Just need to vent a little and would maybe appreciate some opinions to see if I am overreacting...
It is one of our male friends birthday party this weekend and I have just found out (only because i overheard OH on the phone plotting!) that my lovely h2b and all his friends are planning on getting him a stripper! This would all be well and good, I am no prude and appreciate that boys will be boys and all that but the thing is that the friend in question is one of by best friends (and also BM) boyfriend!
The party is a family party and so all his family and friends including his adoring gf will be there when this stripper turns up! I think this is totally disrespectful to his gf and I know that i definitely wouldnt appreciate it! (especially as she has arranged the whole thing and is even decorating the room for him in advance!)
OH is now telling me that I am being completely ridiculous and that only me would be offended!
It may be me overreacting but i would appreciate some perspective please girls!