So the sun wasn't shining but it didn't rain! We had an absolutely amazing day, I couldn't have enjoyed it anymore. However, I won't say it went without a hitch as I had a number of disappointing issues thanks to our venue, but fortunately they were dealt with swiftly behind the scenes so that none of our guests were aware! Anyway, here goes...
Friday 15th April
I woke up Friday morning at 5am at my parents house with my baby girl sleeping peacefully next to me and saw that, oh dear, she had conjuntivitis! Not a great start to the day but after my lovely dad made a quick trip to the pharmacy for her, it was time to get on with the day. It wasn't the perfect sunny day, it was overcast, grey and a little on the cool side, but there was no forecast of rain, so I was happy! My Bridesmaid picked me up at 8:15am and we headed off to the hairdressers, both feeling very tired after a late night out before and an early start! I sat down to let the stylist start working her magic and that's when the 'feeling' hit me. I was overwhelmed, felt sick (could have been the wine from the night before mind) and felt dizzy thinking about having to walk down the aisle in just a few hours.
Back at my parents house, my dad opened the bubbly for us, and we started getting into our dressing gowns ready for the photographer and beautician. My baby girl's eyes were looking so bad, I felt awful for her, but the little angel was just so fantastic all day long. She didn't let it bother her one bit and the photographer has done a fantastic job of taking shots that don't show how bad it actually was! Getting ready is actually a bit of a blur. I remember my BM handing over a Links of London bag from my OH which had a charm bracelet and a just married charm in it. Although it didn't really go with the outfit, I wore it all day as it was my something special. I remember the TOG arriving ahead of schedule and taking some beautiful snaps of my daughter, and I remember having my make up done and being so overwhelmed that I didn't look at my face until 5 minutes before we left for church!
My mother arrived home from her hair appointment just after I started having my makeup done and managed to get dressed in time to help me into my dress. I was worried she wasn't going to be ready in time and refused to put it on until she came up to my room! It was the only time that day, I knew I would have time with her on my own. Getting into my dress, made those nerves kick in again but my BM just kept talking to me and helped me stay calm. When the dress was finally on, I looked in the mirror and was shocked at the glittering person staring back at me. My dress was even more lovely than I remembered, my hair was how I had pictured it and my make up was fantastic.
At 11:45am the cars arrived and I was ahead of schedule so decided to go on to the church where we could take a few more photos.