Do you have any? I have many. I am a wuss.
Spiders. Not the skinny ones, but the proper spiders. Black ones. I can't do anything with them. Not even suck them up in the hoover. <shudder>
The sea. I'd never go in the sea or even contemplate going on a boat. Never. I was born on land.
A fear of falling. Hights aren't a problem, but I could never go up too high as I'm petrified I'll fall to my death. So hot air balloons, cliffs etc are a no no.
Going over bridges that are over water. Omg, The 7th bridge for example makes me cry. I also did the RFL last month and towards the end we had to run over a bridge which opens certain times of the day. I didn't know this. The bridge was bouncing as there was so many people going over it. I was nearly sick everywhere and considered turning around so as not to have to go over it.
Small spaces. Just the thought of going into a small tunnel makes me uncomfortable. You know like they do in caves. Not a chance in hell could I do that. Infact I can't go into a cave as it has no windows. ? Way to claustrophobic. Also can't be pinned down. I suppose it's the feeling of being trapped. I panic and can't breath properly.
Freshly blown balloons. Nightmare. Everyone around me thinks it's funny. I was humiliated back last year when someone made me cry at a family party by cornering me with one. Ha ha, funny as fuck. Not. Tosser.
Probably more. See, told you I was a wuss.