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Beginner October 2014

Nothing nicer than a random act of kindness

LalaC1988, 14 November, 2014 at 13:50 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 9

Just wondering what was your last act of random kindness received or acted out?

I've been having the week from hell work wise and a girl on my team has brought me her Starbucks cup she had last Christmas. We decided yesterday as nobody knows what to get anybody for secret santa we would shout something out we would love from santa and a girl who tbh I didn't think liked me that much brought me a travel cup in was so touched.

My last act? Shamefully I don't know. Perhaps pulling out a trolly for a olderly lady at airport

9 replies

Latest activity by lc93, 19 November, 2014 at 14:04
  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    What a lovely idea for a thread - but it's made me sad to think perhaps I haven't shown any recently but am luckly to receive lots.

    When my little dog did last weekend my neighbour brought us a lovely card and plant arrangement and more importantly a big hug.

    I did drop everything from my work to help a girl who was madly stressed and about to dissolve. She was so very grateful. I didn't need to as she is on a different team but I knoew I could help so I did - I guess that counts.

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  • WickyWack
    Beginner July 2013
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    A couple of weeks ago in Nero the guy behind me in the queue ordering a loads of drinks said to put all of the stamps he would have received onto my loyalty card which meant he basically paid for mine and OH's coffees. Such a nice and simple thing to do!

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  • cinnamon009
    Beginner December 2014
    cinnamon009 ·
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    Since moving to St Albans I haven't had any random acts of kindness at all from people. I personally find it very self centred down here. Maybe they are thoughtful for friends but just not strangers? My OH has even commented on it and he normally doesn't notice stuff like that. Lots of very ego centric people who believe they are more important than anyone else in the whole world. Generally people are just so much nicer to strangers up north - and I never realised that when I lived there.

    I have done two lately - not sure if they were random enough to count? I saw a woman on the train pull out a pen that had obviously leaked all over her handbag. She put some stuff in the bin and then was sat there with ink all over her hands trying not to touch anything else. I pulled out a mini pack of wet wipes I had at the bottom of my bag and passed them down the train to her so she could clean up.

    A bloke dropped his wallet as he left the tube. I tried to shout him that he had dropped it but he was in a hurry and didn't hear me so I jumped off the tube behind him (not my stop) so I could follow him with it. He looked a bit startled when I was stalking him down the platform but the horror/relief on his face when he realised what was in my hand made my day.

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  • *Pugsley*
    Beginner March 2014
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    Yeah, saint albans can be a little snooty and some but not all (have friends in st.albans coz I live right by there) residents do seen to think they're something special just because they live there. I do still really like the place though and not just coz it's the nearest place for me to go for a few gins and to let my hair down!!!

    My last act of kindness towards someone? To be honest, and ashamedly, I can't remember. I like to think I do small things to help others every now and then like bringing in someone's fave food to the office to cheer them up, bring elderly neighbour's bins in etc. A few months ago I set up a standing order to make an annon payment to my brother's friend's donation page each month after I've been paid as said friend sadly died at the end of oct leaving behind a wife and 4 kids. Living in America the family didn't have an NHS to help them so they've had to cover all medical bills and are now left wondering whether his wife can afford to stay in the house. It might not be a huge amount but i hope it will help with the bills.

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  • L
    Beginner October 2014
    LalaC1988 ·
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    That's so kind pugsley even just one meal she doesn't have to worry about putting on the table helps

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    I am struggling to think! My last random act of kindness was giving a work colleague a satsuma from my lunch as they hadn't brought any. The last random act of kindness for me was a work colleague telling me l had a pen mark down my face. The funny thing was he asked if it was meant to be there and this was about half an hour into escorting a patient of community leave to the local shopping centre!

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    Sent my friend some flowers anonymously with a card that said 'just because', made her smile! Gave an old man my car park ticket, he was pleasantly surprised and when the lady in front of me in the queue was a little short, I gave her 50p Smiley smile

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    MF went to the chippy last week and they do a pensioner special. It's £2.50 or something for a pensioner's meal and the lady had left her purse indoors. MF was only getting chips and had a fiver so just paid for hers. He's a good egg.

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
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    I went to the hairdressers a few weeks back and didn't have enough change for the car park. I was fiddling around in my bag, as you do, trying to find a few pennies that might have fallen out of my purse when a hand reached over my shoulder and put in enough money for 3 hours of parking. I was about to protest and say that they could have said excuse me, when they handed me the ticket and walked away.

    In my shock, I never even got the chance to say thank you!!! This was in Chatham. Anyone who knows Chatham, knows it is more likely they would have taken the money out of my hands than pay for my parking!!

    As for my own acts, H and I helped a lady out who had fallen over in the street. It turned out that her husband was in hospital and she hadn't eaten for a few days. So we took her to a cafe and bought her a sandwich, a cup of tea and a cake, told her to take care of herself for her husband's sake and made sure she could get to the hospital ok before we left her.

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  • lc93
    Beginner September 2016
    lc93 ·
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    I sent H2B up to the gift shop in the hospital yesterday while I was waiting to be seen in the A&E Surgical Assessment Unit to get me some magazines to read as phone had died. He got a couple of wedding ones and I only half read them and had intended to bring them home to file for inspiration but shortly before we left another couple walked in and sat opposite us. I could see her trying to read the front cover and made a comment to the guy with her about colour schemes so she was obviously planning her own wedding too. I was just about to ask if she wanted to borrow the one I wasn't reading when we got called through. Knowing how busy it was in there I gave her both magazines on our way out of the waiting room and she seemed very grateful. Gave me a warm feeling inside (although that could have been the painkillers!)

    Can't remember the last time someone did something nice for me. Probably on holiday last Feb when a random American man by the pool gave me a Cadbury's Creme Egg because 'us brits do the best chocolate, and he knew I'd probably be missing it!'

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