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Beginner July 2012

OT - I want a dog!

moonpie1985, 5 January, 2012 at 21:01 Posted on Planning 0 24

I have always grown up with dogs but since moving out 6 years ago, we have only had a cat and some fish.

OH has said that we can't get a dog until after the wedding, so just starting to think about what types of dog to look into. We are keen hikers and go on long 6-8 mile walks regulary so would like one that can beneft from that and not get worn out half way through.

What dogs do you have?

Do they get on with Cats & children?

If you got a dog after having a cat, how did the cat feel about it?

24 replies

Latest activity by Victoria030384, 7 January, 2012 at 12:38
  • Banana88
    Beginner May 2012
    Banana88 ·
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    We have a Labrador. They have lots of energy to burn and love long walks.

    We also have cats which we had before getting our Lab. The cats really weren't too fussed and believe it or not they are the bosses of the house! Cat put's the dog in her place if she's being naughty. The dog really isn't bothered about the cats (well she's a little bit scared sometimes) They do have an odd 5 minutes here and there where they get on.

    They love each other really ... look

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  • moonpie1985
    Beginner July 2012
    moonpie1985 ·
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    Aww! They are adorable together Smiley laugh

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  • M
    Beginner March 2012
    MrsLeighToBe ·
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    I have a Cocker Spaniel called Sweep - he has so much energy and loves going on long walks (he loved Snowdon and Kinder Scout!) and is great fun.....if a little nutty at times!!

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  • E
    Beginner December 2011
    eternallyme ·
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    We have a spaniel and he definitely loves long walks. He is brilliant with children and okay with cats when he gets to meet them (our dog sitter has 2 cats and they have never had any problems together) He normally just likes to have a sniff and then moves on.

    Charlie is 3/4 cocker spaniel and a 1/4 springer so he is a little bit bigger than most cockers.

    He has a lab friend called angel, who is our dog sitters and she is lovely - much less bouncy but very loving and friendly so depends what you like (charlie does bounce with adults who encourage it! We try to stop him but some people just don't help!)

    Anyway, I think anything around the lab/spaniel size would be good if you want a dog with a high energy level but not too big!

    I hope you manage to find a suitable breed and a lovely puppy to join your family.

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  • Z
    zebra_cake ·
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    I have a border collie . hes amazing Smiley smile

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  • stripeyrache
    Super February 2011
    stripeyrache ·
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    I have a Westie. He's a big dog trapped in a little body ? As a breed they'll generally follow your lead in terms of exercise. If I want a lazy day on the sofa he'll curl up with me. If we're going for an 8 mile walk he'll come along with no trouble.

    We got him from pup so he was smaller than the cat to start with. That way he has grown up seeing the cat as 'family' so doesn't really bother her. She isn't fussed by him and on the odd occasion he does bother her she'll quickly let him know and he'll back off!

    He's fab with kids. Loves them in fact!

    I'm a firm believer that with any dog it's all about how you raise them. With the right training and environment they will be what you want. Enjoy!

    Cheeky flash:

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  • MonaLisaBrideToBe
    Beginner June 2012
    MonaLisaBrideToBe ·
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    I am loving all of these doggy pictures.

    I am a little like you moonpie I want a dog, have cats and have to wait until after the wedding!!

    So it is great to see whose dogs get on with the cats Smiley smile

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  • RachTN25
    Beginner December 2012
    RachTN25 ·
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    We have a 1 and half year springer spaniel. He loves long walks (the longer the better) and is never tired. He loves all people (children and adults). Hasn't had any experiences with cats so don't know about that one. If you have the time and energy to walk them I would def recommend a springer as he is a gorgeous, loyal dog.

    Rachel xx

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  • Lola-Belle
    Beginner April 2013
    Lola-Belle ·
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    I wrote a full report on my beautiful puppy that didnt send !!! Smiley sad ... have to go into a meeting now so ill keep it short and sweet

    Name -Lola-Belle (hense the username)

    Breed - Lhasa Apso X Bichon Frise

    Walks - would go for about 3-4 mile before wanting a carry (not a reflection on the breed, more a reflection on her being mammy and daddys princess)

    Kids - Loves them even babies! Great at tireing out the nephews when they stay over!

    Cats - Hates them on her fence or outside the window, open the door and she licks them to death and used to get so excited she would pee! (strange thing)

    Finally flashes !!!!


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  • E
    Beginner March 2012
    Emsypooh ·
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    We have a cocker spaniel who is crazy but so much fun and loves long walks.

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  • T
    Trickers ·
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    I have a 7 month old red Boxer. He is crazy and has lots of lots of energy. He is absolutely perfect with children but he's never been near a car so cant say how he would act!

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  • Frugal Splurger
    Beginner September 2011
    Frugal Splurger ·
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    Unfortunately our dog is no longer with us :-( but we had a Beagle and she was amazing with kids and LOVED going out for walks! She was a pretty active dog and although she thrived on exercise, she had her lazy moments too! She was a pretty snuggly dog and everybody loved her! Such a beautiful breed too.

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    I have a Bichion Frise and yes I am biased but honestly she is just fab.

    She was very easily trained, doesnt cast & suitable for allergy sufferers. She is full of fun yet equally happy lazing around if left for a few hours on her own. She is very affectionate & loves sitting on your knee.

    She is good with children - my cousin has pulled her tail & poked at her ears & she doesnt react at all (I do tell the cousin off but I dont always get there before cousin has done something! lol) She is very mild tempered and doesnt bark a lot - eg only if doorbell rings.

    She gets groomed every 8 weeks @ £26.

    I ordered extra bridesmaid material and had her a dress made for some wedding pics after ceremony back at my parents house:

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  • katielou87
    Beginner April 2012
    katielou87 ·
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    This is Missie - She is a West Highland Terrier, a large one at that and not your most crufts looking pup, but shes perfect to me!

    As with all terriers she is a pain in the bum at times but very loving, protective (sometimes over) and loyal. We used to have a cat, some days they got on and some days they faught - nothing rough, just play fighting! I think when we have babies she will be a little jealous at first but then she will become very protective!

    Like most westies she has quite bad skin problems which flare up in the summer - hence her thin hair!

    I could talk about her all day long - just look at that belly!! haha ?

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  • Lola-Belle
    Beginner April 2013
    Lola-Belle ·
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    Oh my god thats soooo cuteee!!! Who made that? I want for for Mrs Belle's !!!
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  • xtine88xx
    Beginner September 2012
    xtine88xx ·
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    We have two little pugs and they are amazing!

    we got one when we moved in to our house, but everytime he had been with other dogs he was so depressed when we got home and kept trying to play with a little pug statue we have, so we ended up getting a little sister for him. They are so cute together!

    Pugs in general are really happy little dogs, ours are fine with a short walk round the block or even really long walks at weekends too. I don't have any children but from what I have seen of mine, and heard from other pug owners they get along great. Also know a few people with pugs and cats. They are so loving and cuddly and so so cute (I know alot of people think they are ugly but they are beaauutiiffuull!)

    Here are my babies Smiley smile

    pic is huge sorry :-\

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    I have a Bichion Frise and yes I am biased but honestly she is just fab.

    She was very easily trained, doesnt cast & suitable for allergy sufferers. She is full of fun yet equally happy lazing around if left for a few hours on her own. She is very affectionate & loves sitting on your knee.

    She is good with children - my cousin has pulled her tail & poked at her ears & she doesnt react at all (I do tell the cousin off but I dont always get there before cousin has done something! lol) She is very mild tempered and doesnt bark a lot - eg only if doorbell rings.

    She gets groomed every 8 weeks @ £26.

    I ordered extra bridesmaid material and had her a dress made for some wedding pics after ceremony back at my parents house:

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  • S
    silkexuberance ·
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    We have 2 dogs,

    1 is a cross- lab / springer- who is as soft as anything,she is 4yrs old now

    the other one who is 1.5 yrs old is a cross collie/springer, this one is a complete nightmare- she has destroyed my garden and my house, so be careful when buying a mixed breed, We got her as a puppy that sold her as a lab/springer, so we thought yeah great another daft dosile dog, but a few months down the line she looks nothing like one and found out what cross she was.

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  • tizmelou
    Beginner September 2012
    tizmelou ·
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    I helped run a dog rescue for some years and as part of that fostered many different types and breeds of dogs. Please consider rescuing a dog - especially if they have been fostered in a home - you can tell then if they are good with other dogs, children, cats etc!

    So many of the dogs I fostered were amazing and young. I have a 5 month old springer x collie sat next to me as I type that is just off to her new home shortly!

    If you are determined to buy a puppy please be very careful where you buy from - puppy farmers are very clever at pretending the dogs have been born at home etc - I've seen how puppy farm dogs are kept, and how they are thrown out when no longer can make the 'farmer'

    any money.

    Sorry, I'll shut up now, enjoy your dogs everyone I love them all!!!

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  • Naboo
    Naboo ·
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    Eternallyme your dog is gorgeous!

    We have a Labrador, he is 20 months and long walks are his favourite along with eating sleeping and swimming and we also have a cat that we had for about 8 years before we got the dog, they get on fine they won't cuddle up to each other, mainly cos the dog is so clumsy! when we first got the dog home he ignored that cat for about 2 months and then when he noticed him he just wanted to play, the cat put him in his place though! He still wants to play with the cat but understandably the cat doest want to play with a big clumsy dog however the cat does like to torment him which being a bit daft the dog mistakes for playing so they are both happy really!

    One thing I would say is careful if you have a cat flap as pups can and will get through it, our dog grew too big pretty quickly and now cant even fit his head through it (he does still try tho)

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  • Doris 5/10
    Beginner May 2013
    Doris 5/10 ·
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    This is Barney, my 13month old German Shepherd. He is our baby!! Very spoilt and very loved. He is great with kids but because he is so big and strong and still a puppy himself he will sometimes just rush past my niece and push her out the way!! I have a picture of him asleep and my niece curled up with him reading a book. He doesn't like it when my baby nephew cries but it's very cute to watch Barney nudge us to make him stop.

    He needs lots of walks and goes out 2xdaily most days and will walk for miles.

    Like you I was brought up with dogs (German shepherds) and it as shocked me the impact he has had on our life. I worry about him if I have to leave him alone for more than a few hours. I never realised what a commitment and responsibility he would be.

    We also finally decided that we should get married in New York but because he would need to go into kennels I refused!!!! My family and Oh wanted to strangle me!!! We are lucky because my parents help with him all the time.

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  • hopkins78
    Beginner November 2011
    hopkins78 ·
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    This is our amazing cake topper featuring our 2 Beagles; Lollie and Taboo. Both have an incredible amount of energy and will walk (run!) for hours non stop. Both adore children and my cat Twinkle Toes, who thinks she is a dog so we rarely have issues (she is also the boss of the beagles!). Both are very sociable and love meeting new doggy or human friends. They are also very, very snuggly and love curling up with us on the sofa every evening!

    You cannot beat the love and adoration a 4 legged friend will give you, it is completely unconditional.


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  • V
    Beginner August 2013
    Victoria030384 ·
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    We lost our dog recently (a boxer) who was great with kids! People say boxers are mad and bound about but she couldn't have been more gentle when there were kids about. She loved long walks and being out in the fresh air. She was just gorgeous and I can't wait to move into our new house and get another one. I couldn't imagine having a different sort of dog! However, my mum has a pug and she is equally adorable and great with kids!

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