I'm rather afraid I'm jealous. I want parents who interfere and want to change things for my wedding. I want a MOH who doesn't like her dress and needs to moan about every aspect of her outfit. I want future inlaws who insist on getting under my skin and telling me how to look after their son!
I want these things because I have the opposite problem - no-one gives a damn!!!!!!! I'm fed up of being told I'm a bridezilla if I so much as mention the word 'wedding' - even if I'm not discussing my own. My own mum tells me I'm going over the top because I'm trying to arrange a date for our make-up trial and no-one will get back to me. My sister thinks I'm insensitive because it's her 10 year anniversary this year and apparently I think my wedding is far more important.
No-one wants to talk weddings with me!!!!!!!!! All I said yesterday was I dreamt I was getting married and got run over by a deer on the way to the ceremony and I got pulled to one side and told to calm down - that the wedding isn't until september and there's no need to go all bridezilla yet.
OK, breath....breath....breath.....
Anyone else suffering with the 'it doesn't matter to us' syndrome?