Sorry just need a bit of a rant! My OH has been married before and when we started planning the wedding he asked if he could be involved as last time his ex took over and he had no say. So since planning we have done it all together which has been really nice..... Until we talked about suits!! I always had a dream of the traditional morning suit with tails, cravat etc but as soon as I mentioned it he said no! He wants a nice black suit with a plain red tie. Now he wears a suit to work so to me he won't look any different. So I pushed a bit more on the morning suit and in the end he snapped that he wore one last time that she pushed him into and he had no say on the matter.
Now I don't want to sound selfish but when I look at pictures I go all gooey over the morning suits. Obviously I love him to bits and to me he will look gorgeous no matter what he wears but am I being punished for what she made him wear. Do I just go along with the suit he wants. As I'm typing this I can't believe how upset I actually got about a suit as in the grand scheme it means nothing but as most people do on their wedding then have a little picture in their head of how it looks!
Not really much point to this just wanted to rant sorry!!