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Beginner September 2009

Slight problem, not loving the dress! warn you now its a bit of a rant!

Little.Miss-Scatterbrain, 12 August, 2009 at 21:56 Posted on Planning 0 21

I dont hate it or anything but i had my fitting yesterday and i just dont feel that special in it, its ludicrous how can you not feel special in a £900 dress but think the pressure is starting to get to me. everyone at work keeps saying how they have this image of me looking like cinderella on my wedding day and im soooooo not! its doing my head in and with only 3 weeks to go theres not much i can do!

no replies required just needed to let off a bit of steam!


21 replies

Latest activity by Little.Miss-Scatterbrain, 13 August, 2009 at 20:25
  • Lynseys Designs
    Lynseys Designs ·
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    I actually felt the same so I totally understand. I have seen some dresses on here and thought I would have felt more princessy in them but that isn't me, wasn't the feel for the day I wanted and just wouldn't have suited my personality.

    So lets hear what you do love about the dress and then what you don't? Seriously make a list. I bet there are more things about the dress you love.

    Any pics although I know I've seen it and liked it and you in it.


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  • emmyroo22
    Beginner October 2009
    emmyroo22 ·
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    Dont really know what to say, didnt wanna R&R. Im sure its just the stress of everything, im sure it'll look great on the day. has anyone else seen it and if so what did they say?

    If your still not happy with it you could always try to get it altered slightly- more layers added, or more sparkle etc?

    but as i said before im sure its just the stress, we all have the wobbles at some point!!

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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    Thanks pg. i was looking forward to going to get it all fitted but then i just felt like crying when i came out the shop. (sounds rather dramatic for me but true)

    heres a pic

    there are more things i like than dislike think i just feel more disappointed than anything! i dont want a big princess dress but feel mine doesnt really have much of a wow factor, maybe looking and buying in the space of two days wasnt such a bright idea after all!!


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  • Beccy Sprout
    Beccy Sprout ·
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    But that is wow! I think it's lovely and really suits your figure.

    I do know exactly what you mean. I was in a mood yesterday anyway when I went to have my first fitting. I really wanted to have that "oh my god" moment when she'd finished doing the corset but I was just "oh, that's Ok" instead - I also didn't have anyone with me. I've never had the teary moment either, nor when I first tried it on, did my friend or sis who came with me.

    My dress fits the bill in terms of what I wanted - I'm going to be 36 when we marry so didn't want to look like mutton dressed as it's a bit understated, and as my friend said, she expected me to go for something a bit more wowee, but I don't want to look back in years to come and wonder what on earth was I thinking! With all my accessories and my hair and make up done I know I'll feel a whole lot better and I bet you will too.

    B x

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  • Lynseys Designs
    Lynseys Designs ·
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    I knew I knew the dress...I remember you as the dress which suited the backdrop necklace!

    I love it and once you have your hair done, make up on, jewellery etc etc it will look really differently honestly.


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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    Thanks beccy , i didnt have anyone with me either so dont think thats helped. i know your right and will feel good on the day but just needed a bit of a rant.

    going to go and treat myself to some nice expensive makeup. my mum and dad are getting some lovely jewellery made for me so itll be lovely when it all comes together, just not the way i was expecting i guess.


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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    Yeah thats right you guys had suggested a back drop necklace, do you have any examples?


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  • boogiebelle
    Beginner August 2009
    boogiebelle ·
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    I think what you are feeling is completely normal - or so I told myself! I felt exactly the same as you. I could have cried after my first dress fitting as I put the dress on and thought that it wasn't anything special. Just a dress. I just got fed up with looking at it.

    After the dress fittings, I didn't try the dress on again until the wedding and I felt fantastic on the day. With hair, make up, jewellery on, you'll feel totally different.

    Sorry for the rambling, but just wanted you to know, that you will feel differently on the day.

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  • Sandysounds
    Sandysounds ·
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    I understand what you're saying about feeling special in your dress....but could this be pre wedding wobbles? I personally think you look gorgeous.

    Here's some inside info.....both me and my wonderful OH are wedding DJs and many a night we are out in opposite directions. We rendezvous back at the house at between 3 and 4 in the morning and the first thing we do is put the kettle on (or have a wee tot if we're not working the following day) and talk about our weddings. We'll often comment that we had the most beautiful bride. We're not referring to a size 10 supermodel in a designer gown costing a couple of thousand pounds....... the judgement is made on how the couple exube happiness and friendliness. Quite frankly its the personality that is beautiful....not the dress. Hope that doesn't come over as really fluffy and pink....but its actually true. Put a big smile on your face, remember why you're there and think of your OH and you'll knock em dead!

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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    Thanks boogie, seen your report and piccies, you looked fab and like you had a great day! cant wait to be an om!


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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    Good advice sandysounds, thank you!


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  • Lynseys Designs
    Lynseys Designs ·
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    Hi sorry no not on my website. It's been one of those things that I've got heaps of ideas for but no time to make examples up. However if you do want to chat about the possibility of having one you know where I am and timescales would be ok.

    The person that is making your jewellery would maybe be able to incorporate it into the design they are doing so worth asking them if you do want it.

    I still do think it would be a stunning addition to the completed look.


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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    You can get back jewels which clip onto your necklace at reletively cheaply. Around the £15 mark if I remember correctly...

    But your dress is lovely!

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  • L
    Beginner April 2010
    loxtonm ·
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    I think the dress is lovely. I agree with what everyone is saying.

    I kept having dreams that I should of gone for the other dress I like instead of the one I got. I think most brides go through so many different feelings with all the on goings we have to arrange and sort out. You will have the best day of your life and everyone will think you look lovely. Keep positive thoughts.


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  • Weather Girl
    Beginner October 2009
    Weather Girl ·
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    You look lovely in your dress! But I do completely know what you mean. When I first picked my dress I was on top of the world but then after my first fitting when we had a few problems it kind of took the shine off it a little. I then dreaded each fitting after that. Although my dress now fits a treat and I love it more than ever, there's still part of me worrying like crazy that I'm going to feel so uncomfortable in it on the day because of the style and the fact that it is quite restrictive. I look at photos of other brides and just think they look so relaxed but I'm going to look all "stiff" in my dress. I think these feelings are only natural though.

    Must say, loving the back jewels!

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  • Gillsy
    Beginner April 2010
    Gillsy ·
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    Aw don't worry - it will just be the stress of it all. Your dress is gorgeous and I think, as others have said, it will be normal to have second thoughts about things.

    Think back to when you tried the dress on at first cos there was a reason why you chose that one over all the rest in the shop.

    I think its perfect and you'll be stunning!!!!

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  • cotteesgirl
    Beginner September 2009
    cotteesgirl ·
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    Thank god its not just me!! i picked mine up on Sat, and it just hasnt given me the wow factor, ive felt really really low about it since then. yours is lovely and im sure your family/friends or whoever have seen it have all gasped at how gorgeous you look xxx

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  • diamondsragirlsbestfriend!
    Beginner May 2008
    diamondsragirlsbestfriend! ·
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    Firstly I honestly do thing your dress is lovely however how you feel about it is more important. As others have said it could just be the build up to the wedding that is having that effect on you and on the day when you are all done up and everything comes together you will probably feel very different. I can see what Sandysounds is saying, it is the person that makes the dress!

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    Beginner August 2009
    FIONATS73 ·
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    You and your dress is georgeous, remember there was a reason why you fell in love with it. I am 36 now and a larger lady, with my 1st dress fitting tomorrow. My weight has not changed much recently, but some days I have felt my stomach is even bigger in it than normal when it is actually no different. I think it does depend on how you are feeling on the day as well to how you react. Also when everything is seperate iyswim, at the moment all your accessories etc are on order etc. But once it is all put together and complete on the day. You will as I said look georgeous!

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  • Snow Patroller
    Snow Patroller ·
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    Dunno bout you but I think you trounce all over these princesses!!

    I agree with what Sandysounds says ... Its a big part of the day for the bride for sure, but its not all folk remember! I couldn't go for a 'traditional' dress because of the type of wedding we chose but we had another ceremony back in the uk after our beach wedding which was essentially a normal wedding set up, and it did leave me briefly thinking 'this dress isn't right' but when it came to it, with everything else in place and me all done up and pampered and having those around me that I love and care for and being in the 'zone' of the day made it seem just perfect all over again.

    I think you're taking photos thru' a doorway so it doesn't give you a full view of the dress, your seeing yourself in the shop being fussed about with by assistants, its a whole different feeling when you put it on on the day of you wedding. I really hope you fall in love with it again in 3 weeks time. Its a beautiful dress and when you're swishing up the aisle with that fabby train you'll feel and look like a radiant bride! Its not about thinking you have to feel like a princess or having people putting pressure on you to feel a certain way. Its about you and your groom becoming hubby and wife.

    Anyhow, one persons princess is another persons ogre!!

    ETA - every bride is beautiful. It doesn't matter how they look, what size they are, tall, short, curvy, slim, no bust, big bust, 'traditionally' pretty, average looking, yadda yadda yadda. What makes 'em beautiful is that they've found someone who they want to spend the rest of their life with, and that person feels the same way. THATS what makes a bride beautiful. I go back to Princess Fiona .... I rest my case.

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  • B
    Beginner January 2010
    bridetobehaha ·
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    Hi, you look lovely, you will feel a million dollors when you have jewellery and shoes, lucky you to have such a great figure!!

    bridetobehaha ?

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  • Little.Miss-Scatterbrain
    Beginner September 2009
    Little.Miss-Scatterbrain ·
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    Thankyou ladies you are all very kind


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