available now and so we went up stairs to get ready. I was about to go back down stairs when I received a phone call and a text message from different people informing me that the groom was on his way back to the venue and so not to leave the room; my poor 7 year old flower girl then became my messenger girl.

    My other bridesmaid then arrived and I now felt scared and nervous, still not eaten anything the lady TOG gave me a sickness tablet and a letter from h2b in reply to the one I gave him, this was when I started to well up and feel more love for him than ever.

    Show time I did my registrar stuff and had a few more photos taken and made our way down stairs.

    As my nephew wasn’t been himself we chose not to have him as a pageboy and so he was already in the room with his dad. So we quickly changed the walking plan and had flower girl go on her own first followed by the two elders together. MY turn I wrapped my arm into my dads and he noticed my hand was very cold yet sweaty, I said I felt fine and was raring to go. Here I go……… Firstly I hadn’t anticipated stairs when in my dress but I soon learnt the hard way when I nearly tripped. But once in the room I was ok, I didn’t look around I kept my gazed fixed firmly to the front so I didn’t see many guests as I walked forward. Its was only a short walk but felt like miles and groom and I were eye to eye till I joined him at the front, The vows passed very quickly in a blur of happiness and the ring slipped easily on our fingers, succouring our marriage.

    Wedding over and we walked out of the room as the new Mr and Mrs W…

    The weather was trying to stop our photographs but we didn’t let it. Ok we may have been in and out like a yo-yo but I was determined to get the shots I wanted.

    Off we went on our own with the togs to get some private shots while the guests stayed indoors munching on crisps.

    We then went inside and did our receiving line into the breakfast, not everyone stopped some just moaned at the seating plan without actually looking to see where they were just saw where they thought they should be and questioned it. Not my fault I can’t put everyone on the same table and worked out well as my uncle had brought his two sons along for the journey.

    Now as was feeling poorly in the morning I was looking forward to the meal, I don’t actually remember eating it yet I do remember it been in front of me.

    Then it came to speeches, Dad went first and kept it short. Then husband went and did his duties of thanking everybody and complimenting me his wife. He did miss read what he had written down but made for a laugh when he realised and corrected himself.

    Then came the turn of the best man, this is what we were looking forward to as we know he is one for stories and as he was asking questions during the week we were curious too.

    The opening paragraph started with husband placing his hand on top of mine on the table. This had us puzzled but all was revealed at the end when his closing line was to say that my husband was given a free lifeline of having the upper hand.

    Time passed on and so the evening party had started and guests were arriving, the first dance approached so husband and I took each other hand in hand and led to the dance floor. We never actually heard the lyrics as was too busy talking to each other or in my case singing and husband telling me to stop.

    I then did a surprised father daughter dance straight afterwards and it was very emotional but so glad I did it. Ok most the way through all I got was why what for whose it by what’s it called etc….. I explained it was my thank you to him and his goodbye to me. We accepted this and so ended the song with a kiss. I never knew at the time but he told me the next day that when he walked away it dawned on him that I was gone and that I had made him so proud to be his daughter.

    The party got really going now but as it was so hot I had to change earlier than planned but the night went on into the small hours and a fab time was had by all.

    Was 130am by the time my head hit the pillow as just couldn’t stay awake any longer.

    The best day had by all and I have the most amazing husband who took me away to Inverness for our mini moon.

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  • charlottelucy
    Beginner August 2012
    charlottelucy ·
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    Ahh congrats looks like a lovely day x

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  • ButterflyChild
    Beginner May 2013
    ButterflyChild ·
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    Congratulations!! I've enjoyed reading your report - your pictures are lovely, looks like a wonderful day was had!! Smiley smile

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  • lurvlytwink
    Beginner June 2012
    lurvlytwink ·
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    Lovely report.

    congratulations Smiley smile xxx

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  • *BigBird*
    Beginner April 2013
    *BigBird* ·
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    Congratulations to you both Smiley smile

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  • *Cloud9*
    Beginner August 2013
    *Cloud9* ·
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    Looks like you had a fab day. Congratulations?

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  • *Cloud9*
    Beginner August 2013
    *Cloud9* ·
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    Looks like you had a fab day. Congratulations?

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  • K
    Beginner June 2012
    kfair ·
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    ?Lovely report. CONGRATULATIONS

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  • beckixlou
    Beginner June 2014
    beckixlou ·
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    Congratulations! Great wedding report. Im having a butterfly theme for my wedding too, after seeing your pics I know Im making the right choice, looks lovely!x

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  • B
    Beginner July 2013
    bridejuly2013 ·
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    It all looks beautiful, congratulations! We are going for a purple and hot pink colour scheme, seeing your flowers and tables makes me know we've made the right choice, stunning!

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
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  • A
    Beginner September 2012
    amanda66 ·
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    Congratulations to you both - looks like you had a wonderful day.

    I love your honest report and it just goes to show no matter if mishaps happen on the run up to the wedding it will all work out well in the end.xx

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  • Nutella
    Beginner March 2013
    Nutella ·
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    Such a lovely honest report, except I've got to the bit with your Dad dance and am now all choked up! What a cry baby I am!!

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  • N
    Beginner April 2012
    Natjay ·
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    Thank you everyone for your kind messages, we had a great day overall and just shows if you put your mind to something it will pay off in the end.

    Now the decision is to choose where we want to go on honeymoon and spend our holiday voucher we got as gifts.

    Its true what they say.............................. ENJOY THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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