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Super May 2014

sacking the tog with 2 weeks to go

Icklefee, 19 April, 2014 at 00:33 Posted on Planning 0 26

Am I being hasty and bridezilla?

I got an email from my camper van company the other day finalising all the details and asking if the groom and I wanted to go for a short drive after the ceremony. We discussed it and decided it might be nice to have a few photos taken at a local landmark approx five minutes from the venue. I emailed my tog to discuss this and he came back saying that it was totally unprofessional of them to suggest this

, it messed up his timeline and he was going to contact the company in question and give them a piece of his mind. As I was drafting my response telling him under no circumstances was he to contact them I got a call from the lady at the camper company in tears about how he'd spoken to her. I was, and still am, totally livid. I called the tog and told him he had no right upsetting my other suppliers . I am happy to take guidance but at the end of the day I am paying him rather a lot of money for his service. He went on about being a professional, the number of years experience he has and he knows best attitude. I saw red and told him to stick his camera up his bottom.

He emailed again saying he wasn't being difficult but unless I spoke to the venue my wedding breakfast would be ruined. Of course I'd speak to them but I don't think the afternoon tea would burn and we have an hour and a half to play with between breakfast and the evening reception. H2b took over discussions at this point and being the more placid of us accepted what the tog was saying and said we'd make a decision over the weekend about timings. I've already made my decision. I do not want this man anywhere near my wedding! I can find another tog but don't know if I'll get my money back from the first if I cancel and as I don't have h2b's full backing on the sacking of the tog he won't agree to spending the money on a second one without it. Do I suck it up and risk all my pictures looking like I'm chewing a wasp or get rid with or without the refund?

26 replies

Latest activity by Chris Giles Photography, 21 April, 2014 at 20:24
  • L
    Beginner September 2015
    Laura0509 ·
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    This is difficult because of the money you are possibly going to loose!But this guy sounds like he is being difficult since when are the timings all about him!! If it was me I would now feel pretty uncomfortable with him around if things aren't resolved...maybe give him another call explain why you aren't happy with the way he handled things and why the pics at the nearby landmark are important to you? If he has a conversation with you without the I know best attitude then patch things up and start again (hopefully he is feeling silly about his phone call to the camper van company) if he continues with the attitude and won't budge I would think about changing...if you aren't 100% happy with him will it show in your pics? He has 2 weeks to tweak a few things on the timeline which can't be too difficult? Hope you get it sorted and are happy with your decision! Good luck x

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  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
    Hoddy ·
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    There you go. I can't believe he would do that to another supplier! I think what HE did was totally unprofessional, not what your camper van company suggested doing!

    I think it is so important to get a good photographer that you feel comfortable with, your wedding photos are not something you should gamble with. However, saying this, how hard do you think it would be to get another one with just two weeks notice? And have you paid this other one a lot already?

    Really sorry you are in this situation. Not nice at all.

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    I think I would email him with a list of YOUR timings and what you want to do. Ask him if he is able to go with those timings (subject to change on the day depending on YOU). If he says no, then find someone else. If he says yes and is all apologetic, then great. Explain to him in the email that he upset your supplier greatly and that he also upset you. You don't want any issues on your wedding day.


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  • 3d jewellery
    3d jewellery ·
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    I would find out if you can find someone else before you make a decision

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  • pammy67
    Beginner April 2015
    pammy67 ·
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    What a nightmare. How incredible unprofessional. I can fully understand your anger.

    I think you have some good advice already but before you sack him you need to check the terms of the contract. If you sack him you won't get your deposit back and at this stage of the game might find you are liable for all the costs not just your deposit.

    i would set out your proposed timings for the day and tell him this is what you want. One thing though from his perspective, will you expect your tog to drive behind in his car or will he be with you in the camper? Might that have a bearing on his reaction? If he has to drive behind he's going to have to pack and unpack and repackage his gear which isn't a quick job.

    Going for a brief photo shoot in the camper shouldn't cause him any problems. We're hiring a vintage coach and doing a similar thing. We are taking the guests with us though but our tog is over the moon about it and sees it as a fantastic photo opportunity for her as much as us.

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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
    Icklefee ·
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    Thanks ladies, glad it's not me over reacting. There is definitely a tog I'm more than happy to use free on my day so it does all boil down to getting the money back from this idiot or biting the bullet, losing the money and paying again. I've emailed requesting the refund and will see what happens from there.

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  • mariannechuaphotography
    mariannechuaphotography ·
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    If I was a tog I'd be pleased to hear a couple taking the time out for a photo opp at a great location, I'm sorry to hear you've had this experience, I've had people suggest stuff and in my eyes as long as the couple want it I'm happy to oblige, he doesn't sound that nice to me, even if he can take great photos he sounds like an arse.

    Edit: realised it probably isn't done to ask how much you'd risk losing!

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  • B
    Bruce Neville Photography ·
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    Glad you have decided on what you wanted to do. Hope it all goes well.

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  • Trish2014
    Beginner June 2014
    Trish2014 ·
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    He sounds like an egotistical control freak! I hope that you can get your money back and get the other tog booked!

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    His reaction seems very odd to me, to ring another supplier and have a go at them for suggesting something to a couple seems very very weird, especially as it's up to you how you plan the timings of your day? It's fine if he advises you won't have time for something, as he'll know how long it takes, but to start ringing up another supplier is very strange behaviour, and not very professional. If you've found someone else, and you can afford to lose the money then go for it because even if you did 'suck it up' little things he does on the day are now going to get on your nerves and also it doesn't sound like he's going to be very flexible on the day!

    If you can't get your money back/can't afford to write it off. I'd write him an email, calmly outlining all your points. That you think he's behaviour is very unprofessional, that you are concerned it will affect your day but as you can't cancel you want to make the best for both of you then outline exactly what you want or require and see what he says.

    Sorry you're having this hassle so close to the day.

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    Completely agree with all of this!

    So unprofessional of him, really hope you get your money back..keep us updated!

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  • Ice Queen
    Beginner January 2007
    Ice Queen ·
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    He sounds like he's overstepped the mark - did he give you a reason as to why it might not work?

    What does the contract say about cancellation?

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    Wedding days flow and change and any tog should evolve with the day.

    There is something else underlying the reason for his response.....

    Hope all gets sorted...this close to the wedding, had you already fully paid up?


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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
    Icklefee ·
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    We are all paid in full and he is skirting the issue of cancellation. He has apologised (sort of!) for how he came across and back tracked to the point he's suggested h2b and I go for the drive while he carries on with the group shots and detail shots. He played the " I'm well known around here an all your other suppliers know how professional I am" card then backed right down when I said how shocked they would be by his manner towards a client in his email's that I wouldn't hesitate to send them. I am a little calmer now and am looking at it practically. He is a bloody good tog, he knows the venue and I really don't need the battle of getting over £1000 back with 12 days to go. My camper van lady has been amazing telling me not to worry and that they, until now, have always worked well with him and that when I see my photos I'll be more than happy with them. I wonder if he perhaps had pmt that day?

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  • SunnyOrangeFlowers21
    Beginner August 2014
    SunnyOrangeFlowers21 ·
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    Sounds like he's slept on it and realised he was being a ***.

    You go with your gut instinct - but make sure you get a few freebies if you use him!

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  • overtherainbow
    overtherainbow ·
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    I'd also be fuming. Can't believe his attitude to both you and the camper van lady. If he has apologised and done a LOT of grovelling and you feel a bit more comfortable with the situation, then it will save you having to pay someone else. I know from experience that there are many photographers that suggest going for a drive to get some different shots at landmarks or out in the countryside so it's not as if it's totally unheard of. He sounds a complete control freak and doesn't like anyone upsetting his routine.

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    Don't the two of you want to be in the group photos?

    Are the timings on the day tight so that the campervan trip eats in to the "normal" photography time?


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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
    Icklefee ·
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    The timing shouldn't be tight at all as it's one venue and we have 1.5 hours between end of ceremony and the meal and same again between the meal and evening reception. We do of course want to be in some group shots but I did tell him I want the posed stuff kept to a minimum

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    He sounds like a right bellend. Do you think you will be able to work with him on the day- I would be fuming and would worry I would feel like it on the day with him.

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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    There you go.....sitting on the fence again Mini!!!!

    It is likely that no refund would be possible this close to the day. Its an awful lot of money to "write off".


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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    You know me- never backwards in coming forwards!

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    You have to look at it two ways. Personally and professionally.

    From a personal standpoint this is someone who is going to be mixing with your closest friends, family and loved ones. This person should be open and embrace them. They should be an addition to the spirit of the day. With this recent grief the boat has been unsettled. Can you go through the day with them around you, in your personal space knowing what an ass they've been?

    From a professional side they've not acted that way, not at all. People generally talk about their own insecurities. For him to claim he's well known in the area and to claim he's shot hundreds (perhaps thousands) of weddings it's as if he's got something to prove. Rattling other suppliers is a major no-no and frankly it's none of his business. You just say to the B+G how it will impact their side of things and make sure they understand that.

    It's your wedding day not a portfolio building exercise for him.

    Ultimately there is money involved but also so are your photos. Technical ability is only a part of wedding photography, bringing the best out of people is important too.


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  • Wedding Photography By Bill Haddon
    Wedding Photography By Bill Haddon ·
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    Just a little head up on timings-- there are timings on paper and then there are real world timings.
    Wedding at 3 allowing for 10 mins late starting
    By 3.30 everyone should be outside mingling and wanting to speak to you, if you say 1.30 hours that would be a sit down at 5pm - but to be sat for 5 depending on the amount of guests they will have to be called in at 4.45. So that is now 1 1/4 hour
    By the time you have said a few quick hellos and managed to fight your way through them and got into the van - went for a spin and got back you are looking at a total time away from your guests of at least 30 mins so that is now leaving you 45 mins, and still no photos yet of the bride and groom or any groups and you still have not yet had any mingling time either.
    Quite often a car company would suggest going for a spin in the car in situations where it has only been used for a single trip - bride to venue so that you can feel you are getting your monies worth, but most of the time the bride and groom decline the offer as they would rather spend the time with their guests.
    In situations where the venue does not lend its self for photos with the van then going off is an option for some shots of the two of you with it but if you have a venue that looks good as a backdrop then do you need to go off or can you get some nice photos there.
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  • Peter
    Peter ·
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    I agree with Bill about how time disappears, although the extra window of 1.5 hours mentioned, after the food (assuming the tog is still there for that period) opens up some additional options...

    Personally, I like randomness at weddings and would have looked on this "trip" as a positive addition to the coverage....


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  • CsabaGrosz
    CsabaGrosz ·
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    As Chris said, he is a very wise man. You really need to think of both sides, the one thing I would add to it that the risk to have someone for free is really really high. There plenty things from equipment, insurances, experiences, how to handle stress etc on your wedding, what you probably won't want to gamble with an inexperienced person.

    If you can talk through your expectations and needs with the photographer I would suggest that. I am sure by now he is aware that you are the boss at this, and It would worth to have a cup of tea with him and plan a little bit your day together

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    Chuck, I think by free she means available to shoot her wedding ?

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