Its really sad that so many of you dont think you have anything useful to add. We need all of you to keep this place alive and you are all just as interesting as the rest of us.
Tiger Style, where are you in Kent? <stalker icon?>
Bad lurker Melissa here. I've been a member on here since 2004, but lost original log in details.
I live pretty much slap bang in the middle of England. Been happily married for 3 1/2 years. Have 2 cats, and no kids. Mainly lurk, as I don't always feel my contribution would be noted. I'll try and come out a bit more in future.
My name is Keeley I am 25 & have a 2 year old son, I am getting married on 17th July 2010.
I have been registered on Hitched for months but have only ever contributed to 2 posts. I almost always have something to say on every post I read but for some reason just don't post.
I am a Newbie and a lurker (is that possible to be both?)
I registered for WP before i got married (doh obviously!) in Sept 07 and hund around in BT and OT more often than not. Have been getting brave and posting a bit more lately but seem to kill threads somehow?
I am Tracie, 27, have Multiple Sclerosis, A southerner(kent) living in Yorkshire, married since Sept 07, have 2 children, a boy of 3 and a little girl who is 1 next month
Hello everyone, I lurk more than I post as I often feel I'm not adding anything new. So I think a lot of us have the new year's resolution to post more!?
I halfheartedly Googled "wedding planning" a few years ago when I was engaged to someone where I think I knew at the time it wouldn't work out. I found Hitched and instead of going to WP I lurked on OT and never left! I did leave the fiance though. I occasionally lurk on BT when I'm feeling broody but won't contribute as there's no point there yet. I'll be making more of an effort to post on OT in the future.
I have been lurking since 2005 and have gone under a few different names until I stuck with NightOwl.
I am the complete opposite here to what I am IRL. Here I am quiet and hesitate to post due to not being 100% sure about my spelling(being a foreigner) or because my opinions are often wishy washy compared to the Hitched experts!
I really value Hitched as a fountain of knowledge and I have learned so much here. I will make an effort to post more since I would love to see Hitched back to what it used to be!
I most on BT regularly but I lurk on OT. I don't get to spend loads of time on here during the day, so I tend to come late to topics. Also, like Keelz, I often have something to say on a post but don't post it because I have a fear of looking daft or of missing the point. I shall try and face my fear and post more often here.
For those who don't know me on BT, I'm 32, married for almost 4 years, have a 2 year old daughter and work part time as a subtitler.
? old-timer and lurker here... since we moved house our broadband is hideously slow (as am I in responding), and for some reason 'new' and now even 'newer' hitched and my mac just don't get on. I've had about 6 script messages pop up just typing this!
ETA will try harder in future, hitched has been an amazing place for as long as I can remember and it would be a shame if the forums suffer cos of people too lazy to post (ie me) ?
lurked a lot on WP when planning wedding last year, and just moved over to lurking here on OT recently, so thought would come out of the woodwork now that others are doing so!
Live on the sunny South Coast with H - thinking about going to look on BT soon as well, though H and I still paying off a few wedding related debts (quite successfully i have to add!)
Long-time lurker here ? - I found Hitched when I got engaged, didn't post much on WP and have lurked for a couple of years on OT. I think my problem with posting is that, having lurked for so long, I feel I "know" so many people but they don't know me, so I find pitching posts at the appropriate level sometimes a little difficult. I shall try harder!
I'm 32, live in London and work as a corporate lawyer; H is a medical student (a mature one before anyone accuses me of cradle snatching! ?)
I'm a constant lurker. But i do and will post when i can give input to a thread.
I found hitched when googling speeches for my wedding in 2006.
Oh, and I'm a bloke. I know, it's rare, but not uncommon. There was a bit of a flurry in male posters. Just NickJ, BGB, Mr Numbers, P&P, ONE(?) left now? I won't include myself in the list as I'm a lurker, obviously. Hence me replying here. Clearly.
Anyhoo, I lurk when I'm in the office, which isn't that often normally. Just Mondays really. I don't have time to hitch in the evenings though.
I will make an effort to post more though. When I can make a valid reply though. ok?
I am a serious long-term lurker ? In fact I think if there was an award for least posts over years registered, I'd be on the short-list (though just noticed Tiger Style might take top prize ?)
I tend to hitch at times when its very quiet here, and don't post much because I either feel that my point has already been made, or that I don't know enough to comment on a subject, or that I don't want to bounce a 3 day old post just to write 'WSS'!
Although I'm not a big poster, Hitched is a fairly importany part of my life, and has been so on and off for 6 years now. I have learned so much, and have been inspired to do many things. I would like to contribute more to hitched, but I am pretty quiet and lacking confidence IRL. I don't actually feel excluded because of the friendships already existing here, but perhaps thats because I almost feel like I've got to know a lot of the hitchers here over the years, even if they don'y know me! Hmm, that seems a bit stalker-ish ?
Anyway, my name is Allison, I'm 26, married but no kids, from the north-east and I am a product designer
It's supposed to move. The little fella chucks a ball against the side of the avatar and it bounces back. Dunno why it stopped though. I've lost the original one off've me hard drive now too.
I remember lots of hitchers, yourself included. I guess thats why i've never stopped lurcking. It's like catching up with old friends (that you've never met, probably won't meet, are in actual fact completely anonymous people behind a keyboard and screen), you know? lol
I am a lurker! I joined this site in 2002 when planning my wedding. I gave up hitching when my husband put the PC in the spare room and he complained that I spent too much time on the PC. I now have a laptop and have been lurking but felt unable to get back in the swing of posting.
I am 33, married, live in Surrey with our 8 year old daughter and I work with the elderly.
Hi, i'm usually on BT most of the time. However, I have decided that is not particularly healthy given that, in 10 months, we've not managed to produce said Baby to Talk about (or even the beginings of one!) I know faaaar too much about babycare and pregancy and my friends are getting worried about me. ?
So, I guess i've probably got more to say over here... i hope! ?
Hi everyone. I used WP loads when I got married in 2004, I'm a serial lurker on OT which gives me hours of enjoyment when I should be working. I do post occasionally if I feel I can add something, but am posting more on BT now as I'm expecting my first baby in August.