It seems my sister and I have the same password. Her email address is the same as mine except mine is .com and hers is
I obviously got carried away and put instead of .com without thinking.
It didnt register that it wasn't my email (at first).
I started reading an eamil from her bf, thinking he has sent me a stupid joke again or carrying on our conversation about her graduation present.
Anyway it started getting a little steamy and a little graphic about certain aspects of their sex life (yyyuuucccccck)
I was explaining to my H that I think the bf had sent an email in error and on closer inspection I saw sisters name at the top of the screen not mine.
I have closed it all down but I dont want to tell her I have seen the email.
(I am going to be changing my password though)
There are somethings that should not be shared. I feel like I need a shower now. My H thinks it's funny that I thought (for a moment) that my sisters bf was emailing me dirty things ?