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Beginner June 2015

OH is driving me mad!!

Brooksy, 17 June, 2015 at 10:17 Posted on Planning 0 9

Sorry but I need to have a little rant - getting married on saturday and OH is driving me mad!!

Today is supposed to be our last day at work, got a list as long of my arm of things that need doing tomorrow & Friday and pretty much every hour is accounted for until 7 oclock on friday when I can have a bath! He came home last night and told me he has to go into work tomorrow because he had booked himself onto a training course a couple of weeks ago - he had forgotten it was the wedding this week. Not only that but the course is in York, so he wont be home until 8pm at the earliest.

It's Fathers Day the day after the wedding and his Mum's birthday next tuesday and I have been telling him for weeks to get something sorted for gifts, even last week we were in liverpool shopping for honeymoon and I said why dont we pick something up now? But he 'couldnt be bothered'. He still hasnt sorted anything and now he has run out of time, so he asked me yesterday if he could go out on my lunch time today and pick something up, I asked him what he wanted to get them and he said 'I dont mind, just pick anything'. So I have told him no, he will have to sort it out himself, or tell me specifically something to pick up, but I know he is not going to sort it and it will end up looking bad on me because his parents are very old fashioned and think it is the womans job to sort out anything like this and 'keep the home running'.

He has text me this morning to let me know that he has spoken to his best man, and he has decided to come up from London tomorrow instead of Friday and can I sort him out a bed, because he will be out?! No, I cant sort him out a bloody bed, we only have 1 spare bed and his parents are going to be sleeping in it - we already have one of his groomsmen sleeping on a blow up bed in the living room, I havent got anywhere else for him to go!

Tonight, we have got to get the house clean and tidy for his parents arriving tomorrow, make their bed etc, and ive got loads of last minute bits that need doing (putting confetti into baskets, putting sweets into jars, making up bags for each table etc). He normally goes to badminton club on a wednesday night and I asked him if he would mind missing this one as I really need his help getting things sorted, he said no because it will be the last one before the wedding and he will 'have to miss 3 weeks' after because of honeymoon so he doesnt want to miss another one!

He is not normally like this at all, normally he is so considerate but I just feel at the moment like he doesn't really give a *** and he is just leaving everything up to me to get sorted. Just last week he told me not to worry about the last few days before the wedding, he was putting himself in charge of 'wedding logistics' and would organise everything, but he isnt even going to be here!!

Oh, and just to add insult to injury, he has text me while I have been writing this post saying that he is in a team meeting all day today and they have decided to go out for a drink afterwards to celebrate him finishing for a few weeks, so he is just going straight to badminton, he will see me at about 11pm tonight.... ARRRRRRRRRRRR I am fuming with him!!!!.

9 replies

Latest activity by InkedDoll, 18 June, 2015 at 09:48
  • halloweeny
    Beginner October 2013
    halloweeny ·
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    Oh dear! try not to worry too much about getting everything done. It'll all be fine in the end.

    I don't really know what to say but didn't want to read and run.

    Personally, i would just do what you can and leave the rest to him. Things that he can do himself he'll have to cover for now. E.g. the presents and bed for his BM. It's not your problem is it... just say you can't and he'll have to sort it out himself. Then leave him to it.

    I think his parents will have to get used to a more modern approach to family life. There's no point pretending you live your life like them is there?

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  • C
    Cece100 ·
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    Aww sending virtual hugs.

    I don't mean this to come across as harsh so please don't see it that way but I do think your OH is being very inconsiderate from what you have said and probably doesn't seem to realise it, or has been like this for some time and you are only just noticing it now that you genuinely need his help, although I appreciate you say he is not normally like this.

    In regards to the fathers day and mothers bday presents I am not quite sure why his parents would think badly of you due to you not sorting out their gifts, that should be something which their son should do, and I personally wouldn't bother but if you really want/ feel like you should sort something, have you thought about a gift voucher for a shop they both like to shop in like Debenhams or House of Fraser? I no its not very imaginative but will save you having to think of an actual gift and spend time searching. Could it be possible to get them a joint present for both occasions as the dates are so close, such as afternoon tea at a hotel? they have a couple of those sort of things on Red Letter Days. Looking on line may also help with the time constraints you are under.

    In regards to the best man I wouldn't worry about sorting him out somewhere to sleep, your OH was a bit naughty to say he could stay with you knowing you have no space left. I would probably text OH back stating the obvious of no space and tell him to sort it. Or if you have Best Man's number could you call him and tell him there isn't any space?

    In regards to the wedding stuff left to do, this isn't what you want to hear but I think you just have to try and get as much done as you can and leave the rest. None of your guests will notice the last little bits. Failing that could you not ask your family and bridal party to help finish some of the bits off? and with your in laws coming, could it be a possibility for you future MIL to help?

    Easier said then done, I know but try not to stress x

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
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    I think this sets a dangerous precedent for your marriage - are you gonna let them dictate what tasks you should/shouldn't do forever just cos they're misogynists? Tell them politely that you don't do things that way, and repeat if necessary. It rather sounds like your OH knows you don't want to upset them and is taking advantage of that - don't let him!

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  • A
    Beginner March 2015
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  • Arpee
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  • halloweeny
    Beginner October 2013
    halloweeny ·
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    What ID said

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  • M
    Beginner October 2015
    misslynx ·
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    Is your OH aware of the stress you are under?

    Sometimes, unless we tell them, they don't notice even when blindingly obvious!

    Tell him with the wedding last minute items you are stressed out to the max. If he can't assist you then he needs to at least sort himself out.

    Maybe make a list of things you have outstanding to share with him so he knows you aren't joking?

    Hth xx

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
    HelenSomerset ·
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    Agree with what others have said. You need to give him some tough love.

    You do the tasks that are important to you. Text him and tell him that you are not doing the rest. If it were me, his return at 11pm would be greeted with a "[insert name] to do list" with all the jobs he tried to delegate to you set out. I would probably end up giving my husband the b****ing of his life but I'm not suggesting you do that!!!!

    Good luck. Try not to let this stress you out and enjoy your planning. Halloweeny is right - it will all be okay in the end. I think we had our worse ever rows over wedding planning and it was all stupid stuff - like whether to have a chocolate fountain or give guests a menu choice.

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  • B
    Beginner June 2015
    Brooksy ·
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    Thank you everyone for your replies, I am much more calm now then I was when I posted earlier. I have told OH that he is being inconsiderate and he needs to sort himself out, and he will have to sort out the gifts and sleeping situation. Luckily because it was my last day in work we had a little celebration at lunch time and then I was packed off home, so I have had a bonus few hours this afternoon where I have been able to get LOADS done and now I am going to treat myself to a bath, a glass of wine and an early night!

    And ID, they are VERY traditional and I feel a lot of the time like all I do if disagree with them and tell them that they are wrong, they turn their noses up at everything we do and have told OH that they are praying for us because we live together before marriage and that our wedding isn't real because its not in a church (keeping in mind that they haven't stepped foot in a church in over 15 years, OH can't even remember ever going to church growing up). I do stand up for myself with them 90% of the time, but I just cant deal with the drama this weekend, I would rather just sort something out and have them be happy, I honestly dont let them dictate what I do, I just know how they are going to react if they dont get gifts and would rather not deal with that at the moment! Once we bought his mum a book for mothers day, she opened it up and got a cob on because he hadn't written anything inside of the book, she didnt say thanks or anything, just didnt speak to him for hours!

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    I understand this. Sometimes you gotta pick your battles and just be 'anything for a quiet life'. So long as you're not letting them walk all over you on a permanent basis! You can create your own new traditions Smiley smile

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