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Beginner April 2014

Share a photo of you and your OH

flowersinherhair, 14 April, 2013 at 15:59 Posted on Planning 0 56

Let's celebrate why we are doing all this wedding malarkey! Share a pic of you and your OH with a little background. This is me and my OH N. We met in 2008 when I moved into a houseshare he already lived in. We became friends, flirted then one night he jumped on me, i was a good girl! We took it slow at first as we were living together and i'd gone through a traumatic year, we went from strength to strength and fell in love. We got engaged on Christmas Day2012 and marry on 21st April 2014. Love him more than I can describe and cannot wait to be his wife.

56 replies

Latest activity by MrsM*LZ, 5 May, 2013 at 23:35
  • BlossomJ
    Beginner July 2014
    BlossomJ ·
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    Lovely idea ?

    This is me and my OH. We met in 2003 when we both went to the same secondary school. Got together finally when I moved home from Cyprus, on 26th July 2008. We got engaged on Valentine's Day 2011 and getting married 26th July 2014, on our 6 year anniversary!


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  • mum-wants-a-hat
    Beginner June 2013
    mum-wants-a-hat ·
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    What a fab looking couple you are!!! Nice thread idea... Shame though as I recently offloaded all my pics onto an external drive as my comp was playing up. I only have this one and it's a few years old now so excuse the dodgy hair and clothes lol!

    Oh and I met both working at the pub in 99. Had 6 months together then he went back to his ex as he missed the kids - broke my heart. Both of us had subsequent long term relationships including marriage for my OH. Both relationships failed in 05 and we got back together early 06. Each had 2 kids, then had one between us. She will be 5 in August. Hit lots of crises, had ups and downs but stayed together, strengthening our bond. Oh suggested we get married late sept 12, booked the church Oct 12 and we marry in 69 days!!!!

    My eldest (19) is CBM, eldest step daughter (15) is bm, youngest is fg, my son (17) and younger SD are usher and usherette lol! Fil is best man and my dad is giving me away. My sister is making the cake, his 2 are witnesses and my step dad is doing a reading- can't wait!!! :0)

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  • BlossomJ
    Beginner July 2014
    BlossomJ ·
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    Don't know why mine won't go the way it should be! ☹️ tried it with another pic and it did the same - turn your head ladies ?

    ETA - sorted it out on the computer! Think I've worked out what to do for next time when uploading from phone ?

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  • LotBot
    Beginner March 2015
    LotBot ·
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    Great thread idea Smiley smile

    I have no nice photos of us Smiley sad we're not very good at posing sweetly - more the face pulling, bunny rabbit ear-ing kind of couple so apologies for the pic! And is quite old now too, was on OH's 18th birthday a few years ago Smiley smile

    Been together three and a half years and will be getting married in 2015 Smiley smile

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  • F
    Beginner October 2014
    FutureMrsFellows ·
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    At his girlfriend of the times birthday party. We didn't really talk. They broke up and he added me on Facebook got chatting and the rest is history. dates at the bottom Smiley smile

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
    venart ·
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    I'm probably going to take this down after a while, just for privacy's sake, but I do think it's a nice idea. Ant and I both think we photograph horribly, so any photo I like inevitably he hates and vice versa.

    We met in November after I'd been living in London for 2 months. The day we met we ended up walking around London for 8 hours by the time we said goodbye and goodnight. This is the first photo of the two of us, and we'd been dating about 5 months by then:

    PHOTO REMOVED Smiley smile

    I was still doing my masters then, but when my classes finished, I moved into his place and then 6 months later he proposed ?

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  • pumpkin_pie
    Beginner May 2013
    pumpkin_pie ·
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    We met in college, been together 5 years.

    when we first met.

    last summer.

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  • J
    Beginner May 2014
    Jes22 ·
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    Wow how hard is it to find a decent photo, were either drunk and pulling stupid faces or there really bad pics lol

    Me and My OH have only been together 7 months, we were engaged after 3 and our wedding is in 13 months time. I met him in the snooker club where i used to work behind the bar part time and he played. I commented to my boss what a nice guy he was and what lovely manly arms he had and well she matched made and we've not spent a day apart since. How our paths hadn't crossed sooner i don't know as he's only 1 year older me and went to the same school, we know all the same people and he even lived on the same street as i did growing up, even our mums new each other as they walk the dogs in the same place everyday and speak ?

    This was the first ever photo of us together

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  • Perox
    Beginner October 2013
    Perox ·
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    Aaah love this!

    We met in Sydney in 2009 - he 'saved' me from some sleazy guys in a bar, and then I went travelling for 3 months before settling in Sydney and we finally went on a first date! I left Aus in April 2010, we were then apart for a year whilst he saved money and sorted things out before he moved to the UK in April 2011. We got engaged in the Maldives in Sept 2012, and we're getting married 12th October this year!! We've had a tough time, especially being so far apart for a year when we'd only been together 9 months, but I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him :-)

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  • Enjayee
    Beginner April 2013
    Enjayee ·
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    Here's us on our wedding day ? (please don't quote as may take down later!)

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  • F
    Beginner September 2013
    FutureClayton ·
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    I met my OH in may 2008 on (hangs head in embarrassment) Facebook!! We just started chatting on a game and hit it off, I was living in Spain at the time and after three weeks of non stop phone calls and web chatting I flew to manchester for a week. I already knew I loved him and didn't want to go back to Spain. Two weeks later he flew out to Spain to see me and proposed!! We had only known each other for six weeks but I just knew it was going to work. We both had been in long relationships previous (me 10 years, him 6 years) he had a three year old daughter and I had a three year old son. He spent most of hat summer in spain on and off and I moved back to manchester in the October. We've had ups and down financially and emotionally being out of work/ eptopic pregnancy etc but we are stronger for it and we have a beautiful little girl together who will be three in October. Love our little family and can't wait to marry him. Sorry if pics are massive!

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  • K
    Beginner April 2014
    kitcat10210 ·
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    We arent big on photo's, this is the only one we have of us together!

    I was in a nightclub with some friends, and one of my other friends was out with all of her workmates from the pub. We all knew each other and were friendly to chat to etc.

    My friend came running up to me and dragging me over to her table and introduced me to her new boss, we were both rather drunk and just about mustered a hello how are you and then left it at that.

    Kicking out time came round, and I was sat outside comforting some poor lad sobbing his heart out because he and his boyfriend had had an argument, and up pops my friends new boss again. We chatted a bit more, swapped numbers and he toddled off home.

    We chatted over txt and arranged to go for a drink the next night. Once we had been together for a while we both admitted that on the way to the pub we were both nervous as hell because neither of us could remember what the other looked like!

    5 years a house and 2 dogs later, we are getting married on 17th April 2014 ?

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  • flowersinherhair
    Beginner April 2014
    flowersinherhair ·
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    Because I want to see more!

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  • FlickAndZeb
    Beginner September 2013
    FlickAndZeb ·
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    Awesome idea! ?

    My OH and I met at Uni in 2008. I was a fresher and he was in his 3rd year. Conversation started over my NewRock Boots and gothic style Smiley smile He spent a whole year chasing me but I wasn't having any of it!! We lost contact over the summer of 09 and I thought nothing of it.
    Then in September, the start of my 2nd year I saw him in the SU, went over and asked why he was back!? He had stayed to do a Masters Degree. We spoke more, hung out more, I started to fancy him and we got together within weeks of being 'reunited'. Since then we've moved in together, had a festival conception, birth of our son (now 2) and an engagement at Christmas and we are getting married this year, a couple of days before our 4th anniversary!

    Photos above are from the last couple of years, since having our son Smiley smile

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  • Jen_P
    Dedicated August 2013
    Jen_P ·
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    This is us. We met in July 2009. We had our little girl in October 2010 and we got engaged in July 2011 Smiley smile

    This is us on one of our first dates. This is the first picture of us together Smiley smile

    This is us at my mums wedding with our baby girll Smiley smile

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  • chloe24
    Beginner June 2014
    chloe24 ·
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    I met my OH when we were 14. Dated at 16 in 2005, engaged NYE 2012 in Paris Smiley smile getting married 29th June 2014 which will be our 9th anniversary. He always told me he wasn't interested in getting married so I accepted it, so his proposal was a complete shock!

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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
    Icklefee ·
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    Me and my beloved! We met in January 2008 through mutual friends and became best friends almost instantly. We were the only single ones out of a large group of us that went out regularly together and found ourselves speaking almost daily and generally hanging out together. Neither of us were expecting to fall in love, but 4 months later in the May we did! We tried to take things slowly as I already had two children who were still very young but 6 months later I was taking a pregnancy test! Our little boy was born the following August. We got engaged on our 3rd anniversary and will get married on our 6th. He's still my best friend, the best father and best step-father ever and I can't wait to marry him ❤️

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
    Kjay ·
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    Aww lovely thread!

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  • G
    Beginner April 2014
    Gumibear85 ·
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    So this is me and my OH on holiday last year...

    We met in 2006, on a bus Smiley smile

    So, one day I was stood at a bus stop and this guy drove past me in a car. he stopped and offered me a lift as it was chucking it down with rain. I assumed he was a weirdo, so politely refused.

    About a week later he drove past me again. This time he stoped and said "I'm sorry, I didnt mean to freak you out, I wasnt being weird or anything. I live in one of the houses opposite you..." I asked him his name, and told him mine... and didnt think anything more of it.

    About 6 months later, I was getting on the bus (I didnt drive at the time) and as i was sitting down i saw someone hobbling to catch the bus, so I told the driver to stop... he did and this guy got on. "He looks familiar"... I thought...

    He sat in front of me and we started talking... he said he was the guy that had stopped and offered me a lift several months previous. It turns out that he had been previously married (But VERY unhappy) and he had lived opposite me with his wife and son. By this point. however, he had left his wife and was living in a different part of the town... but it was Easter, so he had been round to see his son and give him his easter eggs etc.

    He said he would find me on Myspace (it was all the rage then... before Facebook!)

    Later that night, I got home... checked my Myspace... NOTHING! Annoyed, I went a bit stalker-esque and searched for him...All I knew was his first name, and that it was his birthday on the weekend and he would be 30. I searched and finally found his profile.

    The next day I messaged him and we got talking. I asked him out for a drink...

    And the rest... they say... is history Smiley smile

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  • G
    Beginner April 2014
    Gumibear85 ·
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    Have a couple more...

    And from when my hair was red...

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    Here's me and my H. We met online in Nov 2009, met in person Feb 2010. Was pg by Sept 2010, had our son June 2011, and married Halloween 2011.

    Here's us on our wedding day

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  • MrsA2B2014
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsA2B2014 ·
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    This is me and OH the day after our engagement. Talking online December 2010, met up on January 2nd 2011. I'd moved in to his parents by February 2011! Got our place together in October 2011, engaged June 2012 and marrying on 6th September 2014. (excuse the mess, our flat is tiny and we have to hang clothes everywhere to get them to dry!) This was on our way to a wedding, had mega heels on and had to take them off for the photo for obvious photographic reasons!

    And this is from our engagement shoot a few weeks ago (thanks DW mwah!!)

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  • Childhood-Sweet<3
    Beginner July 2014
    Childhood-Sweet<3 ·
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    This is me and my boy a when we first met in 2006 through a friend. We moved in together in 2009 and he proposed 1st Decemeber 2012! Can't wait to marry him on July 5th 2014. This is a more recent photo of us!

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    I like looking at these threads, so it's only right I join in I suppose! Please don't quote, I'll remove!

    Here we are at my 30th Birthday:

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  • rachd03
    Beginner May 2014
    rachd03 ·
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    This is me and my gorgeous man on the day we got engaged and on holiday in NYC.

    We knew each other from our local pub (I thought he was a bit odd haha).

    We got together in November 2009 after taking me to the football for our first date - one of the first conversations we had was about how he couldnt believe I had never been to a match.

    We moved in together in July 2011 and he proposed December last year. He took me for a surprise trip to London and proposed in front of the Peter Pan statue. He told me he did it there as the first time he went to my house he saw a picture of the statue in my room and remembered how Id told him it was my favourite place. he is a softy at heart ?

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  • trikys_jenny
    Beginner September 2013
    trikys_jenny ·
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    Ok, here's my Jeremy Kyle moment. Me and OH have known each other for over 30 years as he was/is my ex husband's cousin. My ex ran off with his wife, we were left devastated, but got closer and closer until one day I realised I had fallen for him. Best thing to happen to me.

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
    LoveSka ·
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    A crowd of us from all over the country use to chat every night on Myspace. Some of us used to meet up at scooter rallies and music events. I said that me and a friend were going to a rally that his scooter club were running and he sent me a guest pass. The next weekend he invited me to be his plus one (no-strings). The rest is history as they say.

    One of our 1st weekends together 2008 (it was long distance for a few years)

    Our wedding day 2011

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
    kharv ·
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    We met in first year uni, aged 19 in 2001 and got together a few months later.

    We have a mental dog (as OTers will be all too aware of). This is from our pre-wedding shoot in January 2012.

    And, because we have been together 11 years this week - this is us 10 years ago when we'd been together just over a year.

    20 and fresh faced. ?

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  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
    Hoddy ·
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    I had just turned 16 when I saw OH playing a gig in his band at a small festival. I was a bit obsessed with him from day one and told him that night that I loved him, and I meant it. He was nearly 19. We met on the 31st August 2009 and by the 30th September 2009 we were together and have been ever since. We are now 19 and 22, he proposed to me on 25th December 2012 and we are getting married 31st July 2014 and I can't wait. Smiley smile Of course I get a lot of rubbish from people about my age but I couldn't care less, he literally is my other half and my best friend and I even asked his opinion on wedding dresses when I tried them on because I needed his reassurance I looked good. I'm just so grateful I met him that young and I am marrying him this young because it means I get to spend even more of my life with him. Smiley smile


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  • BlossomJ
    Beginner July 2014
    BlossomJ ·
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    I know the feeling ? I'm 21 and OH is 20, and get the usual "you've got your whole life to live", I'm looking forward to doing that with my husband ? - lovely pics and we're getting hitched 5 days before you ?

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  • mandspice
    Beginner September 2013
    mandspice ·
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  • Childhood-Sweet<3
    Beginner July 2014
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    I know what you mean too. I am 22! A friend of mine got married recently, they were both 22. She said in her speech that they have the rest of their lives to travel, live and experience everything, but now they are tied, which is exactly what they wanted. I think that was such a lovely way of putting it. I also am a July 2014 bride!

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