OOOOH I am fair excited. Been searching for a place to get a new tattoo and after stalking a place near me on Facebook for ages I went this morning. Well the woman in charge couldn't have been more bored by me. She was sullen, disinterested and had a face like a smacked ar $e. I left sharpish and on the off chance bobbed into the new ish local place near me who's photos I had also liked on fb. Well, they were so enthusiastic! I'm booked in and the lady doing it was so lovely.
I will be getting Errol from Terry Pratchett's Guards Guards with a banner of "bring me sunshine, in your smile". A dragon as my dad was Welsh, and we used to watch Morecambe and Wise and for my hubby as we walked back up the aisle as man and wife to that song.
Can't wait: