So, my niece M came home from GOSH last week! And,so far, so good. She's doing really well. Back into theatre on 6th May to keep an eye on her grafts etc but they don't see there being a problem now. Am still keeping one set of fingers crossed!
My other little newborn niece (niece number 5!) is doing really well. My sister hasn't faired quite as well though and has HELLP syndrome - I had to ask over on BT what this meant - but again, she is responding well to treatment and they hope she should be able to come home by the weekend. Little L is so so diddy and cute!
Our invitations arrived this morning so will get writing this evening (can't wait until the weekend which was the original plan!) with the intention of sending them this weekend. Hopefully Friday so they arrive Saturday or they'll get delayed with the bank holiday and I'm too impatient for that!! ?
My dress has been delayed ever so slightly by this whole volcanic ash thingy - grr - but should be in next week or the week after!
And I have a second make up trial this Saturday morning. So all in all, a busy time for me!