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Beginner August 2009

Random discussion: whats the worst thing you've ever seen happen at a wedding?

Kate84, 24 June, 2008 at 14:07 Posted on Planning 0 37

In a quest to be prepared for every eventuality has anyone had any bad experiences at a wedding and how it could have been avoided? Stuff ruined etc?

There is no solution to my story but I remember when me and my big sis (aged 5 and 9 at the time) were bridesmaids for my mums friend; My big sis was allowed to carry the brides train but I , jealous fiend that i was, wanted to too so we tugged over it a bit whilst walking up the aisle. I still remember 20 years on the daggers that the bride gave us when she turned around, I doubt anyone else even remembers but I do feel guilty about it, and no flower grils tugging over my train!!

37 replies

Latest activity by jonicko, 24 June, 2008 at 22:32
  • tahdah
    Beginner September 2009
    tahdah ·
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    The best man started a fight in the middle of the dancefloor, i think it was a bit of "you looking at my girlfriend" wasn't nice.

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  • L
    Beginner June 2009 ·
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    Well at my brother's wedding 3 years ago - I didn't see it happen! Which was the worse thing guess

    He was getting married in Mauritus and all the family were travelling from the UK. I was meeting them there (on my own) because I was living in NZ at the time. However, the travel agent booked my flight to the wrong country and I ended up in Maldives. I spent about 5 days in total in airports in maldives, sri lanka and malysia desperately trying to get there, but then had to give up and go back to NZ without seeing the wedding!! I hadnt slept much or showered during that time either - rather traumatic!

    I am getting married next year and needless to say a wedding abroad was OFF the agenda!! As are honeymoon destinations to Maldives, mauritus, sri lanka and malaysia............

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  • CountDuckula
    Beginner August 2009
    CountDuckula ·
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    A cringe worthy speech by the best man who was so drunk he couldn't stand up and was slurring.

    A fight between the groom, his brother, bride's dad and MOH's partner.

    These were both at the same wedding ?

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  • loobyg
    Beginner November 2008
    loobyg ·
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    photographer tripped over a cable and fell backwards into the wedding cake!!

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    I am a bit worried about fighting. one of my friends girfriend is a bit aggro when she's drunk although everyone assures me they're fine now but when ever we're together there's a row, tears and she starts trying to touch up our other mates. Fingers crossed shes under control for the day, at least until its dark and they can fo fight in a field somewhere!

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    Loobyg. thats sounds very comic, was the cake totally ruined?

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  • wonderstuff
    Beginner August 2009
    wonderstuff ·
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    The bride so drunk she couldn't stand up (at 4pm!)

    It was enough for me to consider limiting my drinks at my wedding.

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  • loobyg
    Beginner November 2008
    loobyg ·
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    just a hand through the bottom layer! the top two layers toppled but were salvageable (sp)! The photographer was a friend of the family and some very amusing shots were taken afterwards as the bride and groom pelted him with the ruined cake (with his permission!)

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    Ace. I bet lots of bad things turn into good memorable moments by the end of the day!

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  • Braw Wee Chanter
    Braw Wee Chanter ·
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    The father and mother of the groom being taken off in an ambulance just as we arrive (with the band). They'd had a row and she'd stabbed him in the leg with his own skean dhu!

    Same wedding - all of brides guest seated on one side of the hall and all of grroms on the other. Her lot were all Johovahs witnesses and his lot were steaming drunk. Cringe is not he word.

    Too many fights to pick out one.

    Father of the bride in tears as she danced with her stepfather to a specially requested song. Turns out that she'd only invited the dad to rub his nose in it. Regrdless of the family circumstances, that was way harsh.

    The aftermath of a Best man getting caught shagging a married bridesmaid.

    Bride locking herself in her room in tears because the handmade italian ceramic cake topper had been broken acciddentally. I had to talk her into coming out for the first dance. Yes I can be tactful thank you very much, although I wanted to tell her to pullherself together and stop being a brat.

    Panic on a videographers face when he realised his camera had been off through the entire first dance.

    And at the lovely PurrfectGems venue a few weeks ago: Bride's outrage at a married woman catching the bouquet. She went and took it back off the woman's table when she was in the bar and threw it again. Plus the woman's face when she returned and couldn't find said bouquet.

    God there are probably loads more. Hmm I'm now thinking I'm the common denominator in all of those stories...


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  • B
    Beginner July 2008
    BeautifulOrchid ·
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    I didn't actually attend this wedding, but a friend of mine did. It was last Thursday.

    A girl friend of a good friend of the couple showed up in full on wedding dress!!! Bought in a bridal shop, white, train, ... The whole works. She had a huge crush on H2B for years, even before she got together with her boyfriend. Everyone thought she was over it, though.

    Needless to say the boyfriend felt ashamed and they broke up yesterday (hopefully for good).

    Total nut job, that woman!

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    These are great stories, can't see anyway of preventing them though (stabbing one a bit freaky)! I suppose its the consequence of putting 150 people in a room together!

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  • M
    Beginner March 2009
    Mrs Bloom ·
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    Random friend of the bride, totally p***ed, pinched the bum of the groom during the first dance - not as tragic as any of these stories admittedly, but it ruined a really special moment and no-one could really see the funny side.

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  • Braw Wee Chanter
    Braw Wee Chanter ·
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    One of the poshest venues in Scotland too. The posh weddings are always the worst for this sort of thing.


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  • pink alien
    Beginner May 2008
    pink alien ·
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    The mother of the bride getting paralytic and peeing in the flower pots in front of the (very expensive) venue.

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  • E
    Beginner August 2008
    Els09/08/08 ·
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    ? psycho!!!!!!! What must be going through your head to ever think that is going to be a good idea!

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  • crafty em
    Beginner June 2008
    crafty em ·
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    Went to a church wedding where the man i was standing behind had horrendous loud wind, unfortunetely my little brother and a couple of his mates and my boyfriend at the time (i was 18) all started to giggle (typical), which meant the row infront started to laugh, so before you knew it, there was my friend was trying to seriously take her vows, with quarter of the congregation (sp) laughing, felt so sorry for this man, especially when the chap standing next to my "laughing so much can hardly stand up" boyfriend said i'm so sorry about my father.........

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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    OMG these should be in a book!!!!! quick, copyright the page!! hilarious, sad and true.....

    I havent got any horror stories (THANKFULLY) thou in the 80s members of my family were prone to stealing from the hotels.... a velvet dining chair in one aunts house, a few spider plants in another..... pint glasses and ashtrays were always another firm fave... tsk tsk...

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  • D
    Super November 2008
    donnaj36 ·
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    My CBM got so drunk when she was a BM at her brothers wedding that she fell over in a portaloo and broke her ankle half way through the meal, and had to be taken off in an ambulance. I am putting her in ballet slippers this time ?

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    Vicar getting the grooms name wrong.......and having to be corrected.

    Priest at one wedding(not mine) spilling the ink pot over the brides white dress (not an urban myth,,,this happened to Father Dino in Greenford)

    Photographer bending over and splitting his trousers from side to side (Thats not an urban myth either....that was me)

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  • L ·
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    The brides ex boyfriend who she hadn't spoken to or seen for 6 years bursting into the church and trying to stop the wedding REALLY,

    he was quickly "persuaded to leave" by the best man and the brides brother..............

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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    now THAT one is my biggest nightmare.........

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  • Kate84
    Beginner August 2009
    Kate84 ·
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    What a mare!!!! Plus, a a rehearsal for a friends wedding the vicar said that if anyone says anything when they ask if anyone sees any reason etc legally they have to stop the wedding, even if its a joke!

    Maybe he should had hooked up with the crazy doppleganger bride?

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  • M
    Marilyn ·
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    The friend who had pronmised to make a bespoke cake for one of my brides "forgot" and she had to get an M&S one, which would have been fine had the 2 aunts given the job of setting it up known what to do, when I suggested they needed supports they just said, what are they, no it will be fine. 5 minutes later all 4 tiers on the floor!

    A venue I do had a nightmare when the florist didn't turn up with the decorations/ bouquets etc, couldn't be contated by phone, her husband answered saying she didn't have a wedding that day, it was a Friday wedding

    The venue called in some florists who were on the contact list ( brides florist was not!) and got some flowers for her, not what she had hoped for but better than nothing, the punchline is the florist turned up the next day and argued with the brides mother as she was checking out that the wedding was THAT day (Saturday) and not the day before!

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  • Kerryblu
    Kerryblu ·
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    OMG some of these stories are shocking!!

    My sister and her husband once went to a wedding where the bride's father got up to do his speech and started slating the groom. My sister at first thought it was a joke.....until everybody started getting up out of their chairs and walking out! Mortifying!

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  • Pure-Treats
    Pure-Treats ·
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    My husband who is a chauffeur, was driving a newly married couple from the splendid big priory church to their reception, she realised he had done drugs before the service to help his nerves. They had a blazing row which was embarrasing enough but they were in an open top car going through the main town centre, at the traffic lights she threw her bouqeut out into the crowd. What a start to a marriage!!

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  • prettywild
    prettywild ·
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    I went to some neighbours' wedding (a long time ago). The groom had two older twin brothers who didn't "approve" of the Bride and had caused all sorts of violent outbursts towards her in the past, but had curiously agreed to be Ushers on the day.(?) They spent the whole time glaring at everyone and causing a really horrible atmosphere. On top of that, when everyone was coming out from the church, the Bride's elderly granny tripped and had a painful fall so by then the poor Bride was beside herself sobbing while everyone was taking photos.

    At my own wedding, one of my Dad's friends was taking some photos when we came out of the church. He was standing on a grassy verge and managed to find the one pile of dog poo there, which not only did he tread in, he slipped over and skidded down the bank on his backside right through it. Another poor guest had the the task of driving him home in his car (with the window wound down!) so he could change his suit before the reception. ?

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  • M
    Beginner June 2010
    muffinmoo ·
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    Oh my god, some of these stories are shocking. It would be your worst nightmare for someone to interrupt the service or a fight break out! I've not been to that many weddings and no real horror stories i can think of. I pray to everyone nothing like these things happen on our wedding days! x x

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  • Pure-Treats
    Pure-Treats ·
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    Just remembered another one!!

    A thursday wedding: the guy driving the rolls royce forgot to put the handbrake on, it rolled down the hill and stopped when it hit a lampost, we supplied a replacement car, got to the church and the vicar was gardening - forgot it was Thursday AND the photographer didn't turn up.

    Sorry folks - you will all be having wedding nightmares if we carry on!!?

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  • Diamond Star Halo
    Beginner October 2004
    Diamond Star Halo ·
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    Crikey some of these are BAD!

    I think the most embarrassing wedding I ever went to was one where there wasn't enough food, and a lot of the guests were talking about ordering taxis (it was in a country hotel), driving to the nearest town and finding a chip shop....

    However, a friend of mine has a story about a wedding she was invited to - the bride had decided to put candles all the way down the aisle, for atmosphere. And as she was walking up the aisle, her dress caught fire. Eeeeek

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  • Rosencrantz
    Rosencrantz ·
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    The August wedding where it rained constantly throughout the whole day. The bride was beside herself as she didn't want to go outside to make her entrance into the venue and wouldn't stop crying. It was made worse by the two bridesmaids and the brides mother who were all bawling as well. Eventually I had to take the bride off into a quiet side room and talk her down from her hysteria.

    The wedding of a friend that never happened due to the grooms mother threatening to object during the legal 'if anyone knows of any just cause why these two people may not be legally wed' part of the ceremony. There was a whole lot of history between the grooms mother and the bride and they hated each other. The bride finally pulled the plug on the £25k wedding the day before it was due to happen.

    The bride & groom took themselves off abroad later that year and had a fantastic ceremony and they now have a very happy marriage. The grooms mother wasn't told about it until they'd come home!

    The bride who'd lost so much weight in the week prior to the wedding (through stress and not eating) that her dress literally kept falling down.

    The wedding where the bride & groom were so ditzy and silly that the registrar threatened not to perform the ceremony unless they could 'calm down and stop acting like a pair of silly children'! To be fair, they were soooo annoying, silly and giggly. They wouldn't say the legal vows properly.

    The one where the groom spent the morning sinking whiskey and coke and then took a gram of coke just before the ceremony to steady his nerves. He had to be put to bed by his sister at 9pm as he was utterly hammered. The bride kept dancing until 4am though!

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    There was also the case of the nervous bride. The heel (right down to the sole) on her expensive shoes broke completely off just as the organist strated playing "here comes the bride". She immediately insisted that she wasn't going to get married and returned to the car. Dad and Bridesmaid(sister) didn't know what to do.....I persuaded her to borrow her sisters shoes and that I would "get hers fixed"?

    The church did not allow photographs of the ceremony so I left the trainee to keep an eye on things at legged it in to town to a backstreet cobblers that I knew....jumped the queue, the guy pot rivetted the heel back on(and didn't charge) and I made it back in time for the signing of the register.........

    Surprisingly, not many thanks at the time althoguh I was asked to photograph the sisters wedding 18 months later.....

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