I remember you Space Kitten, but I hardly a prolific Hitcher myself ? I think that the being judged by number of posts things is much less so since the move over to the new forum. There's no concept of crowns, wings and all that crap anymore, which is a good thing.
I've been a lurker on OT since I got married in 2007. I've progressed to lurking on BT as we've now been TTCing for quite a few months but it's a bit daunting over there because it's taken very seriously! Not got into temperature taking etc yet!
I read the forum most days but never bother posting as can never really think of anything to say (apart from when I disagree with someone and I figured posting purely to tell someone they were wrong is bad form).
I also love hair dye in particular Loreal Excell 10 in chocolate brown.
I'm in my late 20s (sob), short and fat (along with my secret white hair) so got loads going for me! I'm obsessed with my cats in the same way most people are obsessed with their children but at least I realise and accept that this puts me on the wrong side of the weirdo line. I have a worse half (I'm definitely the better part of our relationship), we might get around to getting married one day instead of just talking about it, probably in our jeans at the registry office cos I can't be bothered planning a 'proper' wedding.
You're hardly an un-prolific (is that a word?!) hitcher MJ!! Either that or when you do post, you make sense which is memorable! Thanks for the kind rememberance, it's appreciated.
we're not all serious! I never really got into taking my temp either.
Don't be daunted, and jump right in ?
Perhaps I should take my own advice for OT, as I'm much more of a lurker now over here. I like drinking too, but not hair dyeing. I do straighten my hair most days though.
I am more of a luker on here as if i ever have anything to useful to add somebody else has always added it before me or I can't word it properly without looking thick! I have been made to feel stupid by a couple of people on here a few times over the years and that puts me off. As I don't add that much to posts I don't feel like I can start a new post of my own that often as there have been comments about people taking and not giving.
However I am here every day reading, replying and then deleting before posting ?
? Hello!!! I'm a lurker trying to post more often! I'm usually the kiss of death to a post as when I comment no-one ever comments after me.....sniff.....?
Got married last November and accrued most of my posts on WP. Sit in a office with a wall behind me so its great as no-one ever sees what I'm doing (other than IT bods) however I never get any work done. Trying to have some self-restriant from hitching but rarely works!!!
Live in Edinburgh but am from the South Coast and have absolutely no inclination to go over to BT - the thought of reading about temperature taking fills me with dread!!!!!
Another thread-killer lurker here! I've been lurking on and off for years but hardly ever post. I got married last September, and spend most of my lurking time on OT and BT (not that I'm TTCing. Yet.). I have got loads of useful information from Hitched, and try to contribute when I can - though by the time I manage to get my reply posted someone else has usually beaten me to it!
Hello, I started on WP, hence the crap user name - I got married in 2004 and had no imagination regarding usernames. I post mainly on BT - I've got two children. I'm in my 30s, work part time as a lecturer and I'm permanently knackered...
Stop lurking and start posting - the forum won't work without you!
I'm an ex-, failed lurker and have been on here far too long, OT and BT.
I've made some amazing friends from here and had some amazing Hitched times, and I can't tell you what an amazing resource this place is, both virtually and in the real world.
Hello, confirmed lurker here! I started off on WP a couple of years ago and got married in Oct 2007. I find reading hitched fascinating and really should make an effort to post more. I started HPAD this year and am starting to feel more a part of the hitched community as a result - would like to start contributing and giving something back. x
I've been a member since 2002 but I've lost my old login, set up a new one last year and have been lurking since then. It's just taken me 10 minutes to work out how to reply to a thread and even then I don't know if I've done it right. ?
I'm a bit of an OT lurker , mainly post on BT these days as I'm up the duff.
I'm in my late twenties , work in business development and am currently trying not to flounce out of my job and into a random post grad course. Must be sensible!
I usually don't post much on OT as by the time I get to a thread all the useful points have been made , making my two pence worth a bit redundant. I will make more of an effort now though.
Hi, I'm 27, married, with cat called Lucy, no children, like red wine, also like highlights in my hair although due to not working I'm without my 'tiger-stripes' at the moment. I live in Denmark having moved here in August with my dishy danish husband, and have been learning the language so "Jeg taler lidt dansk".
I was originally on WP but post wedding got a bit bored of 'hitching' on WP but I wasn't really ready for OT (they scared me!! ? ). Took me about a year before I came back to the fold as we started thinking about babies so remembered BT and started lurking there. That was too scary so popped over to OT and found that I liked it, so I've stuck around ever since.
I would say that I'm a 50/50 lurker vs poster. And I've noticed that I'm pretty good at thread killing "was is something I said?"
Another lurker here. My post count is growing slowly but has been earned over in BT.......not that I'm well known there either! I'm reluctant to post as I feel that someone else can say it better. funnier, faster etc. I'll try to post more.
I'm 32 and live in Dundee with my H and 6 month old baby. I'm currently on maternity leave.........more time to hitch!
Hello I'm Nicky am a long term lurker (and also longterm DTCer on Baby Talk).
I am 34 and have been married to my H for 8 years and have no kiddlywinks yet. I live in Solihull.
I often have a mooch on here but it's usually when I'm at work (can you tell how busy I must be ha ha!)
I also like drinking and hair dye although the last few times i've used it, it seems to go really dark almost black....anyway, I digress, can you see why I don't post often!? ?
Another one here ?..like many people have already said, quite often I don't post for fear of not being funny/witty/intelligent etc....
Recently, I've spent most of my time thatta way <------- , I married my H in November, and I'd like to think I was quite well liked over on WP, but I don't feel that I can contribute much over there now ☹️
I turn 30 in March - eek! I live in South Manchester and I qualified as a nurse just less than a year ago.
I think that I've made some 'friends' on OT due to my previous involvement in HPAD over on flickr (another thing that I'd like to get into more).
I, Kath79, promise to make much more of an effort in posting rather than lurking on OT.
I'm a long time lurker, Hitched has kept me sane through my lunch hours and some quiet evenings for the past 5 years and the 2 years before that I was on W/P for advice planning my wedding. ? Quite sad I've not really posted much!
I have made the odd addition to a thread mostly re the Moonwalk but as others have said sometimes I just don't have anything else constructive to add, so don't. I love coming on here though as I learn something new everyday with the advice given out and the dinner thread has helped me out on more than a few occasions too.
I've also never really introduced myself so here goes, I'm Dawn and I'm 28 from Kent. ? I have 3 cats who are my babies, enjoy reading Stephen King books and walked the London Moonwalk last year but also walking it with my husband this year. Other than that I am desperately trying to dig myself and my husband out of a financial hole so we can start a family.