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***So, I'm Married! Wedding Report...***

WhiteSparkles, 22 April, 2011 at 20:32 Posted on Planning 0 57

So the sun wasn't shining but it didn't rain! We had an absolutely amazing day, I couldn't have enjoyed it anymore. However, I won't say it went without a hitch as I had a number of disappointing issues thanks to our venue, but fortunately they were dealt with swiftly behind the scenes so that none of our guests were aware! Anyway, here goes...

Friday 15th April

I woke up Friday morning at 5am at my parents house with my baby girl sleeping peacefully next to me and saw that, oh dear, she had conjuntivitis! Not a great start to the day but after my lovely dad made a quick trip to the pharmacy for her, it was time to get on with the day. It wasn't the perfect sunny day, it was overcast, grey and a little on the cool side, but there was no forecast of rain, so I was happy! My Bridesmaid picked me up at 8:15am and we headed off to the hairdressers, both feeling very tired after a late night out before and an early start! I sat down to let the stylist start working her magic and that's when the 'feeling' hit me. I was overwhelmed, felt sick (could have been the wine from the night before mind) and felt dizzy thinking about having to walk down the aisle in just a few hours.

Back at my parents house, my dad opened the bubbly for us, and we started getting into our dressing gowns ready for the photographer and beautician. My baby girl's eyes were looking so bad, I felt awful for her, but the little angel was just so fantastic all day long. She didn't let it bother her one bit and the photographer has done a fantastic job of taking shots that don't show how bad it actually was! Getting ready is actually a bit of a blur. I remember my BM handing over a Links of London bag from my OH which had a charm bracelet and a just married charm in it. Although it didn't really go with the outfit, I wore it all day as it was my something special. I remember the TOG arriving ahead of schedule and taking some beautiful snaps of my daughter, and I remember having my make up done and being so overwhelmed that I didn't look at my face until 5 minutes before we left for church!

My mother arrived home from her hair appointment just after I started having my makeup done and managed to get dressed in time to help me into my dress. I was worried she wasn't going to be ready in time and refused to put it on until she came up to my room! It was the only time that day, I knew I would have time with her on my own. Getting into my dress, made those nerves kick in again but my BM just kept talking to me and helped me stay calm. When the dress was finally on, I looked in the mirror and was shocked at the glittering person staring back at me. My dress was even more lovely than I remembered, my hair was how I had pictured it and my make up was fantastic.

At 11:45am the cars arrived and I was ahead of schedule so decided to go on to the church where we could take a few more photos.

57 replies

Latest activity by WhiteSparkles, 26 April, 2011 at 17:30
  • Sherrie H
    Sherrie H ·
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    You look absolutely beautiful & what a cutie you daughter is!


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  • jojo2
    Beginner June 2012
    jojo2 ·
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    You look look beautiful, great pictures especially the picture of your 2 pairs of shoes together ❤️

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  • leni-lw!
    Beginner November 2011
    leni-lw! ·
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    Lovey pics- i love the one of you and ur daughter, hope her eye is better by now - do we get to see any more flashes?

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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    We arrived at the church and had the usual dad and daughter photos in the car as well as a few more outside the church doors. By 11:55am we were ready to go in and the Priest had to ask the congregation whether they were happy for us to start early- I must be the only bride in history that has arrived early for her big day, but I just couldn't wait to see my H2B!

    I stood behind the doors with my dad, my 2 gorgeous nephews as page boys behind me holding on to me dress (in case they stood on it and tripped me!), my stunning bridesmaid behind them and another close friend of mine who had flown all the way from Brisbane stood at the back holding my baby girl. You'll notice from the photos that I have one very excited pageboy and another who clearly wasn't enjoying the role! He wasn't being naughty, he's just shy, and when he is shy, he doesn't smile!

    I heard music and stood there for a short while thinking 'what's that?!' Apparently it was our organists' attempt at Pachelbel Canon, but it really didn't sound too good! Rather than get upset about it, my dad made a joke and I had a good giggle. We started our walk arm in arm down the aisle where I could see all of our friends and family looking back at me. I started to shake, really shake. I could feel myself smiling but I remember feeling like I just wanted to run down the aisle and hide behind my H2B! I'm not sure what came over me. I thought I would be absolutely fine considering I'm quite happy to be centre of attention so I was shocked my my reaction. I was so relieved to make it all the way to the end of the aisle and just gripped hold of my OHs hand. He looked at me with real concern and checked that I was ok, which I absolutely was. I guess nerves just make us react in strange ways! I could still feel a big smile plastered across my face anyway, and none of our guests noticed my uncontrollable shaking!

    So the preist started the service!

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  • N
    Beginner August 2011
    Noodle2Be ·
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    Congratulations! Amazing photos!!

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  • LoveSka
    Beginner October 2011
    LoveSka ·
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    A big congratulations, , ,

    Your pics are amazing and you looked stunning


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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    Our service was wonderful and has to be my favourite part of the day- despite the crazy shaking! My H2B and I sat at the front facing our guests and i could see them all looking so happy for us that I felt really teary. I kept looking at Matthew and knew he was definitely the right person for me. We have had a really tough time with him being away from my daughter and I for just over 2 months and this felt like a big relief to know that it was all behind us and in just a few weeks we would be starting married life together in Dubai. His face wasn't what I expected. He didn't look nervous, he looked calm and collected and very much like he wanted to be in that church saying his vows.

    I almost fluffed up our vows, which our guests did notice, but we got through the main part of the service, Matthew was asked to kiss his wife (aaarrrggghhhhhh still cannot believe I'm his wife!!!) and we went on to sign the register at the front of the church whilst everyone sang and took photos of us. It was at this point that I finally stopped shaking and started to relax and enjoy the day a bit more.

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  • excitedbee
    Beginner February 2011
    excitedbee ·
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    Congratulations, great photos, you look beautiful and your little girl is so cute!

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  • D
    Beginner February 2012
    Dani1984 ·
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    Wow everything looks perfect, you look a very happy bride xxx

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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    After the service, we spent half an hour outside the church so that we could take even more photos and greet as many guests as possible. I felt guilty that I didn't get round to speak to everyone at this point, but I guess that's the difficulty of weddings! My daughter had slept through the entire service so I was glad that she was awake at this point to be included in the pictures. We wanted so much for her to be a big part of our day. I loved the first photos that we had taken as husband and wife, it was the first time I got to speak to my husband that day and tell him how much I loved him and was glad he had turned up ?

    My friends baby presented me with a little heart cushion gift which was captured by our photographer and I love it so had to flash it! The cushion was a little on the soggy side where she had been having a good old suck on it bless her, but I kept it with me all day!

    After numerous photos, general chit chat with guests and of course the chance to show off my ring to the girls, the cars arrived to take us on to the reception venue. Getting into a car with a big dress on is anything but lady like! My husband and the driver did a fantastic job of hiding my modesty whilst I tried though!!

    So a few car shots taken and we were off for our 20 minute drive to the venue!

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  • Gurzle
    Beginner April 2013
    Gurzle ·
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    Aw big congratulations to you - anyone ever told you that you look a bit like Helen Baxendale (from Cold Feet and Emily in Friends)?? xx

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    Gorgeous photos and I'm loving your report. MORE PLEASE!

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  • leni-lw!
    Beginner November 2011
    leni-lw! ·
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    Loving the report- ?

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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    The car journey to the venue was a great time for us to have a quick catch up on how we were feeling and to thank each other for the gifts we had opened that morning. My husband told me that the journal I had made of our life together so far had made him cry- he never cries- so I guess it was a good gift! We enjoyed a glass of bubbly in the car and before we knew it we were at the venue and being taken off for even more photos!

    It was at this point that I later discovered issue number one came about! I had booked all of the rooms at the hotel for my family and had gone in just a few weeks before the wedding with my mum to double check they were correct, which at the time they were. My brother in law went to check in on arrival and was very rudely told he didn't have any reservation. My mother went to speak to them about it as she had been with me when we checked previously and was also rudely spoken to my the receptionist (my mother is a fiery red head and not the type to upset) so whilst I was off having photos taken, problems were erupting inside! Matthew and I were taken off to have photos taken around the hotel grounds, which I think look pretty good...

    By the end of the photo session, my dress was looking pretty dirty! It was only a couple of hours into the day as well! We went into the drinks reception where I was pleased to be able to have another glass of bubbly and a few canapes before learning that issue number 2 had already occurred! My mother had sorted issue number 1 out and my sister and brother in law now had a room (phew). When our guests had started to go into the bar of the hotel for the drinks reception, they were greeted by a bottle of champagne and a jug of OJ (there were 60 people there). Baring in mind that we were expecting 15 bottles and enough juice for the children and non drinkers, and we were on schedule for arrival at the venue, I was shocked at the poor organisational skills. Once again, fiery MOB to the rescue- I really don't think the venue staff liked her too much at this point, but she did a good job of clearing up the mess before too many people saw! I decided it was best to let my parents deal with the issues as they arose so that hubby and I could selfishly enjoy our day, and they did me proud. It would have been a disaster without them there!!

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
    *Nursey* ·
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    What a beautiful bride and a lovely start to the report... More please!

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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    Thanks! And yes, many many times lol! She actually grew up in the town next to me as well!

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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    Trying to mingle with everyone on your wedding day is near impossible! We tried so hard but were pulled back and forth between guests who wanted to congratulate us, take photos, etc. I did keep catching everyones eyes though and smiling/waving to make sure I had at least acknowledged everyone there. After a few glasses more of bubbly (I should have been drunk but really wasn't) We were taken outside for our group shots- enjoy!

    i absolutely adore the picture of us with my husbands Grandad. He was the only grandparent able to make the day as our others are no longer with us and he lasted right through until 10:30pm! I also wore my grandmother's engagent ring on my right hand all day as my something old and to make sure she played a part in our special day as she was so very special to me.

    After the group photos, the hotel manager took us into the marquee to check everything was as expected. This is where issue number 3 came into play! I was informed that one of the icing butterflies on our cake topper had been broken. I was really upset when he tried to blame it on the person that had delivered the cake (it was me and I had checked it before I left the venue) and once he realised he couldn't blame me, he tried to blame my cake lady for her 'poor packaging'. At this point I was seriously fed up, but luckily my husband stepped in before I burst and told him, it didn't matter, it was not going to ruin our day. After taking a look at the damage done to the cake, all I could do was laugh at the attempt they had made to blue tac it back together!!! I also decided, not to let it bother me, the photographer could hide it easily enough.


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  • SoontobeMrsB
    Beginner October 2011
    SoontobeMrsB ·
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    Aw Rachel, what beautiful pictures and a fantastic report so far. I actually felt nervous for you whilst reading it. I can't wait for the next instalment x

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  • charlottelucy
    Beginner August 2012
    charlottelucy ·
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    Photos are stunning, your little girl is so cute. cant wait for the next part.....x

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    WhiteSparkles ·
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    So we walked into the marquee and it was perfect (minus the cake lol). It was pink, pink and even more pink (slightly verging towards gypsy wedding but I loved it!!) My husband told me how much he loved it and how proud he was of what I had achieved as he literally had no input in the wedding due to his work commitments.

    (Slightly damaged butterfly)

    Once we were happy with everything, we started to greet the guests as they came into the marquee. We decided to have an informal line up with just the 2 of us, and it meant we were able to speak with everyone finally! Once everyone was seated, we started the speeches so that the Best Man could enjoy his dinner. My dad's speech was lovely, touching and comical as I would only expect from him. I was so proud. My husbands speech was amazing, he had the women in tears as he spoke so highly of me and our baby girl. I loved that he recognised how much my parents have looked after his little family whilst he has been away and he thanked them for doing it, saying he would never be able to repay them. He thanked both sets of parents for their contribution to the day and then moved on to me. It was the most moving speech I've ever heard, and it was wonderful to hear him telling everyone that he loved me for so many reasons and that he thought I was an amazing mummy to Ella. Our Best Man was fantastic. He had the guests laughing throughout and he spoke so highly of us both, it was really touching. It was a great start to the wedding breakfast.

    The food was lovely and the kitchen added a nice touch for the top table with our names and titles for the day written on our plates in chocolate sauce during the pudding course! Everyone seemed to enjoy the dinner and the atmosphere was so relaxed, which is just what we wanted from the day.


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    After the dance, we both really relaxed and let our hair down. I spent most of the night on the dance floor with friends and family whilst my husband chatted with our guests and propped up the bar! Although it really was the happiest day of my life, it was also one of the saddest. On Thursday my daughter and I fly out to Dubai to live with my husband for at least the next 2 years. Our wedding was the last time that we will see most of our family and friends which is such a hard part of moving away. There were tears of joy and sadness at our wedding. I can't begin to imagine not seeing them all for such a long time so I am glad that they all had such a lovely time celebrating with us.

    To all you brides and grooms to be, enjoy every second of it. I couldn't believe how quickly it was over! Our mini-moon in Rome was incredible but this morning I took my husband to the airport as he has to go back to work on Sunday and that's when it hit us that it really is all over. But, we wouldn't change a thing, not even with the few hiccups that occurred. To us it was perfect. I'll end my report with our favourite photo of the wedding- My Beautiful Family xxxxxx

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  • L
    Beginner September 2012
    Little Rhi ·
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    That was a wonderful report, it really brought tears to my eyes its so touching. You looked amazing and your baby girl is beautiful, you all look so happy.?

    Congratulations and good luck in Dubai.

    All the best


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  • L
    Beginner April 2011
    loopyjennie ·
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    Glad you had a fab day and its brought tears to my eyes reading it..

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  • Snuggle-bum
    Beginner July 2011
    Snuggle-bum ·
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    Wow what a beautiful report, your day sounds like it was amazing, you look beautiful. Congratulations x ?

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  • Doris 5/10
    Beginner May 2013
    Doris 5/10 ·
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    Congratulations on a beautiful day. You all look so happy.?

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  • Tracey86
    Beginner October 2012
    Tracey86 ·
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    Thank you so much for sharing your report- I'm blubbing like a baby and I don't even know you!

    Congratulations, everything looks amazing and you look so happy!

    Good Luck with the move and with your new life in Dubai.


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  • F
    Beginner October 2011
    fatbride ·
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    Congratulations, what a wonderfull report! and good luck on the move.

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  • spikeygoodness
    spikeygoodness ·
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    Aw, that was a lovely report, thank you for sharing. Really gorgeous photos too, you looked beautiful, and it looks like you had an amazing day. Best of luck in Dubai.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    Yeha, you made me cry too. What a lovely report, gorgeous pictures and amazing day! Really hope you, your husband and your daughter have THE happiest life in Dubai xxx

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  • Random Name
    Random Name ·
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    Congratulations!! What a beautiful report and beautiful pictures

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  • looneysh
    Beginner May 2012
    looneysh ·
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    Your report is great! And the photos fab! Your daughter is gorgeous!

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  • Bittersweet
    Beginner June 2012
    Bittersweet ·
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    Congratulations! A beautiful report and lovely photos, you looked stunning!!

    I too was very teary whilst reading it!

    All the best in Dubai.


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