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Beginner January 2015


tonievans, 14 August, 2014 at 14:05 Posted on Planning 0 11

I understand your meant to buy gifts as a thank you to mums, bridesmaids ect.

Bridesmaids - I will get them one for being part of the day however not really sure what to go with!

Mothers - I thought you were meant to buy these as a thanks for you help sort of gift however neither his nor my mother is helping Ive literally done everything myself!

Who and what are you guys giving!?

11 replies

Latest activity by tonievans, 15 August, 2014 at 10:34
  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    Perhaps a little controversially we're not getting presents for parents. well, i've got my mum a father of the bride poem in a frame (changed to mother of the bride obvs lol) as she is giving me away, but other than that parents haven't helped at all, or really taken much of an interest!

    I have bought my BM's each a necklace to wear on the day, as well as a cheap dressing gown and some iron on "bridesmaid" words to wear in the morning getting ready. my flower girls have both got little necklaces and then handkerchiefs with a little "save this for your wedding day" kind of poem on them. The 2 bestmen are having a bottle of their favourite alcohol along with some super hero cufflinks to wear on the day.

    The only other person i have bought for is my best friend. i wasn't able to have her as bm as i wasn't kind of stuck (in a nice way) with having my 2 step-daughters and niece but she has been amazing throughout and for her i have bought an engraved bottle of flavoured vodka and a personalized wine glass. hers really was the only present i was bothered about as she's really the only one that's helped.

    We are giving gifts on the morning of the wedding due to the parents not having anything thing, plus i don't really enjoy the present giving thing during the breakfast at weddings i've been to, so hopefully should be drama free.


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  • K
    Beginner November 2014
    Kwal ·
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    I see the gifts more as a thank you for all that they have done for you in your life and not just how much they've spent on the wedding to be honest so we have got gifts for the whole party, not expensive ones just a token gesture.

    Mums- flower baskets

    Dads- 1 whiskey and engraved glass, the other an engraved pocket watch

    Bridesmaids- necklace, engraved glass and mini bottle of champagne

    Best man- whiskey and engraved glass

    Usher- cuff links


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  • K
    Beginner October 2014
    katie80uk ·
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    Your not meant to do anything so please don't worry about it :-)

    None of our bridal party has done anything to help us but my mum is giving me away and is making our cake and done a few bits to help

    The grooms party will be getting cufflinks for their suits and the bridesmaid already have their dresses, hair, makeup paid for. I will get them jewellery as well

    Ive bought a framed print for my mum and will give her some flowers and probably MOG flowers as well but in the morning not at the venue.

    But thats it. Got enough to pay for :-)

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  • T
    Beginner January 2015
    tonievans ·
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    I think that's a good idea gifts on the morning, I remember my aunties wedding and my gran had helped ALOT and she got no present or even a thanks during the presents bit and there was major drama about it. My mother has only helped in a way that she hasn't helped at all and let me get on with it so a present of nothing is apt! And the only help his mothers gave is adding to the stress in trying to change everything and in return maybe Ill promise to give her stress for the rest of her life as daughter-in-law!

    I wanted something different than necklaces and such as each of my bridesmaids either has different tastes or doesnt wear them and the youngest (thinks she a flower girl, shes not there is no aisle and shes 11) god knows what Im going to do with her.

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    I was reluctant to get anything to be honest as no one has done b*gger all to help us!

    So I have just got some small token gifts in anticipation of them becoming more helpful in the next 3 weeks, a necklace each for the bridesmaids, earrings for my Mum, an engraved plectrum for my Dad. If not, then as someone else said it is also a thank you for things you do for me in general.

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  • M
    Beginner October 2014
    Miezy83 ·
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    I've been looking for a Flowergirl Hanky with the poem on but can't find one in the uk anywhere...where did you get yours from ?

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  • H
    Beginner November 2014
    Hisgirl ·
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    We've got the bridesmaids bead charm bracelets with their names on and a heart charm with bridesmaid / maid of honour / flower girl on it.

    My dad and one of H2Bs sons (the best man) have a hip flask with shot glasses with a thank you message on it.

    My brother (chauffeur) and one of H2Bs sons (who is being witness) have plain hip flasks.

    My step mum (witness) has a tibettan silver bookmark with beads, her name and an owl charm (she is crazy about owls)

    My mum has got a handbag charm with her name and a mother of bride charm and jewellery set but I'm giving her the jewellery in the morning so she can wear it on the day.

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  • bliss_balloons
    bliss_balloons ·
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    I know some people say you should still buy gifts to thank parents for all the help and support they've given you in your life but tbh if they've shown little to no interest in the wedding and not helped at all then why would you choose the wedding as a time to thank them?

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  • T
    Beginner January 2015
    tonievans ·
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    I think I agree, if anything it will be a bottle of wine or something for mothers, my mam asked if she could buy my cake and Im getting exactly what Ive asked for no fuss no arguements so that's helpful and nice of her, and his mother because she'll *** if we don't!

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  • S
    Beginner September 2014
    Sarah_88 ·
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    I've got my BMs a necklace each, and I am going to get my MOH who is also my sister a voucher for a massage, as she has done soooo much to help me- making invitations and table plans and name cards, and she is making the wedding cake

    Getting the Mums some flowers

    Best man- who is H2B stepdad- not got him a present yet, but thinking of a beer glass personalised

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  • T
    Beginner January 2015
    tonievans ·
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    I think personalised glasses are fab ideas, and that way they wont lose their drink on the night!

    I got one for OH for his 21st I wanted him to have something to keep that he could use at least once and I love it (hes not fussed! no sentiment that boy!)

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  • T
    Beginner January 2015
    tonievans ·
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    I think personalised glasses are fab ideas, and that way they wont lose their drink on the night!

    I got one for OH for his 21st I wanted him to have something to keep that he could use at least once and I love it (hes not fussed! no sentiment that boy!)

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