Some of you might remember that I recently posted about my mum having told some of our guests that we were having chicken for the wedding breakfast because 'that's what she thought' we were having. Despite me never having told her this. Despite me never having discussed the menu with her at all, in fact.
Well if that weren't enough, when we were talking about arrangements for the day on the telephone tonight, she told me how one of her friends had said she was getting her hair done on the Thursday before the wedding but that she would have 'slept on it' a couple of nights and was wondering what to do to ensure it was tidy on the day.
Mum has told her that 'Viki has a hair and makeup artist who will be on hand in the morning to help everyone with last minute touches' ?
WTvF? Since when do I have to provide hair and makeup services for my mum's friends?? I pointed out that this wouldn't be possible as I am deliberately staying at a hotel where other guests are not staying so no one will see me on the day before I walk down the aisle. Mum said she thought it would be ok if her friend just 'popped in'. Then got annoyed at me when I said no.
I mean, it's already going to be hard on me as the hair trial i had didn't go well so we're doing it from scratch on the morning. I don't need the added stress of worrying about guests turning up for a 'go' with my hair lady!! I want her attention on me (then the BMs).
To be honest, I don't think mum's friend asked for this but that just annoys me even more that mum would offer. Hopefully, though mum wouldn't back down during the conversation, I made her realise that she hadn't thought about the logistics and won't actually pursue it.
But really! Can I have some lovely Hitched vibes aimed at focussing the Mothership's energies in the right direction?