I am wondering if anyone has any ideas regarding tasteful skull themed wedding items for as little cost as possible
I don't want to go down the Halloween or day of the dead route but more of the til death us do part theme with skulls and possibly a slight gothic edge but not morbid or scary as there will be children attending and it's supposed to be a happy day not depressing
I will be having a bespoke dress made which is quite traditional but with skulls incorporated somehow as well
We have not set a date as yet but we are hoping we can get our savings up to be married next year or maybe even the end of this year - we are looking at trying to do a lot of it ourselves e.g the favours invitations seating olans etc but we need some I sip ration and places to look as we have researched and a lot of the things we have found on the web are too much Halloween based or are very morbid and we are looking at more upbeat an dolce themed
If anyone has any ideas or websites we could browse I would really appreciate it
Heyy - come over to www.offbeatbride.com there's a load of us all having alternative weddings - also use Pinterest to search images for inspiration and also collect your own!
Oh I just remembered too, Iron fist do some amazing shoes that could tie in nicely?
Mine are "Man eater" in nude. They are beautiful and sooo much nicer than they look in photos. Pictures just don't do them justice. They are velvetty and have skulls embossed all over them.
Sounds awesome! We are having a gothic wedding with a black and red theme. We have mostly been trawling Ebay and Etsy, there's some great bespoke stuff. Also planning a shopping trip to Camden soon there are some good gothic shops there.
Have you tried looking at Pinterest for inspiration? There are pages like this http://www.pinterest.com/zazzleproducts1/skull-halloween-wedding-theme/ (I know you said not a Halloween theme)
EBay may also be useful:
Skull sweets for favours/kids http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2053587.m570.l1313.TR1.TRC0.A0.XSkull+sweets&_nkw=Skull+sweets&_sacat=0&_from=R40
Skull candles (with different colours) http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=Skull+sweets&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1311.R1.TR1.TRC0.A0.XSkull+candles&_nkw=skull+candles&_sacat=0
Skull windmills (while looking for vases) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/dotcomgiftshop-SMALL-SKULL-WINDMILL-/181159750891?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_GardenOrnaments_JN&hash=item2a2df66ceb
The cake is a good place to add different themes - a good cake maker can make a not scary skull cake, or you could have skull theme toppers.
Don't be scared to ask in places you would necessarily expect to have what you want - our cake toppers (are the still called toppers if they are going in front of the cake?) have been hand made for us by someone who usually makes figures for dolls houses - and we love them.
Ack no, that's a shame, I'm super flattered! Maybe I should post here instead - in fact, I will! I'd use my personal blog but that's boring, my friends would see, and full of me complaining, nobody needs to get bogged down in that!
*edit* damn I thought you could create them here!!!
go to Silhouette Invites for your skull invites etc. That's who i'm having for our wedding, Cindy will create the invites to what you'd like. The skull invites on her page are ours, she's just also made me some wedding tags and candy bags all in the same design.
Check out the blogs rock n roll bride and off beat bride. Also if you google skull wedding you'll see lots of images come up from a variety of real weddings featured on blogs
I personally don't think that's okay. Dia de los muertos is a celebration that honours lost family, friends and ancestors and the skulls (calaveras) are given as gifts to the dead. I don't think we should appropriate them for decorative purposes. But that's just a personal opinion!
I think they're a bit dodgy when not on people of Mexican heritage (or any culture that celebrates dia de los muertos). But then when I was 21 and stupid I got a Chinese character tattoo, so I clearly have no room to criticise.
When my daughter got married last year I made wedding dress and brides maid dress. They were 1950's tea length, youngest daughter was her brides maid and she likes skulls so I sewed a skull into the 3 tiered petticoat and eldest daughter (bride) had skull necklace and earrings made for her by a company called Eclectic Eccentricity (they have a website and are based in Norwich)
You can get some nice fabric with skulls on too which isn't Halloween themed, google skull fabric. Good Luck I love it when people want a different wedding