So most of you know that we didn't tell many people that we were getting married. Everyone knew we were engaged, but to keep fuss to a minimum we only told the 19 invited guests (all close family) the date and time, and we asked them not to mention it to anyone else.
Almost straight after the ceremony we posted a pic on Facebook ( the one of our hands I also posted here) and updated our relationship statuses. We got many likes, comments and messages of congrats which was lovely. Most people were surprised, but all positive, including my extended family.
Today, just over a week later, I got a notification that there was a new comment on the photo. It was a friend of H's who lives in Australia, so I've never met her. The comment was: "Er, WHAT!!!???" And then followed a few mins later by: "Yeah congrats but f*cking hell we were JUST home! How do we not go to your wedding??? Honeymoon in Australia!!!!!!" Those are copy and pastes, so punctuation all hers.
Now her husband commented on the pic congratulating us on the day, so given that they were close friends of H's before emigrating, he finds it odd that the husband hadn't mentioned it at any point. But hey ho, people have busy lives, whatever. I know my wedding is not no1 topic of conversation for everyone else.
However, this has really narked me. How dare this woman I've never met act like we've insulted her by not inviting her to our wedding?! We didn't invite anyone - that must be obvious by the number of surprised comments on the pic. Not to mention that when they were visiting the UK over Xmas, they didn't even bother to come up to Manc to see all their old friends. A mutual friend had to drive over 100 miles to visit them where they were staying in Yorkshire.
I asked H to message her and explain that we didn't invite anyone so I dunno what she's said to that if anything. But it's still annoying. My own cousins have been gracious about it, why can't she? Grr. Sorry all, rant over