Ok Ladies if its ok with you guys i would love some encouraging advice! Im getting married the 12th June 2010 and just read a post further down that you lovely brides already have started shopping! Im dreading it.
I have an appointment with a dress maker on tuesday but thinking of canceling and rearranging as i have no clue as to what i want - i also have a restricted budget and think they may be too dear. I have not tried on one dress yet and am totally dreading it! I had twins 19 months ago and although i am possibly smaller than before and dont have a bad figure i hate looking at it as i feel stretched and out of proportion (im 5ft 7.5 and a small 8 on top and an 8 on the bottom) my hips are doing all-sorts at the mo and my figure is changing all the time. I think im just going to end up depressed and in tears and i will feel nothing will look right and i haven't even tried any on!
Then comes the shops dilema - where do i go?? Do i go into shops knowing i cant afford the dresses just to see what looks right. Im thinking about ordering from light in the box but all the dresses that i am liking are completly not what i had pictured my self liking which just equals me a confused stressed mess.
Do i need to start dress shopping now or do i wait a few month to see if my figure changes again? Im also preempting that i too will order this dress and then end up thinking a look like a frump!
And to add another point if you haven't given up on this post just yet - im getting married in a registry office and have the reception in a lovely country pub so a small affiar will i look a complete plonker in a big (not puffy!) dress or do i go for a bridesmaid style one??
Sighhhhhh - sorry but i think im going mad, and needed to get this off my chest before my boys wake up so im refreshed before the mayhem recommences!
Michelle x