We're not really sure but i had a message from my friend who we're getting him from saying that he's very poorly and his litter sisters died. the vet did check him and said that he does seem quite strong. unfortunately the vet thinks it may be a congenital defect that mummy cat is passing on to the kittens, they may have to do a kitten autopsy ?
Oh god thats so sad ? we had a dog with a congenital heart condition, but the breeders never told us several of his brothers and sisters died shortly after birth, he lived until he was 2 and then had to be put down.
Well i heard of my friend this mornig and he wwas still with us, he was bright eyed and making noise so fingers crossed. she's having to syringe feed him and has him wrapped up in her daughters dressing gown so we're really hoping he turns the corner
My little boys nursery had some eggs to hatch chicks from and when one of them hatched he was bald and matted with his wings stuck down. The poor little thing couldn't stop shaking and we didn't expect him to last the weekend. When I went in today he was a big ball of fluff running around the cage with both wings flapping away. What a difference a few days makes x