Please excuse me if this is a bit rambly.
We have a 3 and a half year old neutered Alaskan Malamute. We got him when he was a little over 11 weeks and we were his fifth home at this point.
We took him to classes and have trained him to understand over 30 commands. He is a very loved dog.
However over the last couple of years he has become more and more nervous around certain people to the point of growling and even snapping at them. I took him to the vets tonight for his vacciantions and it had made me cry how nervous he was and how snappy.
We have spent a lot of money on behaviourists who have given us advice which we have followed for no improvement. We have been told how well behaved he is and how good he is at following our commands etc
I asked the vet for further advice tonight and he said we could go down the drug route, although the dog would still be aware of how nervous he is, he would be less likely to react. But he said it must be a miserable life feeling nervous all the time. I have read between the lines and assumed he is suggesting having him eventually put down. I have cried all the way home and having told my OH he is now crying in the other room. We really want to find some solution for our dog.
I am really hoping someone out there has a magic solution or any advice.