I'm currently sitting here, watching 'My Fair Wedding' on wedding TV, and my eyes are swelling up ? This isn't the first time, watching episodes of Don't Tell the Bride, and evening Bella and Edward's wedding in Breaking Dawn (Twilight) I start getting all teary eyed and emotional! It's getting rediculous now!
Before we got engaged and started planning for a wedding, I don't think I quite 'understood' it, if thats the right word, and I was fairly happy just as we were and felt content (obviously, we'd still discussed getting married - but it wasn't something we 'needed'). But since starting, the whole wedding and getting married thing has become so special. Like reading through the ceremony details and picking the lines we want to say means so much, and the whole being 'Mrs B....' is really exciting too! I absolutely adore looking at wedding dresses, when firstly when peoples first question was 'what sort of dress are you going to get', I'd be like 'I haven't even thought about it' as I just wasnt excited about dresses, flowers, accessories, hair styles etc. I just wasn't a girly girl into all of these - but now it's all so exciting!
Now, whenever I see people getting married I just feel lilke bursting into tears! But they're happy tears! And I can't help it!
Please tell me I'm not the only one! ?