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Beginner May 2007

Phobias (admittedly stolen from BT)

LizBjk, 8 August, 2009 at 19:52 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 36

Do you have any? I have many. I am a wuss.

Spiders. Not the skinny ones, but the proper spiders. Black ones. I can't do anything with them. Not even suck them up in the hoover. <shudder>

The sea. I'd never go in the sea or even contemplate going on a boat. Never. I was born on land.

A fear of falling. Hights aren't a problem, but I could never go up too high as I'm petrified I'll fall to my death. So hot air balloons, cliffs etc are a no no.

Going over bridges that are over water. Omg, The 7th bridge for example makes me cry. I also did the RFL last month and towards the end we had to run over a bridge which opens certain times of the day. I didn't know this. The bridge was bouncing as there was so many people going over it. I was nearly sick everywhere and considered turning around so as not to have to go over it.


Small spaces. Just the thought of going into a small tunnel makes me uncomfortable. You know like they do in caves. Not a chance in hell could I do that. Infact I can't go into a cave as it has no windows. ? Way to claustrophobic. Also can't be pinned down. I suppose it's the feeling of being trapped. I panic and can't breath properly.

Freshly blown balloons. Nightmare. Everyone around me thinks it's funny. I was humiliated back last year when someone made me cry at a family party by cornering me with one. Ha ha, funny as fuck. Not. Tosser.

Probably more. See, told you I was a wuss.

36 replies

Latest activity by teenybash, 10 August, 2009 at 16:45
  • Luthien
    Beginner June 2007
    Luthien ·
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    My only true phobia:

    Heights - just seeing someone standing on an edge is enough to make me cry.


    Bogies - to the point I can be sick if I see one. I was sick when I watched BB this week and there was an awful food challenge; one contestant kept retching and his nose was running down his face. I only just made it to the loo before losing my dinner.

    Hair that's no longer attached to people/animals.

    Eggshell being in food.


    Being judged.

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  • claires
    Beginner July 2008
    claires ·
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    Spiders. any kind, big or small.

    its amazing how many people pretend they have one in their hands, and then 'throw' them at you...its daft as i know they havent really got one, but i still run away, my heart is beating ten to the dozen and i want to cry

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  • bettyb
    Beginner July 2006
    bettyb ·
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    My phobia is being sick. I am 34 now and haven't been sick since I was 14. Luckily I am pretty healthy but there has been a couple of close calls but I have managed to stop myself be sick. I would rather be ill for a week, than vomit. I dread the day when it cannot be avoided. It is also the reason why I never get drunk, just in case it makes me sick.

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    I think I do have a phobia of rats. God I can hardly type the word. The worst thing is they make me freeze, so I can't physically flee.

    I was once an hour late to meet MrH as I saw a rat at the tube station and couldn't move. the idea that people keep them as pets......

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  • MD
    MD ·
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    Spiders of any shape or size, flies, beetles, wasps, daddy long legs, moths - hate anything touching my skin/being on me. So cannot swim in the sea as couldn't cope with the idea of fish touching me.

    Needles - terrified of them. Cannot watch anyone being injected on TV even.

    Being in the dark if I don't know that I'm alone - fine if I'm by myself, but if someone else is there I get hysterical.

    Apart from all of those (and I'm sure I have more) I am a normal, well adjusted person really ?

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  • Bells
    Bells ·
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    Clowns, i hate them

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    I'm not sure if it's a phobia or not, but I *really* hate my shins being touched <shudder>. The skins is so thin and the bone seems razor sharp, yuk! Also the thought of wool on my teeth makes me heave.

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  • D
    Beginner August 2003
    Dot. ·
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    My only true phobia was (is? not entirely sure it has gone!) vomitting.

    I've had counselling for it, had anti-d's for it and live with anti-emetics in my handbag. I can get through a whole day now with out worrying about if i've picked up a bug or if i'm about to be sick though, so i'm on the way to recovery.

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  • stormfairy
    stormfairy ·
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    Same here. I'm having CBT to try to make it easier to deal with especially now I having a walking germ factory in the house (my son)

    Also Spiders and death

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  • Doughnut
    Beginner June 2008
    Doughnut ·
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    I really can't think of anything! I am very squeamish and that's the only thing I can think of . The thought of operations etc is awful and I can't watch anything like that on telly, makeover surgery shows or any cutting of flesh. I have definitely got worse on this as I've got older.

    I guess I don't particularly like touching big spiders ?

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  • WelshTotty
    Beginner December 2014
    WelshTotty ·
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    Two things that terrify me and they're ridiculous.....


    Being kneecapped

    Don't ask!

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  • bettyb
    Beginner July 2006
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    I used to be pretty bad about it because I would panic if someone nearby was being sick especially if they were drunk, but find it easier to cope with nowdays. Maybe I just need to be sick and get it over and done with. MrB is the type of person who can stick his fingers down his throat when he feels ill <shudder> and that just freaks me out.

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    The thing is, I think being scared of things like spiders (and rats!) is completely sensible, and probably comes from the beginning of time where we had to be scared of those things which can harm us (obviously in many parts of the world spiders are dangerous) I honestly think we're programmed to some degree to fear things which can harm us.

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  • Diefenbaker
    Beginner September 2008
    Diefenbaker ·
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    Heights and vomiting, although neither to the extent that they ruin my life, it's more of a strong feeling / fear than an actual phobia.

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  • JK
    Beginner February 2007
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    I'm not fond of beetles, but I'm properly phobic about spiders. To the point where it affects large areas of my life, but I hate them so much I have no interest in dealing with it.

    I can cope with them in the outdoors, just (small ones on my plants for example), though this is a recent development. I cannot abide even small ones indoors and the way they move, indoor or out, makes me sweat and heave and want to cry.

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  • stormfairy
    stormfairy ·
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    For me, being sick didn't make it any easier (I can remember each time in way too much detail). DH is the same as your husband and just gets on with it

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  • I
    Beginner January 1999
    irrelephant ·
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    Er i have loads.

    Spiders, any size shape or form. terrify me.

    needles. What i'm really terrified of, is of the needle scratching my bone. This happened when i had an injection in my gum when i was 9 and i've been terrified of it ever since. I used to faint at the sight of them. I'm not that bad anymore though, i think i might be getting over it a bit.

    falling down stairs or over a balcony. I even freak out if i see someone who looks like they might do that.

    Cows. I can look at them comfortably from a distance. say if they were in a field and i was on the road. But if they're in the same field or getting too close to me, say even if they hung their head over the fence i would freak. I even get a little bit upset when they look at me, even if theyre miles away. I was chased by cows when i was 6 and i've been terrified of them ever since. bit ridiculous considering i've lived in the countryside all my life. The other week i completely freaked out because we were driving a long a road and were met with a herd of cows at milking time in the middle of the road. I became hysterical and screamed at mr delicious to lock the doors. i only calmed down after he'd locked the doors, at which point i realised cows would never be able to get in the car.

    Can't think of anything else, although there probably is.

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  • C
    Beginner June 2006
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    Snap - I am also Emetophobic, have had CBT for mine in 2006 and have it under control but will always play a massive part of my life and has since I was 7 ...

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  • WelshTotty
    Beginner December 2014
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    Actually the biggest phobia I have and its a real phobia and I will do anything for it not to happen is being pregnant, I really couldnt deal with it and the thought of some alien being growing inside me makes me feel physically ill. Its stupid, Im female and it should be the most natural thing in the world, but it freaks me out.

    (Seaweed and Being kneecapped pale into insignificance)

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  • rufus
    Beginner January 2007
    rufus ·
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    Yes, I have a big problem with vomit too. It's a little better now, but I was terrible when I was at school and when I lived in London.

    Possibly linked, I have been a bit OCD about hand-washing.

    I do have a fear of heights too, which affects makes me physically to the point of almost fainting.

    And possibly linked to that (and control - see above) is flying, I'm currently point-blank refusing to go anywhere that requires a flight.

    All of these go through peaks and troughs, but have been pretty constant.

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  • bettyb
    Beginner July 2006
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    It doesn't cause me so much of a problem as it used to. I blame my brother after watchng him come in drunk on new years eve when I was about 14, and he lay and vomited over him selfI, it was one in the morning and I was dressed and ready to walk to my dads house a few miles away rather than witness that.

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  • sparkle_kez
    Beginner January 2012
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    Dental treatment, absolutly cant handle it, they have to sedate me when I need things done. Unfortunatly my adult teeth all came through without enamel and despite having it painted on I still have very weak teeth and have to get a lot of fillings. With a lot of build up I can now cope with a check up but fillings terrify me, I feel sick, shaky and start to panic. Its ridiculous I know but I just cant help it.

    I hate spiders as well but can hoover most of them up, really trying not to pass these fears on to my daughter.

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  • Dr Doo.Little
    Beginner May 2007
    Dr Doo.Little ·
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    Spiders - just can't cope with them and we have a house that is prone to spiders

    Slugs - ewwww they just shouldn't be allowed

    Heights - I get a feeling like I'm falling when I'm up high and have to lie down, it's even started happening when I'm looking up at a tall building

    Being sick - Although the morning sickness has cured this somewhat as I've had no choice but to get used to throwing up on a daily basis.

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  • Redhead
    Redhead ·
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    Needles. To the point where I cannot read any farther on once I had seen the word on the previous posters' answers who share it. To the point where I am now on the verge of tears from typing the word and am having to scrunch my toes up. To the point that I couldn't hold my baby daughter when she went for immunisation. Absolutely rules my world and I hate it. I cannot be in the same room as someone discussing anything at all to do with them.

    I also find anything going under the skin hard to seal with- splinters and the like, but not to the extent of the other.

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  • flissy666
    flissy666 ·
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    WSS. I have recurrent nightmares about various scenarios. Ugh! I CANNOT watch anything to do with childbirth on TV *at all*... ?

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  • Hecate
    Hecate ·
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    Nothing really - I hate spiders but wouldn't say I'm phobic.

    I guess the only thing that comes close is the "film that cannot be named" - the one where you watch the video and in 7 days you die. I am petrified of it. I actually couldn't move out of the cinema when it was finished.

    I can't say its name. It is the part where she climbs out of the well towards the tv, It freaks me beyond belief - I feel naseous now typing this

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  • Mr JK
    Mr JK ·
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    Was it the American or the original Japanese version?

    My biggest phobia used to be big dogs, so quite why I voluntarily spent three months living with a woman who had two, one of which was a black Labrador the size of the Hound of the Baskervilles, is one of life's great mysteries.

    But instead of being a devil-dog from hell (my first impression), he was essentially a very dim, utterly adorable and ridiculously sweet-natured puppy trapped in this gigantic body, and the experience cured me completely. I'd still run like hell if a slavering Dobermann ran towards me, mind, but I suspect that would be most people's reaction.

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  • monkey fingers
    monkey fingers ·
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    Sliced cucumbers I haven't seen being sliced.


    People touching my legs, espcially my knees

    Seagulls pecking at my knees

    Eating off of thick cream coloured crockery.


    Not being able to lift my neck because of restricted heights.

    Being stuck inside a sleeping bag head first


    knives, well people holding knives near me, or cutting up food with sharp knives.

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  • (pf)
    (pf) ·
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    Spiders of all sizes

    things that fly but not birds IE moths butterflies flies ladybirds etc

    cottonwool- more a dislike than phobia but if someone has some and they chace me with it to put it on me i run like hell.

    hights i cannot even look at the tv if its showing an over the cliff bit

    enclosed spaces

    and the strangest one. someone wearing a hockey mask and a chainsaw....i have not seen the film nor do i want to but the few time si have seen someone like this im reduced to tears and hyperventilating and frozen to the spot. its horrible

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    I thought this was just me! well mines not phobia level but I can't eat the first slice of a already cut cucumebr (one that has been stored in the fridge) it is always dried out. I chuck the first slice away and it bothers me that others don't.

    Same with carrots- MrH doesn't top and tail them, and sometimes I find a carrot end in my shepherds pie <vomit>

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  • Jerseygirl
    Jerseygirl ·
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    I am needle phobic also, like you Redhead, but not quite to your extent so I really feel for you. If I discover I need to have a blood test (and they do tend to like to take blood at the doctor's over here), I immediately panic and start to cry. It's not about pain though, it's the thought of a needle going under my skin that does it. And so when you mentioned splinters, I found myself saying YES! because I almost pass out if I find I have a splinter. I can't relax until it's out and yet I can't look at it which causes some problems...

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  • Hyacinth
    Hyacinth ·
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    I used to work for a company which had developed a needleless injection. The company were bought out by a big pharma and I don't know what happened to it. That was about 10 years ago.

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