I tried on a dress in Coast in Meadowhall a couple of weeks back, I wasn't even going to go in, we were looking for bridesmaid dresses ideas and it didn't look like they'd got much. We had a quick look and I spotted a rail with wedding dresses on. I spotted one I looked straight away with little flowers on it - I'm a sixties child at heart and want something a little different (even though I was born 26 years too late lol). They only had one of it out but they had more in the stockroom, imagine my excitement when they returned and said they had a 16 which is my size!!
Sadly, it didn't fit! (
But! They tried to request an 18 (largest size it comes in) but they weren't able to get hold of one. They told me what stores had them in stock, and that if I rang them and asked nicely, they'd transfer it to Meadowhall for me to try on before having to pay for it (which would have happened if I ordered online). Sooooo cut a long story short, I'm know waiting for one to arrive at Meadowhall from Leeds. They said it could take a week or so - 1 week being about now - and I'm so excited!! I was a little worried it was a little short, as I'm 6ft tall! My best friend who went with me loves it, and so have my other friends. My Mum however, said it made me look big busted - I'm not small in that department anyway! The one I showed her off me in it was the 16, so I couldn't zip it all the way up, so that could be the issue.
I did want a princess style one with a puffy skirt but no train, but my Mum hates strapless and big and puffy. My wedding, I know, but did anyone else's Mum be a bit 'I don't like that'? If I find one I like and my Mum doesn't, she won't stop me getting it, but simply wants to stop me getting completely the wrong dress for me. X
Here are the pics from the website:
And me with it on, ignore the face, I was self conscious about half my back being on show to the assistant lol.
Please give your honest opinion. This is only the 6th dress I've tried on in 5 years of being engaged and only the 2nd one I've liked (other was too expensive). This is £295.
Charlotte x