I'm furious with my future SIL, but I can't confront her for reasons I'll say in a minute so I thought I would vent on here before I explode and make the situation worse.
Some people may remember that my future sister in law is an alcoholic and has depression. However, PIL2B hinder her as they reinforce her behaviour by buying her all the alcohol she wants and in other ways, they don't encourage her to take her medication or to go to her appointments etc.
They organise their family around her every whim, they need to move house but won't because SIL doesn't want people viewing the house etc, she wanted 3 kittens, they couldn't afford them but got them as she kicked up a fuss
She has been pestering FIL2B to build her a granny flat on the side of the house so she can have her own space. My OH and FIL2B were building this between them but then FIL2B got cancer and is going through Chemo so now OH is doing it by himself all weekend and Tuesday nights. FIL2B's work only do the statutory sick pay which has run out, so they can't afford to pay for people to come in and do it for them. Also because of lack of money they told us they couldn't contribute to our wedding (which of course we totally understand) and they could no longer buy SIL2B her alcohol...except they've gone back on that and are now spending their spare cash on alcohol for her.
H2B gets a phonecall from SIL2B last night with her screaming abuse down the phone last night - She screamed that he's selfish for not working on the extension on the weekend because he went to his stag do, he's selfish for not doing it on Tuesday because he had a migrane. She can't attend our wedding in 3 weeks time (her own decision) because it's too "big", too many people there. We shouldn#t have invited our friends and my family so it could me smaller and she could come .... this is a blatent lie anyway because she said she couldn't cope with eight people on my hen do this weekend. She demanded that H2B finish the extension by the wedding so when we're getting married she can sit in her new area...and this is the bit that really gets me, she said "and if you don't finish it by the wedding I am going to hurt myself"
I am furious...H2b is a total dogsbody for his family, all his life they've neglected him for this sister but he's supposed to come running everytime. Obviously he was really angry but really upset too last night. He is exhausted from working too hard and we have all this stuff in our house that is piling up to be done before the wedding but it's always her that comes first. Even our wedding day isn't about us; it's about her and whether or not she comes to the ceremony. I have to say she also hasn't lifted a finger to help in the extention, and she delays it by refusing to choose tiles etc.
PIL2B didn't even apologise for the abuse we got, and they refuse to even let us speak to her most of the time so there is no way I can speak to the sister myself and tell her what's what.
I feel like I am stuck in an impossible situation....I can't help with the extension either because she won't let me in there, and anyway despite strong antihistimines I am always ill when I go round their house because they keep all these pets and never clean so the hair is everywhere.
I really do feel like I need to explain to them the effect it is having on OH but then I also feel they'll never change. WWYD?