I have had many issues with one of my bridesmaids, which in the end I came to the difficult decision I should give her the option to no longer be my maid and she accepted. There wasn’t an argument or anything, and I was so fed up I didn’t drag everything up, but we haven’t spoken since, accept to text happy birthday to my fiancé and her (Feb birthdays).
I called 2 weeks ago to speak to her mum (my auntie) and my cousin wasn’t there to talk to, but my auntie said she would ask her to call me. I am not sure if the message got passed on so do not want to assume that either one is at fault there. Also if ever I wanted to talk to or see my cousin it was always me that set up the meetings/phone calls so this isn’t unusual but I may be overthinking things. I understand that some people aren’t good at contact but I am a little miffed that she hasn’t tried, but then again that was one of the many reasons that withdrew the BM position – lack of communication and help.
My question is this, do I still ask her to do some bits with me? She hasn’t got a job so I don’t think time is an issue. She did promise to help me with OH’s wedding present many months ago so I am hoping that is still on the cards. I was wondering that she might want to do a reading in the church, or maybe help set up some decoration bits or with some ideas so that she is still involved??
I don’t know how to approach things anymore. I have paid for her bridesmaid dress which I’m still trying to sell (long story) but don’t feel right having her as my maid anymore, and I think my fiancé might pull out of the wedding after the stress she caused us if I did re-ask her lol. That decision still feels right.
Has anyone had a similar issue and what do you think I can/should still ask her to do bits?
Is there a fine line between being a helper and a bridesmaid?